Skyrim Isekai

You're hit by a car! You close your eyes in death... And open them in Whiterun!

What do you do?

>You are not the dragonborn
>You only have the clothes on your back
>You cannot use game mechanics, console commands, etc; you're -really- in Skyrim, not a video game, but as a real place
>You have all your knowledge of the game

Alduin attacks in two years

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Forage for food and maybe start selling enchanting supplies to get money?

Leave town and immediately get mauled by a pack of wolves

But I can use the console, because I am enlightened by CHIM.

You have to have a great mental fortitude as well as an understanding of the situation to CHIMp out, you're probably going to kill yourself if you try it

Kill Ulfberth in his sleep, rape Adrianne Avenicci, she marries me due to being pregnant and needing someone to take care of her and the store, take over Warmaiden while my strong fertile wife forges us weapons where I make a steady savings of gold before eventually the Dragonborn comes and never buys anything and makes me go broke everyday having to buy their junk

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Do I have mods installed?

worth a shot, skyrim is just another boring generic medieval fantasy without the ability to abuse game mechanics.

do i get to choose my race and gender?
also bumping for this question

Is it Skyrim from the game or Skyrim from the lore? If there's only like 30 people in each city then I work odd jobs until I can afford a ride out of the province.

become a healer so I can live in the temple and dabble in illusion magic. charm people into giving me a septim here and there. once I saved up enough, head to solstheim then acquire my husbando with the ultimate charm spell.

I hunt down aela the huntress, paralyze her with poison and rape her vicegrip-tight warrior pussy while she grits her teeth in pure humiliated rage, swearing to kill me all the while. Her tears finally fall when I'm close to orgasm, and it's her hysterical begging that I don't cum inside which sends me over the edge. I blow my load straight in her proud little wolf womb; She calls me a bastard under her breath as I pull out and smear my wet cock across her stupid face, adding her maiden blood and my cum to the streaks of face paint; now her makeup reflects her purpose. I leave the pathetic whore paralyzed in the woods as wolves howl in the distance; she'll be breeding stock or wolf shit come morning, both fitting ends for smug slits pretending to be warriors.

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No, this is a real world almost exactly like vanilla Skyrim

No, you are yourself

You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defense?

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All of us would die because it's a fantasy world full of horrible monsters , magic, and diseases but most of all because white run is in a tundra and we won't have cold resistance like nords do

Shit thread.

only you would die cause you suck at everything.

>we won't have cold resistance like nords do
Every race lives in Whiterun comfortably, and most citizens can't fight monsters either

Off topic, but has anyone replayed Vanilla skyrim recently. Holy shit is this game boring. I dont know what changed. I liked it when it came out. But I tried it recently and its shalow as fuck. Shalow combat, teash magic system, shallow quests, no role play in this "rpg". Was our tastebthat bad back in 2011?

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steal enough shit until I have sufficient money to execute the restoration glitch

Yes, it was always that bad, but the captivation of an open world and a decent aesthetic blinded normies from noticing

You live in Whiterun not out in the wild. The worst thing that can happen to you before the Dragonborn shows up is being kidnapped for one of those radient quests for the Companions

I chop wood until I scrounge together 50 septims and enough for food and lodgings, shouldn't take more than a day or so and Hulda will probably give me a room on the cheap for chopping wood.
I then proceed to Dawnstar, wait until the Khajiit show up, and pull their items from the chest in town. This was never patched, and the game is complete so we can assume it will be in this new reality. I repeat this until I can afford a home somewhere nice.

Just go loot the hidden stash in one of the cities I forgot the name of and live like a king

I always thought herbalism would be a neat hobby to pick up so I'd probably beg Arcadia to take me as an apprentice

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I've been playing on Switch since all I do on PC is porn mods and I'm having a blast. It really depends on your playstyle. Hitting dudes is boring but telling your kill random NPCs while you hide so you don't aggro everyone and then using necromancy skills/the ritual stone to have an army of undead soldiers to help you is pretty fun.

>Plead with the guards that I don't belong here
>They're not having it, want to group me with the rest of the prisoners
>Decide I'll try to make a run for it
It's a good plan, I think

>What do you do?
Kill myself. I'd rather be dead then have to experience fucking skyrim

>make my way to dragonsreach
>kill shit in the plains for money
>get good enough to kill the bandits in the nearby mine
>spend time learning how to turn iron into gold
>start my own mining company

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steal someone's sweet roll

Is Skyrim worth playing
T. Have not played any ES/FO game at all

You play Morrowind if you want an RPG and you play Oblivion if you want the best quests. Skyrim is the game where you just go around killing and looting shit being a master of everything because the game lets you.

>You have all your knowledge of the game
two years? in less than one year i'll be decked out in enchanted glass armor, know every spell, be a werewolf/vampire, have tons of the best consumables
i'd be stronger than endgame dragonborn by the time the main story starts, by then i'll have fucked off to morrowind to fuck dunmer sluts all day long

Depends, do you like fantasy RPGs for the combat and variation in weapons and magic? Then no. Do you like running off in a random direction and finding small details, or messing around with junk in a room and roleplaying? Yeah.

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If you go in with modern expectations you'll probably think it's a buggy mess with bad combat and robotic NPCs. But if you keep playing you'll eventually get immersed and hooked without even realizing it.

>Take a carriage to Whiterun
>Pick every flower, every sprig of lavender, and every tuft of tundra cotton in the city
>I now have enough gold from alchemy to hire Janessa in perpetuity for 100 gold
>Let Janessa clear out the bandit camp north of Whiterun
>Learn how to transmute iron to gold
>Retire to my estate to practice alchemy, enchanting, stealth archery, and fucking my khajiit harem for two years until I can one shot Alduin with my hunting bow of +255,000% damage
>Catch boneitis from a skeever bite and die

Bonus round, I'm going to make Serana's rape at the hands of Molag Bal feel like a happy memory. I'll bend her over and strap her down to a table under a window as the sun rises; she'll really push back on my cock when she's trying to save her precious burning flesh! Once her back is nice and charred I'll give her a taste of blood; her own virgin blood, fresh from my garlic-smeared cock. The agonizing pain of her brand new pure silver clit piercing is just the icing on the cake, and soon I'll get the nipple bars to match; don't women love jewelry?

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Fortify enchantment loop go brr

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Nah, play Morrowind and/or oblivion first

That's how I felt on release
And Skyrim is "modern" you zoomer twit

Get some prime Dunmer poontang in Windhelm.

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Skyrim is closer to Morrowinds release than it is to today

Skyrim is 11 years old and since then we've had open world games where NPCs don't act like robots that have to walk into position and repeat the same lines all day. It's why everyone called Fallout 4 dated when it came out, Bethesda has fallen behind at least in presentation even if their worlds are much more complicated than its competitors from how many systems are running

Try to join the Companions, and keep trying and improving myself if I fail.

Skyrim on switch made me appreciate the vanilla experience again too, played a necromancer archer khajiit vampire and sank in another 300+ hours

I lost Auriels bow though which reminded me why no console commands can be shitty, also my dog vanished from existence

Level scaled, I'm going to be level 1 and my wounds will heal anyway
same shit except I know all the OP shit
Why would you adventure without potions of cure disease?
If we're going by Skyrim logic you could be naked and be fine in a snowstorm. That said the area around Whiterun has nice weather so I can go do some small quests or kill some wolves and hunt to at least get money for fur armor

>learn alchemy and enchanting
>a couple days of work and you'll be running around at neckbreaking speeds oneshotting everything with your bare hands with the help of fire ice and whatnot all while regenerating your health mana and stamina tenfold every second
just because you are not the dragonborn doesn't mean you can't abuse the game's/world's crafting which still exists

>I would be myself
I would probably die stabbed by a bandit but I'd try to work as a an alchemist, I could start as an apprentice gathering ingredients in the wild while I study the local flora, then I would do everything I can to marry an argonian lady.

OP said no game mechanics, you’re just a normal human in the world of Skyrim. So I assume you can’t use magic, you won’t automatically heal from injuries, and the harsh weather could kill you.

Your best bet would be making money with your knowledge of where rare artifacts are, since it’s 2 years prior you could steal the eyes of falmer before mercer

Can I be any race and gender? I'll just be the lusty argonian maid and fuck rich guys until I can buy a house

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nah op said you're going as you are now, so no racial perks or game mechanics helping you out.

Ok well I'll just find some hot female Argonians and make a brothel out of them then

Idk probably talk to Hermaeus Mora about the future knowledge I got and barter for some Black Book powers

>Your best bet would be making money with your knowledge of where rare artifacts are, since it’s 2 years prior you could steal the eyes of falmer before mercer
My dumb unfit ass could not, but bet I could sell all the information to the thieves guild.
Without skill or ability, information is your best asset, so I say you head down to Riften and give Maven a ton of good blackmail information, and get yourself good and comfortable in the protection of the thieves guild.

I've already got the glitch where the dying tree in Whiterun stays while the new baby tree just grows inside of it along with finishing a side quest and the quest marker telling me to return back and talk to a guy I already killed. Honestly the glitches that aren't completely game breaking I don't mind, they just make each playthrough seem more unique to me

I want a Khajiit wife

Elder Scrolls games are the only series that can produce 12 hour autism like this

Start at your own risk

I’d probably try scrounge up the cash to hire some mercs who don’t know the value of the artifacts to help me obtain them, I wouldn’t trust maven or the guild

1. Go to Windhelm
2. Buy all the female argonian children
3. Train them to become healthy, muscular and sexy argonian women
4. Open a sexy argonian fight club where sexy argonians fight in leather bikinis until someone is knocked out, or dies. Entrance is 200 septims, 300 if you wish to fight an argonian lady in bikini, 600 if you wish her to fight completely naked.

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I want my wife Lydia to protect me

I haven't played Skyrim in 8 years. Surely it's good with mods now.

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