Name a flaw

Name a flaw

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doesn't exist in real life, isn't my wife right now
that's two flaws

The stuff you have to do for perfect pokedex scores are sometimes too fucking tedious. Also this is personal to me but I just want a new regional variant of Sableye that's actually good.

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bad teeth

She's not even the best girl in her own game

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terrible game which gets defended by shit eating retards

she will eventually run out of eggs to birth my children with

It's just Dawn again.

Because it is dawn

Pretty much this.

not enough mochi

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And thats...bad?

Too old


Ugly AF clothes.

you've never played it faggot

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I keep getting distracted... not a flaw, just can't think of one right now.

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unlike you, i don't waste my time or money on shit games

why do women love that nigga so much?

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This is the only good main-line game.
Spin-off games are still better though.

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4 years away from being legal

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Fujos love twincest.

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she's wearing pants

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>graphics are pretty poor for 2020
>still, areas are only sparsely filled with anything
>poor item management system
>why get attached and train your pokemon when much higher level pokemon are so easy to catch around the corner?
>ridiculously easy until the very end, then just easy

if this game came out in early 2000s on Gamecube, it would've felt like a great step after Snap but it's way too late now

half into the game everything becomes boring

>everything after the Volo fight is mindless tedium without a purpose
>filling out the Pokedex entries is nothing but mindless tedium without a purpose
>only the Volo fight is hard
>all of the big bosses are pathetic and can be beaten/caught without even engaging in their own mechanics
>village is very badly laid out
>the story is mostly just backtracking for no reason
>can't hug my giant Frosslass
>speed and Power mechanics really make fights way too easy
>crafting at all existing
>not only crafting at all existing, but also you can just buy things to negate the need to craft and then you're just left with a tedious system for no reason
>those time bubbles that spawn rare Pokemon are clunky and inconsistent while never spawning anywhere you can even hide

Ah, but I liked it. Forgot to add that clothing is 99% reskins too.

Not a nudist

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>Volo fight is hard
How are people this bad at a kids game

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>not switching to red eyes

sniiiiiiiifffffffffff, her asshole smells delicious

good morning sir

Relatively hard. It's the only time you might have to think for a moment, and only because they just tacked on another fight directly after it. It's is also harder than most of the previous mainline game final bosses too, so I don't know why you're so antagonistic.
Stop trying to pick fights with people on the internet, man

being 100 years ago she probably doesnt shave

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No ending

You'd be better off doing it quickly so you can carry on with your day without getting distracted

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Fundoshi is so underrated

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>trainer battle
>ko pokemon
>it switches out, OHKOs you
you switch in, OHKO it
>repeat ad infinitum

Absolutely, good thing this game led to some great fundoshi art

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pubes peeking behind fudonshi

I haven't played a pokemon game since red/blue/yellow, but was thinking I'd like to try one of the new ones.

Should I get Arceus or Sword/shield?

Arceus, that's not even a question. SWSH is pretty disappointing.

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