1.5 months in and still no crack. The scene is fucking dead. No way I'm giving Epic my money

1.5 months in and still no crack. The scene is fucking dead. No way I'm giving Epic my money.

Attached: kekloli.jpg (1920x1080, 169.01K)

Why does she look so hot in this game?

Also, no cracks because the game isn't worth the time or effort. They're saving you the time you'd waste playing it.

Are saves still offline?

are we looking at the same image. she's got the body of a 10 year old and the face of a 40 year old

Based EPIC keeping poorfags out of our game

Have any borderlands been cloud saves?

What if you have both a milf and loli fetish?

Imagine being such a faggot you want to play Borderlands

>Imagine playing video games

then you picked the absolute worst combination of it

Is it that the game is bad no one bothers to crack it? or is it that the DRM is that strong?

Look, I don't get to pick and choose what my dick likes ok.

I would guess the former since it's just Borderlands with Bows and arrows and magic instead of guns and high tech

a bunch of people in the scene retired, so the scene is honestly dying. there's only one person that can crack modern denuvo (which im guessing this game uses?) and someone would have to send her (empress) a good amount of money to get a crack for it

Shit like Watchdogs 2 got cracked so yeah, it's most likely because the DRM is strong

If you find that attractive you should be ashamed of your tastes and quite possibly kill yourself.

It's denuvo, so fuckin nobody can crack it like always

Post your random, unconventional attractions then homo.

God I hate that fucking tranny like you would believe

someone explain to me and actually do it this time
why the fuck are her eyes normal now

yup, he asks 500 dollars per crack and people are fucking giving it lmao, its pathetic

Skidrow is out here cracking every fucking game that nobody will play though

is empress a person or a group?

Almost every non script kiddie has always been a group. I think fitgirl is just 1 guy though, although I wouldn't consider him in the scene

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5 weeks and it already has a 20$ discount at gamestop(canada)....

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>eb games is just gamestop now

the scene has been dead. the only person even trying to crack denuvo is some stuck up retard who wants to get paid for it which defeats the entire purpose.

>scene is fucking dead
what scene? the scene of playing trash fucking games?
good riddance

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changed months ago

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its not worth it, you're better off replaying borderlands 2, the endgame is fucking horrible

>people should work for free
Zoomer, that's not how life works. Get a job.

The BL1 remaster has steam cloud saves

I’m playing it with a pal now.
Its ok. Its borderlands.
Its got woke shit that I have to pretend to ignore to keep my normie-cy. Pronoun selector (to which I think has zero effect? I never saw my character referred to as anything other than hero or fate-maker) several gay couples, and some sjw-reeking quests (commie revolution, dont judge people based on superficial traits (they go with ‘voicist’ because the guy sounds evil), etc.)
Gameplay is fine, if a bit repetitive.
I wouldn’t play it alone.


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Borderlands 2 endgame is absolute garbage though. How is having to stack dots and slag fun? Say what you will about the story, but BL3 endgame has much more diversity.

I really don't care about the stories in these games, I just want to kill shit and get loot like in diablo.

>video games should be free
if i wont pay the people who actually worked on the game why would i pay some random faggot? your logic is stupid as fuck

if a game's not cracked it's usually cuz its shit and no-one even wants to pirate it

>Calls anything trash
>With a VTuber image attached
Are you being hypocritical on purpose?

rent free

I'd rather pay nothing than being a gross simp for a 3D model like you, paypiggy.

ZANZIB- oh... wait, fuck...

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Do you think that Bassmaster Fishing 2022 - Lake Seminole is popular? Because it was cracked.

Claims to be a single person and has such a weird personality that I honestly believe it

ESL detected.

>slab of metal blade on a hinge connected by strips of metal
>square metal handle with sharp edges
What a shitty ass axe design.


>Grammatically correct sentence.
Nice try, retard.

tranny don't be mad, ywnbaw tho

Fuck is a esl, bruh.

English second language. Which is ironically what a non-native speaker would say.

Steam release, when?

Attached: annoyed 2.jpg (249x250, 7.42K)

>releases a head hunter disguised as a full priced DLC
>that also has content artificially trickled out over the course of a month (it's just a new upgraded version of the boss each week)

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I dont understand.

What does cracked mean?

It means the person was born in a country that doesn't speak English primarily and so they aren't taught the intricacies or dumb rules associated with this abomination of a langauge.

>buying/pirating a borderlands game before the one million dlcs edition

Is this game fun? I've never played a Borderlands game because I really don't like the whole ''dirty'' post-apo aesthetic these games seem to have. This one looks fantasy and I enjoy it.

do you like seeing number go up?

It means the person was born in a country that doesn't speak English primarily and so they aren't taught the intricacies or dumb rules associated with this abomination of a langauge.

september, assuming it has the same 6 month bribe window as bl3 did.

Yeah. I play mmo games mostly. I just love fantasy and absolutely hate post-apo/dirtpunk shit.

it's when your armor gets broken in cod warzone

The other games are more post apocalyptic, this game is more fantasy, but still holds some of that aesthetic. It's fun if you like to cast spells, kill shit, and get loot though

yeah you'll probably like it

Fucking hell, why couldn't they be more open about it, and simply put a date on their page.

The only thing that's different from bl3 is that the steam page for wonderlands is already up, when bl3's steam page was made a month before it released. I thought the rule was you couldn't have a steam page up for longer than a month or something without releasing it if you're already selling the game on other platforms, but who knows at this point.

>why couldn't they be more open about it
to create doubt and make you panic buy it on timmy's store

it's like keyed

I'm panicking now, think I'm gonna buy it on timmy's store..
Well done, should've kept your mouth shut about steam release date