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What a kino game this was
>dragon attacks a village
>just sits on a roof doing nothing while we pelt it with arrows
Bravo Todd
Dragon. This is a dragon.
Unironically the dragon fights in Skyrim are somehow better than 99% of the ones in Elden Ring.
flying enemies are always a bad idea in a melee focused game
nice feet
>immensely powerful ruthless magical creature of legend
>6 town guard nobodies kill it with ease
Is that a joke?
you are unironically a shitter if you think that.
>wyvern attacks a village*
>wyvern fights*
And there it is! Here comes the autism.
skyrim dragons
>fly around spraying fire in random areas
>land and do generic super telegraphed attacks
>fly away
>every single one look the same
elden ring dragons
>fly around spraying fire in random areas
>get stuck on tree
>fall off cliff and die
>teleport back to spawn point
>land and do generic super telegraphed attacks
>fly away
>99% look the same
elden ring dragons would be better if they actually worked and weren't buggy as hell. not to mention their breath attacks tank fps
>inb4 shit pc
10700k and 2080 super, still dropped fps on medium-high settings
>oh no a dragon i guess ill have to shoot a hundred fucking arous at him while get behing a tree... wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>Dragon in Elden Cuck
generic Souls enemy but looks like a dragon, 90% of the battle is dodge rolls and 10% is hitting the dragon in the ass
>Dragon in Skyshit
*ignores player and flies 20km away to kill a random goat*
*if lucky you get a shitty and repetitive kill animation at the end*
I see you haven't played Elden Ring.
you forgot the part where the elden ring dragon lands on a tree branch and starst walking around as if hes on a flat surface, then teleports 100 miles away because he immediately flew out of bounds when aggro'ing.
Outside of the major ones, most of the dragons do play out the same. Placidyxsax and Agheel are probably the only real memorable ones. Placi because the fight plays out differently from the others and Agheel due to the bombastic entrance.
Honorable mention to the giant greydoll dragon that's just laying his ass/doesn't move and is basically free rune early game
i beat the game on two different characters, one with melee and magic, the other pure melee. no summons on either one. beat every single dragon in the game twice. the only dragons that don't suffer the same broken AI are placidusas, fortissax and lansseax, hence me saying 99% and not 100%. all the generic dragons in the game are broken, have the same movesets and are just boring to fight just like skryim's dragons except skryim's dragons are somehow less buggy. agheel was fun to fight once, the rest are boring trash because theyre all identical.
Agheel is only memorable because he is the very first one you fight usually. The first fight is entertaining. Fighting him a second time is the exact same process as fighting Adula and the all the others. The bigger dragons are far more interesting, but even they are carbon copies of one another. The only truly unique dragon in the game that you fight is Placidusax.
No, wailing away on Greyoll while he lies down and does nothing is not fighting him.
The first time I played Skyrim I didn't do the main quest for like 100 hours to the point that I kind of forgot the game was even supposed to have dragons in it. I ended up getting into a conversation about Skyrim with some normalfags and I got confused when they brought up Dragons like "wtf this game doesn't have dragons did you mod them in?"
I wanna disagree, but I've been buckbroken by Ezykies.
based open fantasy world enjoyer
Ah yes, the famous Chinese Salamander.
i don't even trigger dragons anymore, it ruins the comfy atmosphere
The generic dragon enemies are whack. The unique dragon boss fights are dope as fuck.
Did this with Oblivion and its gates. I also didn't touch the Thu'um shit and focused on being a wizzyman on my first playthrough.
Never said it was fighting or good. He's just somewhat memorable due to the sheer size of him.
whatever. they are all the same
Yeah same. The random dragon spawns in skyrim aren't that bad but oblivion gates are fucking annoying. I don't start the main quest in oblivion unless I'm planning to marathon it all in one go.
are there any chinese dragons in vidya?
Do Shenron and Porunga count?
Thu'um is pretty underwhelming beyond a few select shouts and even then if you don't autistically pinpoint things or proceed the main quest for Unrelenting Force, you get dozens of half-completed shouts.
What WAS nice about oblivion gates was them being few and far between so long as you didn't gun through the main quest. Gate spawns triggered based on how much you completed it so just clearing Kvatch meant there'd be a handful in the overworld..
Wyvern, not a dragon
Wyvern, not a dragon
Wyvern, not a dragon
Wyvern, not a dragon
Wyvern, not a dragon
Wyvern, not a dragon
Wyvern, not a dragon
Wyvern, not a dragon
Wyvern, not a dragon
based thank you for correcting the thread
and you're a dork
It's whatever I want it to be.
this chart makes zero sense
how is Glaurung, the father of dragons, who has no wings, a dragon then?
>game gives you a shout to force them to land
>they still only land when the AI feels like it
he called him a worm and a drake too
because he was retarded
I mean, that specific thing is completely understandable. The AI has to first locate a landing spot that's reachable by the player and not going to cause collision issues, then circle and play the "wounded and falling" animation, then crash down in the predetermined spot. It would definitely be cooler if it just paralyzed them into the dirt, but I'm guessing when they tried that in beta testing it kept barreling into unloaded cities or into geometry/structures it would get stuck in and start clipping through shit while spazzing out. Like imagine a dragon stuck in that sawmill structure, ragdolling around at the speed of sound.
>*Pees on the floor*
that dude looks so happy in there
I want to hug/pet him, but then I think I read somewhere that their bites can basically snap my arm in two, and that these guys will almost eat anything. And you know... the whole dangerous wildlife aspect. Plus he probably still smells.
Dragon is used in the same way as Dog to refer to the Family. Dragons is the family, then you have the Genus which would separate winged dragons from non-winged dragons and 4 legged dragons with 2 legged dragons, then you have the species of dragon which would be Wyvern or Drake.
The 4 legged 2 winged Dragon is actually called the "European Dragon" in the same way that the "African Bullfrog" gets it's name from the place where it lives.
so worm and drakes are therefore subcategories of dragons then
Yes. They are all part of the Dragon Family.
Why has no one edit out the dragon title and replace it with wyvern ?
Dragons are pathetically weak unless you are a big shard of Aka or you absorb other shards like the Dragonborn.
A fucking Redguard manage to 1vs1 Tiber Septim Dragon.
>Thu'um is pretty underwhelming beyond a few select shouts
and people unironically believe that thu'um is weak as hell because of that when Lore Thu'um is somewhat OP.
>Square, not a rectangle!
>Monkey, not a primate!
>SNES, not a gaming console!
It's a dragon.
>just gotta dominate them bro
I can't even get my yorkie to run over to me on command. I have no chance with a killing machine, no matter how affectionate it starts to act.
They were adventurers once, until they took an arrow to the knee.
>can't physically fly
>has to use magic
Why doesn't the dragonborn learn flight magic from the dragon?
buddy, I don't think you understand. it says DRAGON.
Here's your dragon
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