Post your wishlist worlds for KH4

Post your wishlist worlds for KH4

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good morning sirs

Bring it back

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turning red

she doesn't look like that

>this gave me such much brown fever as a kid

who framed roger rabbit

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Fireball, Drossel and Sora fucking around would be hilarious

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she actually does

theres so fucking little on-model jasmine porn I HATE IT

just play literally any other JRPG ever

If only Jassy looked like that...

Jasmine and Pocahontas awakened my lust for brown girls.

Asians suck.

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1) it doesn't gay
2) no girls allowed
3) oppai loli

It's bad enough they barely put in FF characters in anymore.

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He-man. So I can here Donald duck yell I HAVE THE POWER

black cauldron

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Wall E
Star Wars for the lightsaber keyblade
Inside Out
Midgar and have a FF world finally
Some oddball thing like National Treasure or something

This was written by white male hands

full pic please

>brown skin
more like, big black cauldron.

no shit

Unironically Live Action or Disney old Saturday Morning Cartoons.
It does not have to be Air Bud, but it does not have not to be Air Bud, you get me right?

Attached: AirBud.jpg (310x445, 25.12K)

Air Bud should be a summon so he can fight sephiroth

Considering it's a Disney property.

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Big Hero 6 again
They've already violated its original canon by giving the team the original Baymax back

>have a FF world finally
Isn't Radiant Garden the school from FF8?

>Summon: DOG
>Ability: Chaos Dunk
I will now buy your game.

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There's no rule that says a dog can't be a summon.

>Star Wars for the lightsaber keyblade
Im going to never let you faggots live it down when Nomura is forced to listen to Kathleen Kennedy when making the level because that's Disney policy for KH worlds. Nomura has to listen to the current teams demands to use worlds. Eat a dick. Star Wars level is going to be the next Frozen world.

kairi sex scene

is this a real image from a real disney film?

And I bet he doesn't even get a Lightsaber Keyblade because they won't let him.

Kill yourself

Hello twitter


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challenger appears

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If we are doing that you may as well do Sky High...Fuck I actually want that. Better then Marvel shit. Or Phineas and Ferb.

a level that is the entirety of the phantom menace review by mr plinkett and you can't pause and it's required for 100%

James and the Giant Peach
Duck tales
Brave Little Toaster
Sword in the Stone


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That was just the 44% of your genes kicking in

Let's be honest we only want Dr. Doofenshmirtz, he could easily fit in the plot.

Enough knowledge to create whatever devices and gadgets Xehanort might need while being oblivious enough to work as a henchman for something as petty as ruling the Tri-State Area.

This just writes itself.

They should start using Mana characters instead, that'd be a lot more fun.

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treasure planet

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>"Sora, we were supposed to be liberators arf arf"

Jasmine fucks Rajah.

>Sword In The Stone
>The Rocketeer
>Robin Hood

Best captain.

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canonically a hermaphrodite

Finally a digital artist who knows that different brushes exist.

Fuck are you on about?

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uh... source?

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They cut a few lines from the movie that explained Amelia impregnated Dr Doppler


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>we were just following orders sora
>whats done is done

can't wait for the LOTR series to premier so he can make his third comeback this year

Forgive me merciiful Allah for I am about to commit a crime

Alright you faggots if you had to pick one series from Square Enix outside of Final Fantasy for a cameo in KH4 who or what would you choose?
For me it’s Dragon Quest

I will not buy it if it does not have Emperor's New Groove.

I thought it was alright

Unironically want this
Only if Mei spends the entire movie sperging out and fujoing over Sora

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Gex, no contest.

Life is Strange for the sheer amount of rage it would inspire.

Disney Afternoon with Goofy and Donald in their Gooftroop and Quackpack designs


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I know they already had BH6 but I want an Incredibles world. Something kinda tells me Wreck it Ralph will make it in since it was the only new world in Union Cross

>posting an image without sauce


Go on...

At least post the Horned King, now that's a cool villain design


Mana, definitely.

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I want a world that remakes KH3 to be good and not rush to tie up all the loose ends with a giant knot.

It's one of the sleeping worlds you can go to right now if you went to bed.

I will now buy your game

what the fuck do they even own now that they ditched most of their studios

>Summon: That Darn Cat

Don't they still hold the IPs?

Holy shit I forgot they added this little faggot to Smash in the absolute garbage second dlc.