Pope deems all video games sinful & against god after playing Undertale

>Pope deems all video games sinful & against god after playing Undertale

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I want to kill every e-celeb.

thats what they fucking get for playing the funny sans song at the church a few months ago

should have given him the talos principle

Not my Pope also fuck trannytale.

but then

the pope is a satanist

Literally pic related

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>Give the Catholic Pope a game where there is lesbian lizards
>He commands the faithful to stop playing vidya

He's not the Pope. That nobody has sent this blasphemer where he belongs is proof that Catholicism isn't a valid form of Christianity.

>worshipped idol says idols and idolator bad to his worshipers

>there is lesbian lizards
that bitch would fuck anything that show her affection.


Undertale is Literally a Tranny game
You cannot deny this

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whats stopping you?

The Pope is an e-celeb?

Popes are viewed as connected to demons for a very long time now


Funniest sh*t I've ever seen.

The last real Pope was the one who saved Rome from Atila the Hun

feel like pure shit just want him back

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Fuck off, you were annoying with the orthodox icons, now you have a problem with the head of a church?
Learn what's considered an idol before posting that shit.

found the issue

imagine being a fucking catholic and having to respect this faggot

>reject leisure, embrace labor, and do it for free!

eat shit, king of the paedophiles.

its worse, they worship a woman

You seem mad that your hypocrisy is being called out. Have you considered not being a hypocrite?

I mean, Undertale is literally (and intentionally) a Jewish chaos magick ritual in video game form so it would naturally repulse a man of Christ. But the Pope is also an anti-Christian demon anyway.

>ie: shilling for globohomo

quick rundown?

Am I the only one that thinks the Megalovania song isnt that good?

Yeah, [BIG SHOT] is far better.


It's tacky


i rather listen to megalomania.

Outside of the church there is no salvation. You WILL be tortured for all eternity if you continue to denigrate the one true, universal and holy catholic church.

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didn't ask

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probably money, cause trying to kill a bunch of notable people costs quite a bit of money.

Some random who musician group played Megalovania in front of the Pope during some papal conference
Also a link to just it:

Spider Dance was always better.

Papists aren't human and need to be exterminated

this, best pope ever. Palpatine was a mess and the high sparrow is even worse

I don't listen to catholics

Stop lying, your religion was invented by a drunk german 500 years ago.

Why is this fiend painted like Indian flag

"The Church" is not your demonic pagan kiddie raping temple of wealth and hedonism. Read your Bible you Godless, Muslim-foot-kissing, Hell-isn't-real-believing, pro-LGBT-antipope-worshiping, Jesuit whore.

Catholic cardinals wear the same exact colors the Whore of Babylon is prophesied to wear. Modern day Catholic Church is just as pozzed as the rest of this shithole world.

Criticizing the pope is fine though. The guy is an enormous faggot, and the Vatican very well may harbor pedophile priests. I thought those were classic jewish lies at first, but there definitely is something fishy about it. Avoid the mass and visit your local church when it's empty, then you can pray to your heart's content

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Who knew how Kiked the Papists were

Protestants and Catholics are both Satanists.

I'll pray for you

Orthocucks are still Satanists, as are Papists. Still worship icons of satan

>Pope Francis urges the young to abandon gadgets so he can get them back into church, priests haven't had a young boy in months.

This is also the same pope who is friends with hillary clinton, thinks sex before marriage isn't a big deal, and is okay with fags.

>nearly this entire thread

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Kiss muzzie feet while you do.

>reddit atheists make me want to be a Christian
>Yea Forums Christians make me want to be an atheist
I hate all of you


just be yourself

I wish John Paul II was here to offer his thoughts on Putin

Don't listen to the internet, user. Least of all anonymous image boards.

Stop being influenced by others. Literally

the current pope is false

Embrace islam

If you have to force yourself to believe in god you're better off just being an atheist or agnostic dude. You don't want to be a "cultural" christian like the people here.

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day He arose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven, sits at the right hand of God, the Father almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.

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Explain. I don't mind far fetched

Based and Amen

Yes, no one without internet access knows who he is.

>give Pope tranny game
>Pope declares games as sinful
What did he expect?

God is not to be feared, he's to be loved