>want to play new games
>they're all hundreds of gigabytes and take hours to download
>always a gamble on whether i'll actually enjoy them enough to play them more than a few hours
>stick with old games
Want to play new games
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>>they're all hundreds of gigabytes and take hours to download
how is this a problem
I'm a turd worlder and even I can download a a 40gb game in like 30 minutes
CS 1.6 is still the best multiplayer shooter
america's internet is below turd world and has data caps around 1tb so if you don't pay a extra 10$ fee so if you watch hd content or even want to download games one or the other will eventually go through the cap specially if you have family members
my data cap is 25 gb a month
after that I'm charged $1 for every additional gb
literally where
I've never had capped internet in my life, I thought it's leaves that deal with that shit.
Literally false. I'm in a flyover state and never had data caps even after torrenting games and movies overnight for months. Our internet speeds are kinda shit but a 70gb game takes maybe 40 minutes at most.
just live in one of the states the internet provider mafia decide you should be taxed more and even then they charge you up the ass for even decently fast internet speeds that don't take forever to download something above 10gb
Are you using mobile data?
>be 3rd worlder working for a callcenter company that deals with AT&Ts shitty internet service
>angry customers shouting at me, calling me stupid for being a 3rdworlder
>remember theyre literally complaining about their shitty overpriced internet service while I sit comfortably with 300mbps and no data caps
I live in WA and I've never had data caps. Sounds like something comcast would do though.
comcast 100 percent does it i lived in the same state and they had me on a tb cap for years and some random year they stopped it then brought it back
What the fuck kind of country are you from nigga?
Centurylink and Ziply Fiber don't have data caps here. Part of the reason I switched.
>hundreds of gigabytes
>hours to download
How is life in Somalia?
almost everywhere. They usually hide it, but if you look at the usage breakdown on your bill it usually says
I download about 2 terabytes average every month with 1gig speed. 65 Euros in Krautland.
Burgerland south sounds miserable.
it's actually just canada but it's going ok
I live in Brazil and I literally have uncapped 300 Mb/s download speed internet for 40 dollars per month.
Never had an overage charge, literally ever in 15 years with charter.
Yeah American internet is run by only a few companies and they are all corrupt as shit. They lobbied the government in. Bribed them to basically have free reign on pricing and service packages.
He'll we have a whole government division dedicated to making sure internet and cable TV are as predatory as possible for consumers.
>lives in a rural area where wired connection can't reach, so i have to bear with prepaid that has 70GB cap for $20.
>has pretty shit download that i can only download 15-20 GB(duration is more or less 1 hour) games around 2-5am.
Guess i'm gonna die without having a taste of an internet connection where i can download heavy files in less than 1 hour.
Please ne er post this image again.
They don’t charge you generally, it might even be illegal now since I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t. They just throttle your speed if you go over cap
>american internet is run by only a few companies
>1,410 Internet Service Providers available in the US
If you live in an area where you only have one or 2 available that's on you for being retarded.
>he doesn't just collect physical games
Let's face facts: old games and indie games are more interesting and fun. My time with Elden Ring has reinforced this. I just wish those indie cunts would pick up a book once in a while so every major of block of text they write doesn't read like it's written by a high school drop-out or an ESL. But just imagine indie weirdos with real literary ability!
>the disc just downloads the game
>you have no such option on pc
games for pic attached type feel
>1408 of them are all local subsidiaries of AT&T or Verizon
sheeesh dat baby be like "das it mang" fr
>always a gamble on whether i'll actually enjoy them enough to play them more than a few hours
>i have double-digit IQ and no attention span, i can't even think long enough to figure out what kind of videogames i like
Yeah, nah.
I'm in Minneapolis and we have Comcast or Century Link as options. Obviously, 5g and satellite providers are options, but fuck that, they're not real options.
>implying the line you are attached to is any different than anybody else's
I had bronchiolitis often as a kid and now I have recurring pain in that exact spot in my chest. What do?
>30 minutes
but I want it noooooooooow
If you had any proof of that you would have posted it but just to be sure I cross referenced the names of Verizon and AT&T subsidiaries with that list of isps. There's a few but it's it's not ever close to being the majority.
Century Link doesn't have data caps so what's the issue?
>Unlimited Data at +70gb/s
>Just delete and download at whim
>moving goalposts
Burgerland 10gig/month satellite shit reporting in. There's fiber like 1000 feet away, if you want to pay 10k for someone to come dig
Know what you mean. Bought that one Lord of the Ring Shadow of War or something. 90Gb. Noped the fuck out and played Kenshi instead, kek.
>inflamed bronchiole wall
unfathomably based
>If you go over (1.25TB a month) in future billing cycles, we’ll automatically add another 50 gigabytes for $10 and so on until you reach our $100 limit of data overage charges ($30 limit for ConnectAssist customers), or until your next usage cycle begins.
What the fucking fuck?
>want to play a game
>open Microsoft XCloud™ and play a game
God it’s good being an X chad
l*beralism is a disease of the mind. Imagine being a human being in 2022 and un i fucking ronically thinking this shit is a good thing.
God, Kenshi? Just bang rocks together and imagine something else making the sound, ffs. It will be more fun.
you could always pay a small fee for unlimited data instead but that doenst change it's fucked up
>another filtered
can't be helped, I suppose
Why? What's wrong with Kenshi?
Yeah you're retarded.
Pay me no mind and enjoy your game gents. I am but a salty, simple man.
Did mommy forget you give you chicken tendies tonight? no? you're just a nigger? oh well that's too bad
cox and sometimes comcast are are the only isps ive seen with caps and its mainly in rural places where they have a stranglehold from buying out all the regional cable companies ages ago and there's no other choice.
>data cap is 25 gb a month
I think I use around 25gb by half a week
>tfw doom 2016 is 20gb away from being 100gb
You HAVE to elaborate on this.
I had a 6GB data cap in fucking 2005.
>>they're all hundreds of gigabytes and take hours to download
doesnt happen
most games are still only 5~15 gigs and we live in an age where gigabit internet has been the standard for more than 10 years now
>listen to the ost
>if it’s bad don’t play it
simple as
>gigabit internet
it must be nice living in a place not owned by corporations
>are still only 20~60 gigs
Get with the now grandpa. If you want AAA you wil then add a 1 or 2 to the beginning of those numbers.