How hard is it to just not use slurs in game chat?
How hard is it to just not use slurs in game chat?
this is the future xtrannies want
Don't care
I thought it said Phil Specter for a sec and was confused
more like Phil Sphincter
kill yourself Rajeesh
Soon you'll be able to wear a headset that censors everything offensive in real life as it happens.
Remember when online play was unrated by the ESRB because they knew people would call each other fags and niggers and they didn't want to deal with it?
>there won’t be an option to turn it off
This will unironically be used against niggers more than anyone else.
Do you get canceled if you have tourettes and say nigger all the time or championed as stunning as brave for having a disability?
If it's triggered the police SWAT will automatically be called to your location, to arrest the person being offensive
>Change language on Xbox console to French
>"Phoque fuck phoque fuck phoque fuck ."
hardly anyone even uses in-game chat these days
I think it's a good idea. Edgy faggots will have to improve their vocabulary.
I know a guy that legit has that form of tourettes. It's humorous, but there's an extra strain in his voice that makes it rather clear it's just a tic. However
>christfag zealots (family included) think he's possessed by demons
>decade later wokefag zealots think he's committing thoughtcrimes
dude can't win
>shit's gonna be potentially locked to Microsoft
>budget goes toward paying MS for their tools
>Doktor, turn off my slur inhibitors!
>hey man what's your favorite flavor of chips
I don’t even play online games. Everyone acts like a faggot or nigger and hey i wanna let them know. A couple weeks ago i got muted in pokemon showdown because i said “you’re black” to someone and they said in the reason for my ban
>don’t know what you meant but it can’t be good
Getting your swear words bleeped out sounds hilarious if it'd work like that.
Also could this lead to a slur metagame as they add more bad words to the filter?
Why shouldn't I call a dumb moron, who can't play a dumb moron, when both of us are playing 18+ game?
>chads insult you with words from the time when it was ok to own a nigger.
>chads invent better words to hurt your fragile self
>chads bypass the zogblock and calls you a niggerfaggot anyways.
All will succumb to memetic entropy
absolutely, shit is going to get weird
uhhhh, fellow Chud scholars, wtf? I dropped the Snoy box for a Series S with Gamepass on a 5 year contract
have Yea Forums lied to me again, they said Microsoft had the white straight mans vote, THIS CANT BE FUCKING HAPPENING
>high melanin male gamete consumer
How many words have they already banned because of it?
>basketball american
>fiery but mostly peaceful protestor
I think they'll just outright ban the whole dictionary at this point.
Why do people even care if some loser they don't know, on the other end of a long line of infrastructure, wasting their time on some stupid game, calls them mean names? I never have, I only care when people I care about use demeaning language against me, and that's mostly because I feel bad about disappointing them to such a degree that they can't just speak normally to me.
>people call other people "nicer" instead of nigger
>nicer gets banned
>people call you nice
>nice gets banned
>say gg
>get banned
>don't say gg
>get banned
>Why do people even care if some loser they don't know, on the other end of a long line of infrastructure, wasting their time on some stupid game, calls them mean names?
exactly, I mean quite a few times on here people say YWNBAW and I just ignore it? like I’d want to be ‘a white’ anyways, so fucking dumb
I remember RuneScape's chat was completely fucked because of how many swears they filtered out. I'm pretty sure there were a few items/towns/characters who's name you couldn't type due to containing forbidden words. Even "doorknob" would turn into "doork***"
Good. Spamming the n-word on voice chat is becoming a little cringe and annoying at this point. I get it, you want to practice your freedom of speech but there's a time and place for that type of garbage. Create a voice chatroom and talk about n-words with your bros if you want.
lol I remember that censor being really strict too, but for some reason shit like "gayfaggots" went straight through the filter
And you'll still get banned for toxicity even if your words are censored before they ever leave your console.
>patented vidya shit
oh so only ms games will have it. anyone that tries and implement it would need to pay the microjews. lmao
Some people have so limited a vocabulary it's the only way they can put impact behind their words.
Meanwhile you can't name your character with "knight" in Elden Ring because everyone will see k***ht. Prudes manage to make the best racist jokes.
Unfortunately there's a lot of them and using complex language just causes their eyes to glaze over or completely misunderstand what you're saying.
What the fuck don't dox my settings
>Having sex at least once
>Having more than three relationships
>being over 5'11"
>having a night out with a friend group at least once a week
These are the minimum requirements to call yourself a Chad.
If you don't meet all four, you're a coping faggot riding on the coattails of real men.
>solution: get meds
If you don't meet three, you're a mediocre coping faggot trying to lower the standard of real men.
>Solution: acquire testosterone
You're an apex beta in denial if you don't meet two. There is no solution. You're not going to make it.
If you can't meet a single one, you're an honorary tranny. You and trannies are virtually the same in every facet of manhood. Even implying you're on par with real men is an insult to masculinity
>Solution: Kill your father for spawning you. then commit suicide.
Them's the rules, beta boy.
Call them googles.
the epitome of soulless
Pretty hard, to the point if I can't I'm just not gonna use it entirely.
Sigh. This kinda shit is why i just pirate everything.
Eventually zoomers will start using name of microsoft products as slurs just because they'll be the only words they won't filter
Please, game companies, censor your audio. Give me a reason to set up a new teamspeak server.
Oh wait, nobody fucking uses xbox chat so no one cares
Pretty hard when you keep declaring new things to be “slurs”.
That’s why literally everybody hates you.
Well it's a multiplayer game so just get a buddy and use teamwork.
>blacks universally banned from gaming because they say nigga every 3rd word
How hard is it to just use the mute function if you can't handle the bantz
>japanese players can't tell their teammates to run away anymore
It’s clear that it is a minority that wants to censor the majority. Most people hate faggots and niggers and most niggers hate faggots and white people. The best thing to do would be for all to come together and seize bill gates assets and then let all the lackeys who fought for diversity kill themselves over the scraps when they realize they’re checks aren’t being signed
New pasta?
>>fiery but mostly peaceful protestor
Is that what you call the January 6 """patriots"""?
>NI [pause] GGER
>FU [pause] CKING FA [pause] GGOT
>entirely separate option dedicated purely to nigger
Americans truly do worship them like gods, don't they.
>playing multiplayer games with servers hosted by faggot companies instead of regular people
>using voicechat in games with servers hosted by faggot companies instead of regular people
i pity the zoomers, who know not the joys of this life
>Hey, what's the Japanese word for running away?
>Hey, what's the Spanish word for color black?
ucking-Fay igger-nay aggots-fay
No, its a reference to this.
No, its not a meme or edited, they put this live on national television.
Finally, wrongspeak is going to be eradicated from the internet. I'm very happy that I will no longer be able to use any insult or slur a company deems inappropriate, based on their own beliefs and opinions of what should be allowed or not on their platform. With this, and society's love of canceling anyone for actions which go against the central line of acceptance, all we need to do is find a way to eradicate thoughtcrimes and the perfect society will be upon us!