Why are Americans like this?

Why are Americans like this?

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Post the black one

Because japs were emasculated by nuclear bombs
Their anime before that was more belligerent

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Because we're radical and tubular

Because we are based.

Americans are not like that anymore, and that's a bad thing.

Right is better

lol wtf is this

So this is where those weird creepy North Korean cartoons come from

Wtf I love America now

this hasn't been a thing since the 90s
at least not to this degree

It's a Japanese WW2 cartoon. As you can see, the nukes were actually a GOOD thing. They stopped making this crap and went make anime instead.

It's just cultural differences, Japanese gamers like cute happy characters and Western gamers like awesome mascots with 'tude

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Honestly I think a decent amount of it is budget and oversight, too. Look at that Japanese Crash box there. You could do cute and silly, but that just looks like a cheap bootleg. Now reverse that, and you have a lot of western localization boxes.

Why do people assume localization changes made by marketing executives with no taste accurately reflect what end users actually want rather than what said dumbass marketing execs mistakenly think they want?

Us stupid Americans don't appreciate Pac-Man's actual design because of this shit.

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Here you go bro. This is more likely than OP's pic btw.

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Yup, this is more "American localization" in current year.
I think I preferred the tubular.

Both are correct though. OPs is just 90s era and yours is recent times.

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I miss when the one on the right happened

Man the late 90s to early 00s was a great time. I miss the "rad" fad, it sure beats everyone self flagellating for race points

You forgot that he's now also an ultra scientist
For some reason americans love to cast blacks as scientists

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>For some reason
You know why.

Why does she look like sabrina the teenage witch

Guilt, inadequacy, insecurity.

>my other ride is your mom
I like this one

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That's your average triple A game these days.

Based Marsh Jones

oof right in the Tubular

Because Americans are radical

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>Why are Americans like this?
the real question should be why does Japan avoid characters that challenge authority in any capacity lol

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It’s a parody of 2000’s Cartoons about that totally rad but not so rad high school teenage life.

marsh jones sounds kind of based
looks cooler too

>to drugs, say pizza
>to yes, say no

>It’s a parody of 2000’s Cartoons about that totally rad but not so rad high school teenage life.
I dont think you know what "parody" means user

Loyalty obsessed society does that.

They're overwhelmingly nihilistic atheists that want to work themselves to death in place of slicing each other with swords


No no, it's
>Say Pizza, say no. To drugs, to yes.
It's Shakespearean

This will never not be based.

>say no to yes


imagine being to drugs

it's japanese so you read it right to left but still top to bottom

>why does Japan avoid characters that challenge authority in any capacity
Every modern Jap vidya is filled with this shit, the fuck are you talking about?

>skateboarding electrician
This is always what stops me and cracks me up. Who is this even making fun of? Truly just lolrandom?

>shitty ESL tries to make their own version of a funny image and fucks up repeatedly
that one's awful

>Every modern Jap vidya is filled with this shit
they only do it when the authority is implicitly america, aka a foreign occupier/oppressor. But by all means, list some games, this oughta be good lmao

Ah, you are baiting for (You)s. Nevermind then, continue what you are doing.

soulless | SÖVL

Pretty bad, right looks more like a magazine ad instead of a game cover and not even that good of one either
it's kinda like they had a bigger vision for the image because it doesn't even look complete

This screams "made by an incel" The original is all someone with a brain needs to get the point.

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Why would a technician of all people be working barefoot?

>no argument
we couldve had a civilized discussion you tragic sperg.

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nice updated version, now this is accurate

Give literally one example that’s not a game that belongs on /vr/

Because he's a bad dude, with a bad attitude

>imagine being at computers

>Yea Forums
We just had a thread about fucking horses


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>tfw someone saved my shitpost and posted it before I could do it

they are hivemind bugmen this is why

Like how you can immediately tell this one is parodying Pocky & Rocky.

I will now buy your game

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Weebs are a cancer.

>This screams "made by an incel" The original is all someone with a brain needs to get the point.

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That’s because they are never scientists. Anything blacks do is Opposite Day from what the media portrays

Nigga once this shit happen for real you will be seen as a prophet. I'm already seeing instances of they/them or that one gook MMO where they made all the female characters darker skinned and uglier for some reason

TMNT is a weeb show

Yakuza 7 literally has Ichiban going up against the governor of Tokyo. That's as unamerican authority figure as it gets.

>implying left is better


it's a subtle form of racism that lefties practice

>hurr muh yakuza
where are the dozens of other games that do this lmao

>once this shit happen for real
It's been happening for years now.

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user, you can't just play the retard card like that. You claimed modern Japanese games don't fight authority figures unless they're implicitly a stand in for America. Yakuza proves that wrong.

Why are you replying to a bored tranny? Ignore the retard lol.

>there's an exception to the rule
>this means it's not a rule!
What you're saying user, is that the existence of albinos means that nobody has colored hair.

Well, Yakuza was pretty big on nationalism as a core code of ethics, so that would make them anyi American on principle at least.

Lmao, no way this shit is real

>This screams "made by an incel" The original is all someone with a brain needs to get the point.

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Sekiro has you going up against your father and the head of the clan you're sworn into. Persona 4 has your team of weirdos fighting a cop. Etc. etc. etc.

>Sekiro has you going up against your father and the head of the clan you're sworn into.
it's also set in the feudal era you moron
>Persona 4
it has you fighting people who were corrupted, which is what I said earlier:
>they only do it when the authority is implicitly america, aka a foreign occupier/oppressor

Name 1 game

Corrupted people aren't implicitly Americans or foreign occupier

I mean…..yeah, clearly the guy who did this can’t have sex with women, and your point is???

>it's also set in the feudal era you moron
Has nothing to do with the argument of 'modern Japanese videogames not fighting authority unless le american'. Specially since you straight up have a foreigner you can fight in the game.