
>god is evil

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A monotheistic god the ultimate example of immoral hierarchy and therefor can only be evil

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Just came here to say this is the first time I see this picture, life is truly full of unique moments :)

It was actually adam and eves fault for eating the apple

why not just undo it

god's fault for letting a serpent in
get better security

>inb4 smarmy 'this never actually happens name one (1) game' post and then a million people respond with unique examples of nip games where you kill god/god is evil only for fags to ignore it and post the same prompt next thread

>God is frustrated by humanity’s complacency and ingratitude, and plans to wipe him out
>His daughter stops him and turns into a tree
>God is so distraught he mindbreaks and his broken consciousness turns into the post-game superbosses
>you play as an angel who has to recover all the forbidden fruit that fell down to earth with you and eventually defeat not-Lucifer and the non-British empire who tortured him into becoming a human-hating demon

Because he gave mankind freewill, erasing evil would mean erasing us. And he loves us too much for that, so he says we will be redeemed but it has to be a choice we make.
Forcing someone to be good is fake and gay, they need to mean it sincerely.

God created the serpent. Thus, he set up the fall of humanity and used the serpent as a scapegoat. Killing God and reclaiming Eden is merely the birthright of all humans.

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This is not as common as you fags pretend it is and whenever you get pushed on it you just stretch and twist the definition of "god" to an insane degree just because you don't want to admit you're wrong.

>be omniscient
>know what they will do if you create them
>create them
>punish them for doing what you knew they would do

Based and Faustpilled
>but F-faust was redeeme-
cope. the last two chapters didn't happen

Based and truepilled

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Where does it ever state the fruit they ate was an apple?

The bible says God is all loving, not all knowing
You’ve been misled by the jew’s greatest trick, the King James version of the bible

It doesn't. Knowing the climate it'd probably be a fig. But apples are more evocative and helped bring the Helens in since they're used to sinister apples.

The true forbidden fruit wasn’t the fruit, but the knowledge we can choose to disobey God

Why did he put the tree in the garden in the first place?

>tfw ywn return to the Pleroma

>Killing God and reclaiming Eden is merely the birthright of all humans.
Name 10 please

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Just don't go into the light haha just resist the false temptation and Saturn's cube haha escape the prison planet.

>implying you weren't in kenoma

No. It’s literally gods fault for letting Lucifer turn bad. This is the reason why religion specifically Judeo Christianity fucking blows. Christcucks says god is SIR JESUS CHRIST THE AAAAAAALL KNOWING. And yet he got blindsided by heckin satan and let his creation fall into sin because he was to fucking busy to just annihilate the devil right after he fell. Give me a break.

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T-thanks Valentinus.
I'm at least a psychic! Right?!

This all falls apart when you factor in Lucifer. I’m sorry but if I god can’t create perfect angels but can create the “perfect” man then something is clearly inconsistent. Fucking Christcucks I swear.

He's a god.
How can you kill a god?
What a grand and intoxicating innocence!

He loves us so much that he created a situation he knew all along would result in the vast majority of all humans who ever lived ending up in eternal torment?

This is a dumb Yea Forums meme because irl religions only think their own religion is correct. In other words the concept of religion is not inherently good, only their own specific one. Therefore a game with a fictional religion that is antagonistic is not unaligned with any irl religious person's worldview.

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Satan works for God.

>Monkeys try to comprehend being of incomprehensible power
>Get's mad when cannot work out its motives
>Rages and denies it's existence

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hatred is the strongest emotion and driving force for a reason

>tfw the fall of man was an inside job

Or if you go the gnostic route, it was good that they ate the apple actually.

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>other monkey try to comprehend being of incomprehensible power
>gets smug because he's totally the only one who happened to comprehend its motives
>rages at others and tells them they will be punished by said incomprehensible being

>why not just undo it
God's not a savescumming FAGGOT like you.

>feminine principle
Lmao, even.

She's silent for omnichad Monad

why did he create adam and evil knowing they'd eat the apple? christcucks still don't understand you can't have omniscience and free will

sounds kino

What are some games where God has your back?

>Knowing the climate
Of what? The fictional location of Eden?

Not really, because it's the ultimate test. God's plan with humanity is to makes us partners in creation, he needed to make sure that we were ready for it. We failed but we will make it in the end, reminder that we will get to judge angels, we're above them and that's why some rebelled. God allowed it because it was the perfect way to test his new partners.

Of the Fars region, present day Iran

Dragon Quest, and the church is good too.

You cannot "test" someone when you literally know what they are going to do before you even test them.

>Monkey on the spectrum cannot see that all religion culminates from one primordial religion
>Autistically hyperfocuses on one
>Rages when insults slide off the shoulders of the righteous

What the fuck are you even talking about?

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El Shaddai, God keeps calling the narrator asking him how the MC(Enoch) is doing

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I only played the games. what is Lan doing?

>The fictional location of Eden?
Not fictional but also not entirely physical. You won't find it on a map, it was a place where the material world met the spiritual world.
All we know is that it was on a mountain top with 4 great rivers intersecting and flowing from it.

>christcucks still don't understand you can't have omniscience and free will
I'm so fucking tired of this retard fucking logic.

It doesn't matter if God knows everything, because you don't and you are the only person who is responsible for your actions. God knowing everything doesn't magically invalidate your consciousness. You are still you, and you still made your decisions, no one else.

>knows what’s gonna happen anyway
>makes Adam which he likes but doesn’t think there’s enough drama so make eve and the serpent
>come on do something
>acts pissed when he knew the outcome
The equivalent of leaving a dog that you know likes to piss on everything alone to wander your home then coming back and killing the dog cause you are mad it pissed on your shit like no shit you knew it was gonna do that and just wanted an excuse to punish it

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>monkey makes up shit about other monkey to win an argument he couldn't win with his arguments
>accuses other monkey of focusing on a single religion despite being the one who posted a picture focusing on a single religion first
>smugly declares himself righteous while being blissfully unaware of his own folly

It's not a test for God, it's a test for us. Yes he knew that we would bring evil into the world but he also knew this was the only way for humanity to be good sincerely.


She has to pee, really badly. It's episode 3

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It's like customizing a bunch of weird characters in WWE, watching AI fight each other and then restarting when your favorite loses. It's a bitch move and you have to see it through the end. Or any simulation video game really. We all get favorites but the ultimate objective is still to see what kind of fuckery happens until everything is over. If you just reload every time you want to then there are no stakes and it's not interesting any more.

And yet he rigged the game with an eternal punishment he already knows the majority of people will not be able to avoid. That is the part most people have a problem with, not the fact that the test exists.

You got a whole folder dedicated to these boomer tier memes? That's sad bro.

Plenty of SMT games if you want

Neat. Is there an actual part 2 to this?

You're the one with retarded logic. If god knows everything, he created the sinner knowing exactly what he or she was going to do that he didn't like. the OP image is dead on. You cannot have omniscience and free will.

So God is a gamer? Neat

I didn’t ask to be born faggot. That was someone else’s choice according to your cucking and that someone knew the outcome. Be born just to suffer and be fucked with while someone who knows what’s up just laughs and then punishes you. God sounds like some whore and this world sucks ass double so when crayon eaters try to say otherwise

>You cannot "test" someone when you literally know what they are going to do before you even test them

>Be absolute fuck up, user the faggot
>Never study
>Almost never come to class because too busy sucking cock
>Day of final exam comes

>he already knows the majority of people will not be able to avoid
Where do you get most? And God didn't make them choose evil, they chose to be evil and eternal punishment.
Hell isn't what you think it is btw, it's just the permanent death you think you're getting anyways so it won't make a difference to you.

What a load of nonsensical world salad. I don't believe for a second that you even understood what you posted.

We're living in part 2. Turns out gnosticism is like Naruto in that it tends to repeat things and takes forever to go anywhere

Personally I'd rather just live my life to the fullest and die with no regrets knowing I couldn't have done better than devote a bunch of my time and energy for an uncertain cause which might end up being complete bullshit in the end.

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>he created the sinner
God didn't create you though, retard.
The only people God ever created were Adam and Eve.

Are you actually 14? A better comparison would be a teacher still insisting on having a test despite already knowing what grade everyone is going to get. Also, purposefully making the test so hard most will fail it, because again, he knows the grades before even giving the test. Do you seriously not see the issue here?

Yes, he did. By proxy. what a retarded non argument

no no NO!! Don't do that! Come fight with me please I NEED this

Well the zero devotion nets you hell and even a tiny bit of devotion nets you paradise. Tough choice.

I see no reason why I should listen to a bunch of weirdos that worship a sky fairy.

>Spectrum monkey assumes other monkey lies, despite knowing the truth.
>Spectrum monkey continues to focus on one visual representation of the being of incomprehensible power
>Spectrum monkey continues to wallow in it's own ignorance and anger over the fact that the righteous are saved.

>with no regrets
Even if that includes theft, rape, and murder. With this outlook morality is all subjective anyways, so why not go all out. There's no logical reason not to.

How many monotheists just believe that God is malevolent? Impartial to suffering and mistakes at best and amused at worst?

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>And God didn't make them choose evil, they chose to be evil and eternal punishment.
But God already KNOWS who will "choose" what and purposefully designed a system with eternal punishment despite that. It's literally all on him, nobody forced him to create hell, it's a deliberate choice while knowing people will end up there.

What if you're devoting yourself to the wrong god?
Then you wasted your time on Earth AND still go to hell.

holy theologylet

Actually, on second thought, calling that quote deceptively nonsensical probably does it too much credit. It actually doesn't attempt to establish anything, or make any kind of point at all.
>monotheism declares the world to be a mere artifact, the product of God's making, and thus about as living and mysterious as a thumbtack
The most natural think to say to this is why? How does that follow from God's existence at all? Yet it goes on, just expecting you to take this absurd statement at face-value. Extraordinary.

This seems to be more nonsense from atheistic "pagans."

I saw explosions at the base of man right before original sin struck him.

>Forbidden fruit can't melt steel beams