The Witcher 1

What am I in for?

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Shit gameplay, Play Cold steel instead.

the first hour is boring, keep this in mind when playing, that 90% of people quit during the first hour, once you leave the beginning castle the game really opens up and becomes fun once you get into the side quests.

You'll get overwhelmed by quests once you reach the city and never launch the game again

The best Witcher game.

Also, potions and oils are not optional like they would be in a game like skyrim.
Witchers rely on preparation before they go into battle, so you should be applying buffs to yourself and enhancing your weapons before battles, it makes a massive difference in your damage output and ability to survive

gameplay sucks ass but the world and story kept me playing the whole way through. The later games couldn't hold my attention the same way

it's one of those games that objectively has a lot of faults but the cumulative experience is so good that many of the faults can come off as endearing. Fantastic atmosphere and eurojank vibes right up there with Gothic, Stalker, and Pathologic.

My personal favorite in the series by a wide margin, like said the beginning section is a bit of a filter though

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Boredom like the whole series.

Bad combat but a really fun world, good quest design, and cool characters.

I loved Witcher 1 but couldn't stomach more than a few hours of Witcher 2 personally.

>potions and oils are not optional like they would be in a game like skyrim.
You mean a game like the Witcher 2 and 3

I would play Witcher 1 for story (because its more or less more close to actual novel than the rest of the trilogy) and Witcher 3 for gameplay and graphics.

Meanwhile Witcher 2 is one of those games "i need to complete it to just know what happened in between", and so you force yourself to play it.

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jank but pure soul

Casting igni a lot, it's pretty busted in W1

I wouldn't know, I haven't played those yet.
I own them but the backlog just too damn big.

none of the witcher games are good, why bother?


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A reminder that you will never be a woman.

>can't steal
>can't sneak
>no party members
shit game

A trash rythm game with great story. I liked the second one a lot more anyways from all three.

One of the best western RPGs made in recent times.

I liked it a lot

A pretty good looking game, good story with a somewhat boring combat.
if you have a bit of patience you may like it
The prologue its a "road block" for many if you pass it, it gets much better if not i can't blame you if you drop it.

>can't steal
Why do you lie?

kek wtf

third person "action" rpg on nwn engine. it's great

really good in chapter 4
I mean chapter 4 is SERIOUSLY good and worth the slogs the game can throw at you

Game with amazing atmosphere and kinda weird rhythm combat. Like the other user said, preptime is important. Your choices will have some consequences, some minor, some major. Also you will absolutely get bullied by an old granny when chasing best girl.

if you thought the combat in the witcher 3 was bad, wait until you play it as a 2 button rhythm game

Haven't played 3 yet. Just getting into the series and thought I would start with the first game.

Its pretty fun collecting the sex cards. Also siding with the humans against the elfs lol.

peak eurojank

Shadow of Morder and Shadow of War is better

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Yaevinn is a cunt. Siegfried is a total bro

An alright rhythm game.

Good game but chapter 2 can get really tedious with all the backtracking between swamp and the city. Everything past that is golden. Also I recommend playing on hard because you hardly need any alchemy on normal

To slay thousands of orcs or to slay thousands of drowners, what's the difference?

>no party members
Not exactly a minus for an RPG. Especially action rpg which Witcher 1 was designed as. Even has top down camera.

Give it a few sessions of a couple hours.
It will either sink its hooks into you and you'll play it to the end and love it, or you won't.
You will know when you know.

Eurojank. Oh and got most things right but many more people quit during the swamp level

Actually feeling like a witcher.
Having to prep with pots for specific shit is satisfying as fuck. The skill tree allows for some fun customization. The atmosphere of the game is done very well. The main story is interesting and your choices generally matter.

The combat itself takes some time getting used to. I never hated it but a lot of people dislike it. It's a flawed game but it's the incarnation of soul.

Best atmosphere and combat in the series. Act 4 is the series' peak

>Absolutely atrocious intro and bad first act, only getting actually good in late second act to early third act.
>Good alchemy system
>actual requirement to prepare ahead of time (if you play on hard)
>combat system that starts to simple it shouldn't even exist but slowly evolves to be alright once you have options and combos start killing people

>Shit gameplay, Play Cold steel instead.


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I really liked Witcher 2 and 3 but if you must fuck around with oils and potions in Witcher 1 then fuck that shit

An extremely shitty retelling of the books
I played the games directly after reading the series, and the first game is literally just a really bad version of the books, the witcher 2 is when it starts getting good

awful combat, great atmosphere

combat is how witcher combat should be, doing sequences of combos to overhelm monsters, instead of trying to be slow dark souls ripoff they went after 1

This is one of those games whose age can definitely be felt, especially in the combat. Fighting multiple enemies is a complete slog because of targeting and dodging. The atmosphere is nice but the story is stupid. You basically get beat up by a bad guy and instead of finish you off they just teleport away for no reason, leaving you alive. Lost all interest after that.

the best one

I hope you like swamp levels

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good shit once you are past the swamp. really, just run through that shit and dont try to fight everything.

I never made it past the first hour the UI is shit. FFXI has a better UI

card collection

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cool story, cool environments, cool music
the worst gameplay of any game ever made

terrible combat, one of the worst in video game history
very shallow rpg mechanics
every time you make a choice that changes some binary variable down the line you'll get a cutscene, like the game is patting itself on the back for doing something other games did much better
awful and repetitive swamp section
bad voice acting

a solid 5/10 game, and the best in the witcher series

Really fun game, lasts around 60 hours and believe it or not the combat is actually the most realistic if you take the books into account.

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Reminder that geralt is elric rip off

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yea it's not really a game for zoom zooms, I recommend you try out the new fortnite patch, they say that it's very fast paced and epic!

i don't care

It's good. I'm considering replaying it. Good story and choices, music and atmosphere. Rest is meh

>I stand my ground that W1 have a better story than W2 and W3 the only downside is that Yen is not there

The books are awful, at least the games have a nice atmosphere and presentation.

Expect design choices made with the intent of creating a more immersive experience but in practice backfire to the point of causing needless frustration.

let me guess, you mainly read manga


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My favorite fantasy series are Lyonesse, Hyperion and LotR.

Even stuff like Malazan and Wheel of Time are much better. Witcher books are awful, i don't read polish so i'm talking about the english translation.

He isn't
Arthas on the other hand...