v/ frequently posts barely legal loli and nobody gives a fuck. Post Onirism, a nonsexual 3D platformer shooter. Everybody gets ass mad. I don't understand it. Please enlighten me.
V/ frequently posts barely legal loli and nobody gives a fuck. Post Onirism, a nonsexual 3D platformer shooter...
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Loli spam threads aren't desperately trying to sell you something
Seriously just look at this thread:
It's hilarious to me that the Onirism thread got nuked while the multiple loli threads are still up.
holy shit thanks nice, Im leaving your thread now
That's why you've chosen to bump instead of ignoring/hiding this thread.
Holy fucking newfag
So angry.
k y s op
I'm hoping the next update comes out before too long; I want to keep exploring the Canyon.
This game is legitimately the only time I've ever believe the paid shills meme.
None of the trailers even break 10k views.
is this game like ratchet and clank
it's got some quake mixed in as well
Yeah, it's like R&C with clear influence from old Playstation platformers and PC shooters. Shit's gonna have a Battlefront-esque multiplayer mode, but considering how long these large updates take I don't know when it's gonna happen.
Barely legal? You mean completely illegal.
Main girl is ugly outside fan art. Literally the main reason I won't even touch the game.
All it takes is one person who cares about a game to make a thread for it. Take your meds and realize there are better places to shill a game than Yea Forums.
>404'd just as demon pantsu was starting to get posted
on that note i'm surprised none of the modders just lolified the demons so we could play as one or gave carol one of their outfits
Nobody gets mad at Onirism except shitposters and jannies.
This past update and the mega update got held up because they only have one coder, and he only works on the game part time kek.
At this point I just hope we get UAB costume mods including a full Emily redesign.
I don't know what this game is but the name is similar to Onanism and the character models look weirdly ugly.
Lol, nice try, faggot
>game mostly appeals to pedo coomers
>there are better places to shill it than Yea Forums
Onanism isn't loli.
only acceptable if they work the faces to go with the costumes like lara and penny
BGM for the next area leaked
aren't they already playable through multiplayer mods?
aHiT is better in every way including the lewds
chose your fighter
Does it have demon pantsu? No? Then it's shit
yes, and any of those models can be used in the main game with the right tools
what I'm saying is that nobody has created a little demon version of carol considering the prevelance of these titty monsters
thanks for the bump
cope seethe dialate meds ynbaw ack troon
ahit and onirism can coexist while faggots like you who insist on flinging shit twist in the wind
Look at this fucking shit, it literally reads like those fake game conversations that they have when showcasing Ubisoft's online games at E3.
HiT is a different kind of game. I used to like HiT more due to the movement, but onirism is rising up to the same level. It's just a few tweaks and fixes away from matching HiT in that regard for me.
Heads up, fellow gamers, I'm moving the payload. Back me up.
I loved the snow battle but god that part sucked
you just don't have enough backup
meds now
more like bluebulgey
>not bulgeberry
apply yourself
I kneel
The thread earlier was actually really good. I was quite sad to see it killed.
>barely legal loli
how can a cartoon be "barely legal"
it either is or it isn't retard
At least one mod is really butthurt over goblinism for some reason
we have to make so many threads because tranny jannies keep deleting them for no reason
i wish steam let you block your friends from seeing certain games you play
>caring what your friends think
Doesn't setting yourself to offline do that?
Why each times i see this game, there's always new screenshots of new zones and costumes? Are they still working on it?
i love upskirts
Hope we get some good shots of the new giant demonesses. They're called "Matriachs", apparently.
>Are they still working on it?
It's all choco does.
they wear skirts? shit, i always thought it was shorts
they wear shorts
yeah i just want to see more of them in general, I think there's only two right now and god really want to see a modder add their outfit to the modpack
sixpack optional
i would be more upset if i didn't know someone will probably mod them to wear skirts in the future
>the florans from starbound finally made it into a game that's actually good
Maybe they wouldn't nuke your threads if you were less obviously shilling your own game. This thread has 23 unique IPs, which is more than the peak number of people who've played the game. Maybe use some of those pajeets and chinks to artificially inflate the player count before you start advertising your game.
Has it been deciphered yet?