Why play something this shallow when you can play something with infinitely more depth like DMC?
Why play something this shallow when you can play something with infinitely more depth like DMC?
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Sometimes I prefer to play a video game rather than sew.
Because Sekiro is fun.
Why make a thread this gay when you could be sucking cock instead?
Because while simple, the combat is still very enjoyable.
Complex and enjoyable > Simple and enjoyable
DMC's depth is in service of a game that's just not fun for the most part. Sekiro is fun and DMCV was like taking two valium.
Why try to force tribal wars instead of playing games? And why do it 3 years after both games came out?
There's room for both to exist.
There's no reason for one to exist.
Why have you been pushing the same low effort falseflag threads for almost 4 years now?
Why is that?
>DMCV was like taking two valium
What do you mean by this
Playing DMC is like playing MVC3 without a local scene. It's fun, there's a lot of depth, I've spent countless hours by myself in the training mode.
But at the end of the day, a great game requires back and forth. A more shallow system pushed to its limits by bosses that actually fight back is more enjoyable than juggle simulator.
KH II is also a better game.
DMC is reddit shit
Because Fromsoft fanboys are still sour about DMCV winning action game of the year despite winning GOTY.
because DMC is shallow garbage. Before you post your webms of styling on punching bags, DMC offers the illusion of depth. DMC is like an ocean but with the depth of a puddle.
Post footage of you beating floor 101 of Bloody Palance with all three base game characters and mission 20 on DMD with Vergil.
What isn't shallow?
what compels people to go on Yea Forums and make up imaginary wars in their head?
No thanks, I dont like juggling monsters like weightless balls. I like my games with weight.
DMCfags are the only fanbase with genuine braindamage.
Wow one incredibly specific scenario to prove your game has any amount of depth. What a game you've got there.
Not really, 90% of people playing DMC don't utilise the depth and for those us not willing to sink the time needed to do so DMC just feels slow, clunky and boring.
Why DMC when God of War is an objectively superior action series?
>bro just farm red orbs for hours and get no damage to get less score than you would if you played normally
You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.
>beat the final boss on the hardest difficulty
>incredibly specific scenario
You can't, huh?
I was under the impression Sekiro won both of those awards
Why play PvE action games when you could play PvP fighting games with far more depth?
Why play PvP fighting games when you could just box people in real life?
DMCsisters are permanently salty it seems. Their game was anticipated for like a decade, had tons of hype, money, music videos, memes, etc, then it came out, was mostly forgotten inna week and Sekiro basically lapped it in interest, relevance, sales, awards, etc
It didn't.
I'm so fucking sick of actionfags, your shitty punching bag simulators died out in the 2000's for a reason. The trash minibosses in sekiro more fun and engaging than anything in 2/3 of the DMC trilogy.
DMC5 won Action Game of the Year. Sekiro won Action Adventure Game of the Year and Game of the Year.
literally lmaoing@your life
Yeah I got confused, my bad
Thanks for correcting me, lads
Don't be so sense
It entirely depends on a persons mood
Don't always want to be putting mind on max
Sometimes you just want to chill out and have a good time
>Forgetting how badly DMCucks seethed over not getting 5 for years, not being nominated for GOTY, Dante getting cucked out of Smash
DMCschizos, everyone
>DMCsisters are permanently salty it seems.
Not really. There's a thread close to bump limit on the board right now and no one talks about Sekiro or anything.
The fact that DMC5 was up against Metro, Apex, Gears of War, and Call of Duty is a little silly. I mean yeah, those are "action" games but shouldn't that have been a shooter category? Only nominee that made sense there was Astral Chain. Seems like it was just a bullshit award desu.
>not being nominated for GOTY, Dante getting cucked out of Smash
No one cares about that shit, get your head out of your ass.
>DMCucks were starting shit with Fromchads past TGA with countless "HOW DID DMC5 NOT WIN?" threads, and literally seething themselves to death over getting their hopes up for Dante in Smash only to get Byleth instead
Nigger do you need me to get the archives?
Waste your time however you prefer.
Dante should have been in Smash over Byleth let's be honest here
Doanigger, plz
because I enjoy different games
The complete opposite.
>fun and engaging
>combat against multiple enemies is crap
>miniboss is surrounded by 8 lackeys
>you need to clear them every time after dying
>But at the end of the day, a great game requires back and forth. A more shallow system pushed to its limits by bosses that actually fight back is more enjoyable than juggle simulator.
This is the heart of the issue. Sekiro isn't the deepest action game ever, but the combat is satisfying and the game requires you to master it, unlike Devil May Fight Back (if it feels like it).
This must be bait
You don't need to farm orbs. It's obtainable by playing the game naturally, or just pay2win shit. Also that's a perfect S rank.
Why does everyone here pretend like DMC doesn't have higher difficulties?
why not both?
Because DMD is a joke. Which breaks even more with itemspam.
>combat against multiple enemies is crap
ur shit
>miniboss is surrounded by 8 lackeys
ur shit
>you need to clear them every time after dying
ur shit
anything else?
The only thing with infinite depth is your mom's vag
When did Sekiro fags become so insufferable? I don't remember it being this bad before ER came out
>8000 points
>perfect S rank
The only reason it's even achievable is because of the no damage bonus. 8000 is nothing on this mission, you'll easily get 9000 just by using Royalguard against Vergil and getting hit.
They only thing faster than a Faust kill is abusing the DT/RG glitch.
>jumping around like a retarded ape with Nero is supposed to be hard
Who said anything about faster? We're talking about points. The game doesn't rank you based on time.