Unpopular Video Game Opinions

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is coffee good for you?

Black people should be in more video games and not as some side character

All videos games after pong are OBJECTIVELY dog shit and no pong is not the first game just the best.

I like video games.

Elden Ring sucks

There is no skill required to play a turn-based RPG.

Fates is the second best in the series only behind Radiant Dawn. Saying the story drags down the quality of a game just makes you a retarded dumbfuck who doesn't actually play the games

There are probably a grand total of only 2 good Nintendo games out of all they've ever made. Everything else is utter trash.

Saying things you like about a video game holds just as much legitimacy as saying things you don't like about a video game and shitting on a game doesn't make you an intellectual

There's absolutely nothing special about Elden Ring

I have a pathological hatred for Prey (2017) because of that retarded plot-twist at the end


I have a hatred for prey (2017) because it's not prey (2006)

I like turn based rpgs

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I love DMC2.

fallout 76 is a very, very soulful game wrapped in a ultra anti-consumer package

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Adding a minority character to your game isn't some form of virtue signaling inherently but alot of people on this site are racists or have set in stone political beliefs so seeing a minority in a game will always be a confirmation of developers being woke regardless of what the context or inclusion of that character is. Additionally, western devs don't really know how to make good minority characters and they'll always end up being JUST a cardboard cutout of what they think a positive version of that person looks like and not a something like a mercenary who happens to be black/gay/whateverthefuck

I also loved Prey (2006) but I'm willing to admit that 2017 has fun gameplay and a great atmosphere at times but outside of that everything else is shit, I don't think I ever disliked a game this much just for the story

More well written black characters that aren't just surface superficial level tokenism. More hot crossdressing or tranny characters with defined bulges that can be bullied. More original titles that aren't just using the skin of a established IP. Marrying Erica Lendbeck and or Christina Vee please

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>very, very soulful game
>ultra anti-consumer

You should leave your kids alone with combat themed vidya.

mario galaxy 1 is the worst mario game

From software games are trash and are actively making the industry worse.

The problem is that it's extremely difficult to know which developers are being honest and which ones are virtue signaling for brownie points. The other half of the problem is that this board can't into subtlety either. I think the narrative of The Last of Us 2 sucked. But you can never accuse Neil Druckman of being dishonest in what he wanted to do. Because even when everyone was shitting on him from all directions he stuck to his guns. Meaning even man face Abby or lesbian Ellie holds just as much narrative legitimacy as a pole dancing Bayonetta in a g-string. Only Yea Forums can only fap to one of those so one gets hated while the other is praised.

For that matter I think this board doesn't really care about the quality of most games. They just want a re-run of TORtanic every year. If a game makes the normies seethe then it's good regardless of actual quality.

When it comes to the quest marker debate, both sides are unironically stupid. Skyrimfags are wrong for trying to deny that it's cool to find your destination by using clues in-game, but at the same time, Morrowindfags massively over-exaggerate the significance of quest markers. They treat them as if their mere existence single-handedly ruined the series even though that's nowhere close to being the case (and even if it was, they'd still be dumb since they constantly single out Skyrim for having them even though Oblivion was the one that introduced them).
Speaking of Oblivion, it's the worst 3-D Elder Scrolls game. It's worse than Skyrim mechanics wise (it only manages to be slighty better than Morrowind in that aspect is because it got rid of the diceroll combat) and it has worse worldbuilding than both Morrowind and Skyrim (apart from the Shivering Isles, that was cool).

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There is no such thing as a good western game after 2009.

FFXIV is good

Why are guilty white racists always trying to make people think they're not guilty, white, and racist by insisting on doing diversity for minority groups that dont want need or appreciate their help?

Stick to your own kind, and stop sticking your nose in other race's business. White savior complex is really rampant.

Lets have black and white video games, so each race can have their own representation.

Videogames are to be enjoyed with others, otherwise it is escapism. My sister helped me realize that. Just bought Monster Hunter World to play together

>thinking you're not still wasting your life away just because you're doing it with someone else

fucking kek get a job

>don't want shitty black characters who are just tokens
>don't want white washed blacks eiter
>you're racist

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its obvious that guys at the management level want this game to bring in monthly cash, but game's writing, world and score are kino
it has technical hiccups and designed around mobile game concepts such as "forcing" you to log in everyday but taking a stroll down a road and playing the game feels very nice

Uhhhhhhhhhhh no
I can understand the quest markers somewhat making it too easy. I actually agree Oblivion's actual world is not really all that great, but the quests are what make it so fun.

Multiplayer games are shit designed to exploit your dopamine receptors.

How do you think I got money for videogames?

work harder

Wario Land II is better than Wario Land 3.

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It's not this way and won't be this way because only whites and asians make video games so the options are either whites/asians in games or white saviour complexes

The Great Ace Attorney 1 is the worst Ace Attorney game.

>>don't want white washed blacks eiter
So you want black characters with bone nose piercings and spears?

Check out Resident Evil 5.

Super Mario Odyssey was not a good game. In fact it was a monumental disappointmet for any self-respecting hardcore Mario fan. All criticism of this game gets handwaved away because of consoomer culture built up over the years by secondaries and manchildren.

I don't understand what my post has to do with what you just said sorry

>Assassin’s Creed 1 is the best AC
>FFVIII is the best FF
>Weapon durability is a good mechanic
>Soulsborne games are pure mediocrity and the only reason they ever became popular was because they came out at the height of the CoD craze
>Fallout 3 is genuinely one of the best WRPGs ever made and makes New Vegas look like an embarrassment in comparison
>GTA San Andreas was the worst game of the 3D GTA era and nowhere near close to a perfect game
>There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a game being repetitive
>I like most David Cage games

it's ok sweatie you're too guilty white and racist to understand.

Just stop trying to save blacks, let them flourish in their own environment, away from us.

Viewtiful Joe sucked

Mario Sunshine sucked and solidified Nintendo as a babby console despite some gems

Psychonauts sucked and Brutal Legend is infinitely better and deserved a sequel

Outer Wilds sucked. Outer Planets or whatever also sucked, but that’s not an unpopular opinion

Predator sucked

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NFT's in video games could be actually fun

The action games genre while fun is not the best genre to show the best potential of video games. but sadly a lot of action fans cannot appreciate and continue to demand constant fast paced gameplay all the time.

Exactly. Lets make it illegal for blacks to play video games unless they were made by blacks. Lets say each race can only play their own race's games. Easy fix.

modern open world games are trash, exploring big areas for loot is just as boring as grinding experience by killing enemies

there has never been a good sonic game

there's nothing wrong with spending money in a video game if you enjoy it, people who seethe about others spending money are jealous/poorfags

>Thief 4 isn't that bad. It's just a Dishonored clone with some issues, but not the worst thing ever.
>I liked the combat in the Witcher
>mgs2 got bad after the second part of the game
>alot of fangames are better than the original works.
>Slippy Toad is a charming character
>Just because a game has piss easy gameplay doesn't make it a bad game overall same goes for very hard ones
>FF8 is one of my favorite games fight me

I prefer to play games made by Japs though

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Japanese games are overrated.

There is nothing wrong with rolling in videogames.

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Mobile could have been the future of gaming for many genres that are compatible control-wise and early dismissal of its potential by more hardcore elements of the gaming community destroyed this potential forever, in a self-fufilling prophecy.

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Woah there, that's racist. You're not Japanese. Stop cultural appropriating. How dare you play outside your race.

I'm afraid I have to report you to the U.N. for this. I'm sorry. On the bright side, your family gets to go with you to the labor camp.


Multiplyer games are worse when zoomers are on voice chat

Unpopular opinion threads are a way for people to feel unique for saying safe and common opinions.

>Thief 4 isn't that bad. It's just a Dishonored clone with some issues, but not the worst thing ever.

I agree with this. It’s a very flawed game and doesn’t hold a candle to the earlier games, but it’s hardly an abomination. Hitman Absolution is a much worse stealth game.

>be 6ft or above
Ftfy, guaranteed prime pussy wherever you go

The implication that entire teams of people are only one race and or ethnicity? What are you even arguing?

Stop being racist. You're only allowed to play white games, bigot.


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Unironically true
I hate the atomic shop with all my soul, but holy fuck is the game a ton of fun
I especially love all the events where the whole server gets together

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you guys do this to yourselves, they are schizos

I suppose there isn't although it brings a lot of frustration when you see a lot of blatant anti-consumer practices being rewarded by people who literally don't know better. I've argued with people who believed that DLC is perfectly fine because they'd never lived in a time where cheat codes or extra content or unlockables were thing that were pre built into each game

Talking down to me is going to cause me to make you a sub and I'll absolutely correct your behavior

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There is, if you consider basic calculus a skill.

I dont care about lore. Videogames are about presentation and gameplay, not superfluous background details.

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I don't enjoy Mario 3 or Mario World
And I think All-stars has a really weird vibe to it. Like a chinese bootleg vibe or something. And I grew up with it. Played it cause I was poor and that was the only game I had not cause I loved the slippery gameplay. I was more of a Megaman X kid back then. I still love it. That's how good it is

Isn't 11 universally hated? Or at least not like as much as 10?

>that's racist
Well... yeah. That's why I said "Japs" instead of "Japanese people"

Just because I'm a racist schizo doesn't mean I'm wrong

I'd rather have MN9 2 than any new Mega Man game.

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If you didn't play the game while high then you didn't play it

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no minorities in video games unless they're hot women.

I think the shotgun in FEAR is absolute shit
When you fire it in slowmotion it looks like you're firing needles
It's ugly and feels awful

More. Brown. Girls.

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The trailer for it was BRUTAL, I was like I can't believe this, this has to be the ultimate mario game.
Then I actually played the damn thing and holy kek It's Super Banjo Odyssey, just like keep walking and mhhh yeah. walk.
The levels are kinda big but I don't feel any sense of exploration or wonder. It's just galaxy but bigger and easier.

turn based rpgs are better than "action" rpgs


They didn't get pussy
>that's the joke
I get it


agreed, everyone keeps saying 3 is just as good as the others, but the immortality angle and exploration is fucking boring, it was also my first Wario Land so I didn't want 4 as a kid. Thankfully grandma wasn't good at following gift ideas and got me it anyways, it was fucking great

DmC is better than DMC4
FFXIII is one of the best games in the series
XIII-2 IS the best game in the series
Banjo Tooie is better than Kazooie

Any time the subject is brought up here, it's met with pictures of Sindel and Kitana/Mileena's creepy uncanny valley faces, as if it somehow makes the game any better despite its retarded campaign and complete waste of bonus characters.

How so?

Resident Evil 5 is a great game even when playing solo.