Elden Ring complaints

This thread is for people that actually played and liked the game so fuck off hate pajeets
what is something that dissapointed you from the game? being story bits, bosses, plot points or areas.
For me the whole snowy areas where a huge letdown. I have no idea why but after seeing the giant frozen chains and big ass rocky bridges I thought stormveil x10 times was awaiting me in the mountains, instead i got some uninspired empty fields with a couple "ruins" and lore dumping churches. absolutely disgusting.

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Never heard that one before!

npc quests could be a bit more intuitive desu
also melina was completely neutered and had nowhere near the impact she feasibly could have
also no other quest is even near as well-done and big as ranni's. i love ranni but goddamn the other quests could have been way better, and some of the cut content quests sounded really cool

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I have never seen a game get shilled so hard in Yea Forums ever, it is funny how every other game is called reddit trash but this actual game played by redditors, gamer girls, twitch streamers, youtubers, journalists, fucking twitter and casuals gets a pass.

Worst of all it is mostly recycled content we have seen before, even the annual AC has somewhat newer textures and models.

I didn't like how it doubled down on DS3's "Bloodborne enemies without Bloodborne player movement", It's not as bad as it was in 3 since 3 straight up used a lot of Bloodborne animation skeletons and movements, whereas most stuff in ER is new except for the Tree Asylum Demons. But I miss the "Heavier" combat of 1 and 2.

These have to be the most unfun miniboss type encounters there are. People complain about Deathbirds or Night Cavalry but these fuckers take the cake. Their standard attacks are fine. You can dodge them despite the delays or parry. When they start whirling their sword around is when things get more annoying not to mention their shield slam which can combo into an AOE or their regular attacks which can go on forever and combo back into another shield slam. Thats not getting into the tracking of their special attacks. The best part is the shit they drop isn't even that useful. You don't get the specific stone bells from these dudes which should've been the case instead of waiting until you get to Zamor Ruins/Farum Azula.

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"After Morgott" is the new DS1 second half. The sheer blandness and emptiness of Mountaintops combined with it being when they started giving up and resorting to making reused enemies bloated to hell really dragged down the game massively especially coming from Leyndell. I nearly stopped playing at Fire Giant.

I'm just popping in to say that this game never ends

I have 150 hours, which I understand in Dark Souls games are "a sample", but still

Where is this

Who is this. Where are these guys found

It reminds me of playing GTA V when it came out for the sheer reason that it is so big

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I think both areas with the Black Blade Kindred should have been devoid of enemies. Vulgar Militia works fine as little shits who set up traps along the road and hide in bushes to ambush you, but having them just patrolling around the Beast Sanctum and the Forbidden Lands just seemed like lazy enemy placement. Would have been much cooler approaching either area, having it be very eerie and quiet, with a single looming gargoyle standing watch to prevent entry. Seems like the designers had some notion that if every 50 feet there wasn't something to fight, they had failed at their job somehow.

fuck dragons I hate dragons fuck them

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>swings his lightsaber at you

it feels like the game throw 4-5 massive areas that feel endgame-ish and they turn out to just be another random new zone. sometimes empty as fuck and sometimes kind of interesting.

>I have 150 hours, which I understand in Dark Souls games are "a sample", but still
No really- 80 hours in DaS1 would be "beat the game, beat all the optional bosses, plus grinded for some weapon/armor drops".

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>Miyazaki san we dont have the manpower to program these kind of dragons pose breaking animation
>just make them imposible to stagger lmao.

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cute snek maidens

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lmao meleefags have it rough huh

yeah the game is usually rough when you are not cheating

Put 100 or so hours into it, doubt I'll ever replay it. Souls games are fun because you can boss rush and beat the game in a couple of hours if you're good. Elden Ring would be a complete slog to do so in. Progression is tied to exploration instead of knowledge / skill. Screenshot this and anons will be praising my comment in 2-3 years


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coping ez mode player

Maybe after everybody and their grandmother has played these games and knows them inside and out.

A guy I knew in highschool had "about 500 hours" by the time he made it to Anor Londo.

I've played 300 hours of Elden Ring and think it's the best open-world RPG since Skyrim, but here are things I didn't care for:

>The soundtrack is very meh, except for a few specific tracks (for example, Dragonlord Placidusax).

>Balancing is pretty terrible (at least on release), where many things are pure trash, while a few things are so game-brokenly overpowered that as soon as you find out about them, you feel pigeonholded into incorporating them

>Crafting is not fun, primarily because consumables are clunky as shit to use, and it would be more enjoyable if the crafting system worked differently (for example, find recipe A, collect materials E, F, and G, and craft one-time use X that permanently grants your character 10% physical damage resistance, etc)

>NPC staging quest system is not fun (although better after patch), with NPCs teleporting to fuck-knows-where after you progress their stage, and annoying shit like needing to reload a zone to talk to the same NPC in the same place to progress them

>Framerate drops when turning

>Later zones felt a bit rushed

>Targeting system is occasionally wonky, and some camera position/boss sizes are ridiculously clunky to deal with

>Jumping puzzles are fine, but precision jumping puzzles are not, because the game engine/controller system is pretty shit for dealing with precise movements - in general, I think environmental puzzles like lava, spikes, pitfalls, fire spitters, and the big rolling crusher things were much better

>Missable content - I hesitate to even list this one, but it's super fucking annoying when you magically lock yourself out of content with no warning (however, it's fine in situations where you kill an NPC and then can't do their stuff, because natural consequences like that are self-evident to most players)

>Buff durations are way too short, and animations (including Spirit Ashes) are way too long for boss design, and it's not fun to pre-buff or run a mile away mid-fight to use long animations

They removed random good things. The lightning bow and arrow incantation for one. Honestly I’m disappointed in the spells all around. The new ones are so lackluster and are mostly chip damage. I also wish the staffs were long like a staff should be. Also, why the fuck is casting speed still tied to dexterity?

I said 80 hours because that was roughly my playtime on my first time through, with exploring and grinding. I'm not sure if I've spent 500 hours total on DaS1, across a dozen or so characters. I don't know if you're just lying or if your friend is just insane, but 500 hours on any single soulsborne playthrough is ridiculous.

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>>Targeting system is occasionally wonky
this. it was aids during rennalas fight, but for some reason easy and cooperative on all my subsequent playthroughs.
t. casterfag

The enemy variety is fucking pathetic. I feel like there’s only 10 types of enemies in the game. Worse enemy variety than DaS3 and BB.

It's too much like a souls game and the open world is a bad addition.

Meme post.

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>Crafting is not fun
Fucking this. ive yet to find someone that uses livers, meat and other related buff items what the fuck is going on with those. seems devs got really autistic about BOTW

>counting npc invaders

Half of those are generic humanoids reskinned with the same sword swipe moveset.

Have fun fighting the same rats and dogs that have been reused since ds1.

i like when people complain about enemy variety despite ER having the largest list of enemies and bosses in any non-MMO open world game.

this is because you and everyone you meet is soulless

And dont forget about the ds3 crabs and slugs which are straight up ripped directly out of that game because the devs were too busy dilating to actually make any new enemies.

When did you play this game and how much did you know about it going into it?

I guess this warrants saying now that Dark Souls is roughly as popular as Call of Duty.

It is a giant open world game that is brutally difficult, explains nothing to you except for vague inclinations like "go up high and then go down low" and then kicks you off a cliff and makes you die a horrible death 100 times before you ever reach a checkpoint. With no fast travel until you're halfway through the game.
"About 500 hours" is entirely reasonable.

I played it again for the 3rd time a couple years ago "just because" and getting from start to finish with a bunch of sightseeing clocked me in at like 100.
But the key takeaway there is that I know what's out there and am not just running around trying to figure out what anything is in this strange confusing extremely difficult game that someone told me was cool.

Enemies having the same moveset doesn't count as variety.

it feels like pokemon with 300 creatures compared to botw.

BOTW has unique and distinct enemy types and more variety whereas in elden ring you’re just fighting zombies and knights for 90% of the game.

The Bell Bearing Hunter can fuck right off. High poise, and the red-glowing attacks can't be parried; Half of them roll catch, and the other half are guaranteed combo if they catch with the first hit.

And if you lose, boom it's morning. Now you have to
>Sit at grace
>Pass time: Night
>stand up
>Sit at grace
>stand up

>this is because you and everyone you meet is soulless

The crafting system is not good, it's not a "soul v soulless" thing.

- Most consumable items are laughably awful, or literally cannot be used by your build
- Common materials respawn in the gameworld (durr hurr, I'll pick up a flower, rest at a site of grace, and pick up the same flower again)
- Using consumables blows ass
- Most consumables aren't worth the time it takes to use them
- Consumables run out 10% of the way into a boss fight

Nobody wants to get rid of crafting, they want crafting to actually do something other than produce 100 consumables where 95 of them suck and the other 5 are so low-impact that nobody gives a fuck.

>start other playthrough
>0 desire to progress in any direction or do any of the caves unless i need a bell bearing

Also, one other major thing I forgot to mention, which I feel is warranted as it's own item:

>Everything about bows is terrible in ER, which is a tragedy, because bows are really need and should should be an alternative option to hybrids (melee + bow, instead of melee + caster)

BOTW had around 17 different enemy types IIRC. Elden Ring has well over 140.
Nah, I'd say they're different enough.
>Limgrave troops are normal, unimpressive jobbers
>Liurnia troops throw cuckoo glintstones and other magic spam
>Caelid troops use fire and offensive AOWs
>Leyndell troops use lightning and damage-boosting AOWs
>Haligtree troops use holy damage and incantations
>Mt. Gelmir troops use frenzied flame incantations

No dude. No. 500 hours is not "reasonable" it's madness unless you are leaving the game running and only actually playing a few hours a day. I'm not saying your playthrough didn't take that long, but we are all saying that is nowhere near "reasonable." It is so far of an outlier than it wouldn't even exist on a bellcurve.

The combat is fucking garbage and the snow areas are filler.

the amount of brainwashing required for a retarded thread like this where the first sentence is saying "fuck off hate pajeets" as if the game is so perfect that anyone who hates is merely pretending to do so, uninstalled the game half way through because it was the same shit as all the previous fromsoftware games not including sekiro, its boring, the cryptic dialogue is boring, the bosses are boring and forgettable, i bet this game only appeals to shitheads who also watch the 2h lore videos that don't mean shit, people who like elden ring 90% of the time talk about the 4 armed cunny and not gameplay, if you are having fun good for you.
-fuck you faggot die in a fire.

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I don't personally think the combat is garbage, but I do think it's very different depending on the type of build you play.

For a fast melee, with parry + dodge rolling, the combat actually isn't bad.

For a slow melee, with block + slow rolling, the combat is meh.

For a pure caster, the combat is awful and you basically instakill enemies or you run away forever.

Horse combat is fine for some areas, but is a bit overused and is generally not amazing.

Bow combat is unplayable and bows should be deleted from the game until they are given a fair representation to sorcery.

to be fair only one bow game in the history of humanity has been fun and full of soul

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I’ve seen games with better enemy variety than Elden Ring.

I agree with your opinion.

...Like? Not even gonna name one example?

The entire open world feels pointless. After early game when I first started I realized nothing in the world matters. It felt barren. It was pretty but there wasn't much of a point to most of the areas. It was nice the first go around to see the large world but the world didn't feel important at all.

Hey, is Elden Ring actually worth buying? Never played a souls game. Friends are having fun with it and want me to join them. Said I'm gonna buy it today but I'm not so sure if I want to.

so, to be clear:

- You buy a game
- You don't like it
- You deliberately buy the same game again
- You don't like it again
- You go online and find a thread of people who do like the game
- The thread opens with "fuck off pajeets", obviously meaning "fuck off tolls"
- You reply to the thread and troll them by calling them brainwashed, fulfilling the prophecy
- But you yourself are definitely not brainwashed, buying the same game you hate over and over

I had played Demon's Souls and watched some of the trailers. I mean, you just said it took you 100 hours- that's only 20 off from mine. Compare that to the idea that someone spent an additional 400 hours getting 50% of the way through the game, I really just can't imagine it- I think this guy probably just threw out an absurd exaggeration.

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I can't matty Sellen

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Yeah, its worth buying.
Source: Me

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not him but why do you ask that, don't you believe him?

Best game in the past few years, yes.

Deep rock galactic.

Salt and sanctuary.

Hollow knight.

Dead cells.


Fallout 4.

All games with better enemy variety.

Alright ty dudes

jesus christ you sound like such a crybaby nigger

i didn't buy the game shithead never do never will, so yourself how quickly you assumed i was trolling just because i don't like your shitgame, i also said if you are having fun good for you, this thread is about discussing the game is it not, i shared my opinion now go suck some cock fag

I still dont get the meme about bb player movement. Wasnt it exactly the fucking same? The difference in that game is you get hp back for mashing through shit but that isnt movement. Sekiro had new player movement

It's a challenging game but casualized due to spirit summons. Dying is part of experience too.


test my balls in your mouth

Ulcerated spirit
Lame npcs and broken
Tons of garbage sorcery again
Too many dragons, wyvern types especially annoying
Focus, robustness and vitality are kinda stupid
Crossbows and bows don't seem great

Meh, its a damn good game.

>"everything is garbage"
>Meh, its a damn good game.
why does every Elden Ring fan sound like they have stockholm syndrome?

The fact that this warrants explaining or pointing out is evidence that these games are as mainstream and well understood as Marvel films.

I don't know what else to say besides this.

>bro I can grind out all of Dark Souls in like 50 hours lol
Yes I believe you.

I believe you that if you start out as your favourite loadout and then run in a straight line doing the thing that has been tested and proven to make you die the least then you can run out of the asylum, go down to the depths of hell, fly up to a golden city and slap a bow on it by killing god in under 100 hours.

If you're a person that was there for something resembling "The Dark Souls experience" then you spent the first hour running around in the asylum.

This is what playing Dark Souls used to look like.
They weren't even known as "hard" so much as impossible to explain to someone that was knew to it because it was so big and so daunting.

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>run around on a horse throwing fireballs at them never getting touched

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Never played the others but
>Fallout 4
I've played both and I'm fairly certain you're wrong. Neither Fallout 4 nor Skyrim have 140 different enemy types.

They should've kept those items that would've buffed up Torrent in the game. Getting hit when you're riding Torrent feels fucking awful.

they were never in the game. some guy here made them up and spread them around

That was a list of some things from the game.

Wow, so Torrent was always meant to be shit? Gee, thanks.

>I’ve seen games
Not movies? What about books?