Deep Rock Thread
Cock and Bone
Deep Rock Thread
Cock and Bone
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r*ddit game
Shut up elf nigger
I just like being a fluffy haired nigga
Has anyone tried to see if its possible to hack both terminals in sabotage at the same time and is it more efficient or just the same?
It is possible. There is (was?) a way to glitch the platform cheese on the pod so the bugs can't get to it.
god, i love all the guns in this game. Its perfect. You START with a minigun.
START the game with a minigun
and it just gets better. The enemies come looking for you. They're not even subltle about it.
Who was in the wrong here?
I dislike the minigun. the startup and slowdown are annoying af. It'll probably be the last class I'll level up and I'll switch the minigun first.
You can get the spinup pretty low, nearly instant firing.
the driller for not killing scout with c4
You get used to it.
But if it really bothers you the autocannon and hurricane are both fantastic in their own right.
>microwave nerfed
pls no
It still cleans house with a sticky fuel build. The only thing they "nerfed" is that you can't fill the rest of the temp meter up by shooting it, it has to be either ignited or frozen by your main weapon. Arguably a little worse but it still performs beautifuly.
it takes like 3 times longer to temp shock a Pretorian in hz5. Also they nerfed sticky flames against nemesis
For me, it's Burning Hell Minigun.
still possible, but opressors and any other AOE/digging enemies ruin it, not to mention hack-c seems to take FF damage
lol dumb nigger kike leaf lover
is the platform cheese literally just spamming platforms over the hack bot?
jokes on them, I use pure freeze cryo for my temp shock build and it works even better
I wish there was an OC that let you keep it spun-up like most vidya miniguns. I'd gladly take more spin-up time and less mobility while spun-up for it.
plus it'll force you to use your secondary more while roaming
>zips in before flaring
>clearly has powdered shells just to be a wreckless jackass that makes decisions they shouldn't
You get what you fucking deserve.
garbage, only good for breaking up fights with pheromones, but even then the other secondaries are better
garbage, only good with one specific overclock and build, but even then is not as good as the other secondaries
>Digger Nick
garbage, only good with the mole overclock 99999 dmg cheese, but otherwise not as good as the other secondaries
>Shart Diffractor
garbage, only good with one or two overclocks and even then is not as good as the other secondaries and the variety they bring, also ammo sucks
Are they literally unable to make powerful weapons anymore? What happened? The S1 weapons sucked balls too.
New player, just got bullet hell oc. Any good? Also what ocs should I be on the lookout for with gunner?
it's arguably the best overclock for the minigun, you just have to adjust your playstyle a bit and play more like a tf2 heavy
oh wait nevermind i'm retarded i thought you were talking about the "deal more damage but you're stationary" overclock. the bouncy bullets are chaotic so it's more of a meme.
you need to plat just right. enough to cover the pod completely but not too much to cover the antenna. i like placing one node just above the pod so in case the pats get fucked you can replat without much fear of the connection being broken
>The S1 weapons sucked balls too.
Do you even play the game?
people will tell you it's shit and as far as the numbers go it is, but bullet hell is my personal favorite OC, just keep in mind it's going to be constantly hitting your team so maybe bring friendly and try not to use it too much on haz 4/5 because it will interrupt your team's shield regen not that shields are helpful on higher haz' anyway other than avoiding one hit at a time
That user meant Lead Storm. Lead storm absolutely fucks. You don't need to move while shooting if your positioning is good and you don't need stun chance if they're dead.
The only good S1 weapon is the Drak. The rest got nerfed to shit, they were fun in their original forms, though.
couldn't you place one of the transmitter nodes directly above it, cover it in platforms, and wack the top part with a pickaxe? if nothing else even if it isn't perfect it will funnel the bugs to the top
>Critical Weakness
>Sweep Lead Storm*2 across an incoming swarm at mouth height
Minigun spinup can take some getting used to but you're not supposed to use it for individual bugs. Once you're firing full bore into groups for extended bursts the slight delay matters a lot less. Also much like TF2 heavy, jumping and spinning up in midair can mitigate some of the slowdown.
goo gun and the hurricane with a clean OC are pretty good imo
There's nothing sadder than a wannabe janny policing video games on the video game board?
I love this game, I just hate the voices. The accents are fucking awful.
this game desprately needs some sort of clans or something like that. I never see the same guy twice and it feels very lonely to play alone. None of my friends want to play this. It would really nice if there was an ingame community feature to get together and keep playing with each other
post your niggers
>"Ah, we're at the 2nd level of the hearthstone core and flying rocks are hitting Doretta!"
>"What should we do, shoot the rocks?"
>"No! The engie should put up platforms that get constantly destroyed and we should all stand on the drill repairing it hoping we can out heal the dama-"
>Three downed teammates
You guys. It's really not that hard to just shoot the rocks.
well lah dee dah mister leaf lover
they already pile up on the plats since its the closest point to the pod, even when sealed perfectly, besides this, i dont quite get what you meant with the rest
Sounds like you want UNIONS.
The worst is still drillers and engis who absolutely insist on boxing the team into some deathtrap of a bunker at every opportunity.
new season has brought so many shitters who don't pay attention to anything even when you try to give polite advice
what went wrong?
it happens every time we get a new wave of newfags
give it a few more weeks and they all will move on to play their usual FOTM crap
>want me to trade EPC TFC utility for nerfed temp shocks
>want me to trade my fatboy/rj250/breachcutter awesomeness for laser with less utility
>want me to trade my special powder shotty for shaniqua bow
kek kinda yeah I just want to play with people and not feel awkward every time I join or get joined. It's a very antisocial game for some reason
shoutout to this guy
I'm new and hats are expensive.
Been working with what i've got and made a War Vet Grampa Scout
idk man you are probably just not doing things right. when i host for randos i get the same 5-8 people very often nearly every day, and they usually stick for a good 5 or so missions each, but the most volume comes from complete randos to be fair. even better, host here on Yea Forums. i used to do that a few months ago and pretty much only played with the same 10 people, and they were all very chill and skilled, only exception being some greenbeards that were fresh installs.
In the webm? Scout. The whole video? Gunner.
Having went to watch that video, yeah, the gunner.
rate my dorf
Based. Shitters acting like you need gilded beards to look good, when the default store is more than enough. Especially when you mix in a cargo crate or two.
I haven't played much. What do people think about the new secondaires?
>Scout's Xbow
>Engi's laser
pretty fun, probably not as good as breach cutter tho.
>Gunner's railgun pistol
alright, not terrible but I expected it to do more damage
>driller's thing
not too bad, kind of pairs nicely with his primaries if you swap back and forth when killing bugs.
yeah I mean I want something more stable is all
>first game of day
>salvage op
>sandblasted corridors
Final fuel defense before extract we get hit with a nemesis and detonator at the same time. All team members get downed almost instantly. I grapples away and then a sand storm happens. I'm blind and slowed and get grabbed by nemesis. Instakill.
>second game
>same salvage op
>glacial strata
Grapple up top looking for red sugar since low health. 2 spitball infectors instagib me. Rest of team eventually wipes. Attempt 2 I execute a perfect air power attack to safely mine nitra high above. I mine inwards and game netcode sends me flying backwards out of the hole and onto the ground where I down. Other scout gets me up then proceeds to immediately grapple up and power attack slightly lower, ruining my hole.
I fucking hate this game sometimes, anons.
I like stun chance so I can keep mactera from shooting
CWC: Ignore people whining about nerfs. This is still god tier for damage output when combo'd with flamer and cryo, or ultimate slowdown with cum gun.
Shard: Better on higher difficulties to really capitalize on the AoE. Otherwise, it's a snipe/burst option.
Coil Gun: Awkward to build and doesn't do much that other guns can't do better. Still decent in its own quirky way.
Crossbow: As a Scout main:
The ping and V is all you need in this game
focus them before they dig homie. Also, Coilgun can make a hole for the beam to go through
interesting utility weapon. people keep on trying to use the heat and cryo bolts for direct damage instead of shooting them into the ground where they're a lot better.
Easily my favorite of the bunch, it does exactly what I was wanting for Engie, namely a single target "fuck you" at any range.
Another gun I love. Still lets driller reach out and deal some damage, but definitely more of a mob tool. Perfect if you like thermal shock. Not that great if you like anything else.
I kind of like using the exploding mod for my googun though.
poor mans elephant rounds, which I appreciate because I don't have that. It's really more of a mob tool, from what I've experienced of it, the infinite enemy blowthrough is nice and the trail afterwards keeps dealing damage.
Press V often. Use your laser pointer to point/ping shit and do your role. If you're a gunner, use your shield. If you're a scout, use flares. If you're an engineer, use platforms. If you're a driller, kill scouts.
Anyone have the webm of the gunner stealth killing the scout with the new secondary that goes through walls?
Making a deposit.
what happens when you get 3 star legendary chars? maxed at lvl25 and nothing else?
Nothing it's all blue level wankery
I'm almost level 300. Diamond Engie, Gold 3 Gunner, Gold 2 Driller. Scout? Bronze 1. Refuse to play that fucking class because of the dogshit physics shooting me out of walls at mach 20
Granted, your situation was worsened by your teammates being shit apparently.
i get it, but don't expect the game to just hand you the friends and interactions you are looking for. sure a clan or guild of some sort would be cool, but its not an MMO (and even in MMOs people are bitching those are not as social anymore)
While it is boring at least it's viable.
>then finally from diamond to legendary; the highest border for the Honor Badge. Promotions after that will not change the border, however will still allow the player to continue leveling their Character Level.
fuck Elephant Rounds, Volatile Bullets is where it's at
>I mine inwards and game netcode sends me flying backwards out of the hole and onto the ground where I down.
This shit is becoming a genuinely consistent problem and it's fucking irritating as Scout if you don't rely entirely on engi plats.
Did they change something with the way terrain and play models make contact with eachother or some shit? I swear to god this didn't used to happen until this season, and I've seen non-scout friends go flying across the map just walking over weird pockets of terrain.
boltshark may be bad in haz4/5 but damn if its fun with bodkin arrows
>devs removed the "leaf lover" and "greenbeard" game voicelines because of player reports of accusatory discrimination
ok, im uninstalling this game
I played Season 1 extensively and it was DEFINITELY an issue then and even before. It might be getting worse, it's hard to say, or maybe you're just noticing it more. I hate that as an issue it gets swept under the rug as something 'charming' instead of actually being addressed.
I don't have that either.
Really though, I just prefer the BRT. With the blue paint and the relic skin, I'm robocop with it.