*cleans your house of pests

*cleans your house of pests
When did you realize spiders were actually based bros?

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spiders are the worst pest of them all

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Already do. Spiders are the only insects I dont kill in my apartment.

I need a spider big enough to kill mice

is she hot?

This. If she's not hot that spider was doing the world a service.

Fake news

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The moment I saw a cemetary of flies.

A spider wrote this post.

>mates with your face while you sleep
lewd as fuck

A minor surgery can bankrupt the average american, spiders are a menace

>A minor surgery can bankrupt the average american, spiders are a menace

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hmmm, I wonder who could be behind this post?

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>find a tiny silverfish in my apartment about once a week
>always kill it
>keeping finding one later
>notice tiny spider in corner of bathroom
>haven't seen a single silverfish in over six months
If she were a cute girl I would have married her by now.

The story is from the UK.

Anyone know what type of spider this is? They're all over outside my house.

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>had a desk spider
>got sent to the psych ward again
>got back and my ma cleaned me room
>she swept up the spiders web under my biggest monitor
Kinda sucked honestly. So many nats in my room.

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>outside my house.
You naive fool

Health care for surgery in America is almost universally affordable with any kind of insurance. What bankrupts you are constant pain medications.

I don't have pests crawling around in my house though. These fuckers can stay outside or in my crawlspace/attic/vents for all I care, but they get the flush if they come into my area

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they'll steal your cock

Why does any creature need to be as deadly as a brown recluse? Did the fucking thing think it was going to be hunted by dinosaurs?

My only beef with spiders is that i can’t communicate with em. I’d let them hang out if we could establish boundaries.

Huntsman/Wolf spiders. They eat big bugs like crickets and stuff. Harmless but they are big and can still bite if you mess with them. 100% non-venomous

have you looked closely?

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god i hate bugs

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the kind to crawl in your nostril while you sleep

I wonder ((((who)))) is behind these posts

What if I am the pest that lives in my house?

wow, so cool user

>he doesn't wrap a wife beater around his face to stop spiders from getting in his nose and ears
God Yea Forums is so fucking retarded.

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Spiders keep making webs around my car's side-view mirrors despite me regularly washing it. Why does this keep happening? How do I get rid of it?

I’ve been saying this shit for years. I have a spider in my room that keeps all the flies and ants in check. Idk why people even have a problem with spiders to begin with, we don’t even bite people unless they try to hit us first. Roaches are the real niggers

are meds that expensive in the us? they are almost free where I live

I see a spider, it goes in my vacuum cleaner. Dealt with.

Ausfags be like



Deadly Huntsman Spiders

>Aww is jus' a lil' 'untsman, they're completely harmless *gets bitten* *arm falls off*



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>tfw had to remodel my room
>lost all the spider families I've been building up over the years

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Unlike other bugs spiders are chill and mind their fucking business. They kill shit eating niggerflies and mosquitoes, so, based.

Peppermint oil.

Hot sauce. No bullshit.

I think insulin is like $108 per bottle here

I like them as long as they aren't half as big as my palm

we won

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im glad spiders in the UK are tiny, disgusting little cunts

Yeah, wolf spider (maaaybe tigrosa annexa). It's probably easiest to look up "spiders in ".

It's illegal to import drugs from other countries, so drug companies charge whatever they can get insurances to pay for and fuck anyone that doesn't have good insurance. Also pain meds are treated differently from "regular" (as in condition-treating) medicine. The latter usually has cheap generics available unless it's a new medication.

the fact that a fucking spider crawls into your bed and fucking attacks you is brutal enough.


>simping for spiders
truly, you people are worse than hitler

Almost like the other two are invasive species...

It's just giving a goodnight kiss :)

If only you knew how bad things really are

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They just wanna be friends.

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>go to empty your vacuum bag
>hundreds of pissed off, starving spiders come pouring out
Rest in piss, user...

>cat comes in my room
>eats all my daddy long legs
These guys are the best spiders. They're totally harmless and eat everything, including other spiders.

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They aren't even spiders.

>learn about native spiders in my country
>learn to identify the ones that can't harm me
>whenever I find one around my house I check it out first
>venom niggers get the shoe, non venom bros get the free moth

Anyone can do that. What makes spiders so special?

>muh arachnomemephobia
fuck off plebbit. spiders are bros.

Yes they are, you're thinking of daddy long leg harvestmen.

Affordable healthcare is communism to Americans. They'd rather die because they can't afford healthcare.

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I like seeing bugs because because they're the only other living beings I see sometimes.

A spider would actually get in bed with you.

Nah, they'd probably resort to eating each other in there so there'd just be one really big cannibal spider.

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It depends. There are actual spiders and harvestmen that are both called Daddy Long Legs. Both kinds are harmless. What he posted is a spider; you can tell because it has two distinct body parts, whereas harvestmen only have one.

>*cleans your house of pests
>When did you realize spiders were actually based bros?

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>tfw not arachnophobic
feels good to be superior Yea Forumsros

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They aren't even deadly. They just make your skin melt around where they bit you. Makes things easier to digest.

I see the soijak scream

being a spider wouldn't be so bad

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Essential arachnid vidya?

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