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The arbiter of total war truth will give this thread a pity bump, starting to feel bad for soihammer pissbabies
i bought day one. full regret
thread theme:
Hey, it might be good in two years, bro.
Why the bad reviews? It was obvious from the very first moment that it would suck. Why do R*dditor pay-pigs always squeal like they're the victim? They walked into an obvious scam while shutting everyone up who tried to warn them and then have the audacity to play the indignant honest customer? Fuck them.
Why. It was free on Game Pass.
Dodged a bullet there.
Maybe I'll play it once they add Immortal Empires and Chaos Dwarfs.
>their announced road map has fucking blood dlc in another three months
The fact they thought the road map they put out would please long time fans is just laughable,
Warhammer 2 was a lot of fun
what changed?
Volotund is such a faggot, inbetween his vegan rambling his bitching on YouTube means I just couldnt give a fuck what that soifilled faggot has to sat
>Maybe I'll play it once they add Immortal Empires
Why else would you play Warhammer anyways?
Someone explain to me how it's going to take them so fucking long to fix even the most basic shit with over 800 employees.
Even if they're working on four projects at once, and even if half their team are PR, HR and "community managers", this is absurd. There should be plenty, but it seems like they've only assigned four interns to fix their FLAGSHIP title, while the DLC team must be trying to figure out how to unbungle this fucking mess in the long term.
They took the WH2 base engine and added new shit, meaning every update, patch and bugfix was put back into the game
It was an absolutely retarded design choice, and now we have to wait 5 years for it to get back to where it was
To see what new things they added before going into hibernation until immortal empires is added.
There are clearly talented people working at CA, but the top brass have got to be among the most laughably incompetent and out of touch retards in the industry.
This is what happens when you stray away from your core fanbase
WH fans are the core fanbase
Why did they launch the game before it was done, RIGHT after elden ring
799 employees are working on the dead on arrival arena hero shooter that is also currently on development hell
you have the dlc team with 1 guy and the janitor to fix the game now
Warhammer fantasy was always a dogshit setting, Age of Sigmar is when it gets good
Why don't people stay in their fucking lane. They realize how much Warhammer TW makes right?
More games = more money
Seems to be their logic, eve if it means rushing shit out the door.
How do you organize 800 fucking people to work on a single game?
Is that why games are shit now? Too many cooks?
>II was one of the best games ever made
>and then, the absolute state of III
I hate western vidya companies.
>Q3 2022 tzeentch and lsaanesh replenishment rates
It just seems like they have nothing to do and they're stretching shit just to make it sound like they have a well thought out plan. Why the fuck do you need MONTHS to tweak a replenishment rate? Is this a joke?
is the 2ed on worth buying for online or should i just jew out and pirate it?
just pirate it with all the dlcs, online isnt worth playing
>tmw 3k has had slightly more players in the last 24 hours than w3
>pander to bugpeople
>turns out shit
not surprising
Sounds like you give a fuck quite a lot. The truth stings, I know user.
>Why don't people stay in their fucking lane.
Because SEGA are getting every seemingly-extraneous dev team onto the Super Game project to compensate for the loss/implosion of all their domestic moneymakers which previously compensated for the failures of the rest of the company.
Every Total War game is exactly the same, whats different this time round?
Shoutout to the janitors and cafeteria staff, the truly heroes of vidya.
How do you not forget to breathe?
Only a fraction of that number are actually working on each individual project. But yes, too many devs will certainly lead to a big ol' mess if they don't communicate, which they clearly don't.
It's not a given though, CA is just notoriously bad at it.
You retards deserve this after you spent years defending their dlc scams.
>dude who cares if blood costs extra it's just optional dude don't like it don't buy it it's an option bro you have a problem with options they need that money to fund the next game bro small indie studio please understand
Get fucked.
If you have any friends to play coop with then it might be worth buying the basegame for that, and then pirating all the DLC, since you can still coop like that
Though maybe a pirated basegame would allow for coop anyway, I'm not sure
>things that either nobody ever said or some falseflagger (possibly even you yourself) said to incite shitpost
Dont give CA money. They are not deserving of it until denuvo is removed and they let people create custom maps for more total conversions like rise of mordor. We could already have age of sigmar and 40k and restored ship and space battles if total conversions were still possible.
Instead, I recommend buying the base game on a keyshop like g2a or instant gaming. Then using creaminstaller to get cream and screamapi to enable all the dlc on the game.
Make damn sure that when you install the game to go to properties/ public betas/ and use either 1.12 or 1.12.1
The most recent update causes stability and framerate issues while removing chat and placing an ad banner to the home screen unless you own all dlc that covers the artwork. Thats why I recommend the previous beta. There is also an issue with textures that I seem to be the only person to get in the latest update.
Eat shit, you retards said that shill drivel about every single fucking DLC they shat out.
>bro it's just an option bro just buy the ones you like bro you don't need all the content bro
The dlc team are the only competent devs in CA, fuck off
This, everyones be telling them for years. 20$ for 1 original LL and 2 reskins is also a fucking crime. Thats 10$ value at most.
>How do you organize 800 fucking people to work on a single game?
A-team/B-team system where one team actually makes the game and the other provides content updates, except that's the precise issue that caused WH3 because the supposed A-team slipped so far behind the supposed B-team, with a codebase that predated the B-team's improvements to WH2.
>Chaos Dwarfs
>he doesn't know
No. They should have created one game and added each campaign as an expansion. There would be zero issues if warhammer 3 released as an expansion that added the chaos campaign and promised an update to ME that would expand the map and add the new races. Every game is the same game engine. There is no reason for it to not be one game like how halo infinite is the base game that will deliver all future halo campaigns
Its definitely not THAT bad, but its wild that they decided to push it out before Mortal Empires.
>histcucks still coping
>Oh boy, a new patch, maybe they'll finally fix the ambush AI that has been broken for almost a year
>It's just an ad for 3 that also manages to break random shit for several players
I hate CA so much it's unreal.
modders did it within a week
The first and second TWWH games had mixed reviews from release all the way up to when they stopped getting further updates. And they're still the best selling and most popular Total War games.
No I said install cream api. Are you projecting? Are you a projector?
Also their actual content DLC are usually pretty damn good and the issue with 3 is not that it's lacking DLC's. People obviously knew 3 on release was going to feel emptier than 2+years of support and people were expecting emptier than 2+years of support. The issue with 3 is that it's absolute garbage and it needs tons of fixing on several fronts. Adding lords and extra units (DLC's) wouldn't fix anything so the issue here is not for the lack of DLC's.
I am genuinely baffled by why it takes months for them to release patches. It was bad in WH2, but this is just pathetic. This game won't be at a release state until next year.
Yes user that's the point.
lmao is this real?
I'm just saying in case anyone didn't know.
It goes wrong with every release somehow.
Old CA would have made warhammer total war all in one game
Who actually cares about all the shitty microfactions that get wiped off the map within 5 turns. When playing a warhammer game I want to play the Empire and face off against the monumental threat of the Greenskins, not the Shitfuck Tribe mentioned in a lore book 20 years ago
idk who this guy is but hes not the guy who mentioned creamapi. I am. His reddit formatting gives away that hes not me.
I think hes just here to complain and get others to complain.
I'll admit the double line break gets unneeded hate here when it can be a good visual way to show segregation in thoughts that are written but this larper is being a nigger
This is easily their worst launch since Rome 2. Potentially worse because Rome 2 at least had a fun campaign at its core. Most of its issues were bugs. Warhammer 3 has an awful core campaign and is full of bugs and is missing important gameplay features that won't be delivered for months. There is the very real potential this game is getting abandoned if the first DLC doesn't sell well.
>warhammer total war all in one game
I don't think there exists any game in this realm of reality that is as full of stuff as warhammer 1+2+3 put together plus all its optional content. Most certainly not anything from CA.
>q3 for blood dlc
waiting months for a shitty blood pack wtf
>no more fun total warhammer threads
Greatest loss of 3, fuck CA
>cut a game up into 3 parts
>sell each part for $90
>never lower the price even though the first 2 parts were released 6 years ago
>each part has $200 of DLC
>need to own all parts and DLC to be able to play the game
>oh noes why are people still playing pirated copies of Shogun 2?
cityfags, everyone
literal retards stuck in their own bubble sniffing each others farts
>auto-resolve improvements
>tech tree rework
>improving ranged targeting
>taking 3 full months for a team of 100 devs to fucking code
lazy cunts
a single indie dev could fix that shit over a weekend and 2 cans of monster
>never lower the price
But I bought WH2 for like 10 bucks in some steam sale.