It's Saturday night and shit ain't broke this time! (hopefully) Come hop on and frag in TF2! address: Password: the usual
We're trying something different this week with nominations. Nominations will turn on every odd hour and turn off every even hour. In addition, I'm running tf2 on Sunday before variety night. TF2 will now be on for: Friday - starts at 7:30 PM EST Saturday - starts at 7:30 PM EST Sunday - 12:00 PM EST - 7:30 Many people have asked for Sunday TF2, so I'm toying around with what I can run outside of Friday and Saturday. Feel free to make suggestions.
>I've never played on the Yea Forumsan. Do I need to download custom content for TF2? The fastDL redirect server will send you missing files. Optional custom content archives can be found at the links below. Saysounds (~50MB, extract to 'Team Fortress 2/tf/sound/')
Are you niggers still playing garbage minecraft-tier maps?
Justin Kelly
>Encounter retarded W+M1 Pyro on 2fort earlier >Is sitting in the water, unable to kill anyone because Flame Thrower and Scorch Shot >Dominate him as Scout >Starts screeching in chat about trans rights >timetotryhard.jpg >Start exclusively focusing him, killing others only if they're fighting me first >Switches to Spy and gets a lucky revolver kill on me >Immediately switches back to Pyro >Gets dominated again not 5 minutes later >Leaves game out of frustration >mfw
GOOD MOOOOOOOOOOOOORNING Yea ForumsAN, here to remind you we're in the 7th day of may (yes, THE may from pokemon*) *other girls named may such as may from guilty gear also apply