Reggie hated Donkey Konga

>“I have to tell you, as an executive, I hated Donkey Konga. I hated it. I fought with our parent company. I thought it was going to hurt the Donkey Kong brand. Personally, I didn’t find it a lot of fun to play. I pushed back hard.

Reggie probably wanted a mainline 3D Donkey Kong game for the gamecube but NOJ said no

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wtf he was right

Jungle Beat was kino

so i guess reggie is the reason why we didn’t get donkey konga 3 here

donkey konga would've been fine if it wasn't the only fucking donkey kong game on the gamecube

I bought it on release day and he was right, it sucked shit. At least Jungle Beat sort of made up for things.

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If Returns had come out on the GameCube, we would have had more country games in a row.

Bros... :(

Reggie was right

Jokes on him, Konga was great.

2, not so much.

Seeing how Wario turned out I can understand the fear.

What went wrong with the Donkey Kong franchise?

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>30 year old tendies literally sat with their lega crossed beating a toy drum to Bingo was his Name-O and thought it was Kino
Will never not be funny

The lack of consistency. After Rare left, Nintendo didn't know what to do with the IP relegating it to spinoffs or trying to give it another reboot with Jungle Beat.

It’s a rhythm game, how can it hurt a brand?

So he didn't want the bongos at all? What about that DK King of Swing game?

DK went from being a series that consistently sold 5+ million to a "Mario spin-off" that became synonymous with gimmicks and overpriced peripherals.

It wasn’t

slob on my noj
like corn on the coj

Why do you keep posting this image

He has shit taste, he also hated Disaster: Day of Crisis.

Every donkey kong game on the gamecube was a bongo peripheral game instead of a traditional title like what Mario and Zelda were getting. Jungle Beat was basically the closest the series had to a main game at the time and it still played like a score attack spinoff game

Nintendo turned Donkey Kong into a spin-off factory with no consistent vision.

jungle beat wasn't what people wanted out of donkey kong based on the sales.

I read
>who will stop the tranny?

Donkey Kong is basically a western IP at this point as all the DKC games (aka the only ones people give a shit about) were made by anglos. Nips are incapable of even conceiving of a DK game that isn't gimmicky junk.
But at the same time Nips are arrogant and refuse to ever back down so instead of simply making another western dev studio or something to make more they'll just let the IP sit forever.

He probably looked at the USA track list compared to the JP and EU versions and knew it was shit. EU had Canned Heat and Don’t stop me now, the US version had Rock Lobster and Wild Thing. Shit the JP version even had anime songs and SMAP

Die zoomer, the game was popular enough to get remade for the Wii

>Bingo was his Name-O
>EU got Canned Heat
>JP got The Doraemon ending theme
Now you know why the American version was so much worse, Reggie purposly tried to sabotage it.

Good take. A Donkey Kong rhythm game sounds good at a glance, but it didn't even focus on the music from Donkey Kong. Was just a poor attempt at cashing in on other rhythm games, and even as a child I was genuinely baffled by it.

>I hated it. I fought with our parent company. I thought it was going to hurt the Donkey Kong brand.
He was right. Most people think Donkey Kong is C-list franchise nowadays.

It was a shit Taiko drum master knock off with a even more shit track list and controller. I owned Donkey Konga and still think Reggie was right

What other good rhythm games were there on gamecube?

Yeah, it's actually been 8 years since the last DK game, he needs to update it.

>DDR Mario Mix

I hate to admit I kinda liked it at the time…

only because the wii didn't have a donkey kong platformer of its own until 2010.

>with a even more shit track list
Only if you were american

feels bad man
Donkey Kong used to be on the top of the world before the gamecube

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That’s the impression that I get considering Reggie was Nintendo of America

Isn't tropical freeze well liked tho?

> Most people think Donkey Kong is C-list franchise nowadays
He is, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing and Splatoon are above him

That's the worst part.
Nowadays, I see comments on the Tropical Freeze ost and people are like, "Woah, I can't believe this is coming from a DK game!"
When it should be things like: "DK does it again!"

Heck, just look at the initial reaction to that game back in 2013.

Best joke of the thread pack it up we’re done here

This. It would be like getting Link's Crossbow Training as the only Zelda game on the Wii. It's fine as an oddity and a reason to sell an accessory only because there are other Zelda games on the console.

Yes but…

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DK is only known for mario party and mario kart.
No one actually care about his nonexistent games

Personally, TF is about the best 2D platformer I’ve ever played

Donkey Kong was never good and people only cared about it because of the graphics. Miyamoto was right.

>shoulda been metroid

>somehow this spread far enough for people to hate the game

Did anyone give a shit about.these games? I never see anyone talking about them.

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They were shitty gimmicky spin-off games released during drought periods of course no one gives a shit about them. They're a Clu Clu Land clone.

King of Swing was pretty good.

but donkey konga was fun and good joke material
there's something insane about playing a game with bongos with donkey kong while listening to smash mouth allstar

I don't even remember these games existing

considering they got a stage on smash i'll say they had a popular niche.

We got one good thing out of them at least.

He was absolutely right, after Konga they forced the bongo controller again with Jungle Beat and then there was absolutely nothing for years to come until DKC Returns, I loved Donkey Kong but I knew shovelware shit when I saw it and never touched either.

Japanese love those taiko drum games, which is probably why it happened.

is a rythm game you autist.

Consequence of the Rare split. They didn't have a studio to front the DK brand for a while. The bongo games are standard Nintendo party games. They're not offensive in and of themselves. No more than DDR Mario Mix.

>is a rythm game
with really shitty track selections
>uh oh, song rights
>have some baby songs

They didn't get a stage though. They had some music tracks and a trophy in brawl.

Reggie and Sakurai were the only ones making good decisions in Nintendo, everyone else is a retarded fag or a senile boomer.

Reggie's such a nigger I'd take donkey Kong's over the fucking NOTHING ELSE we got for 20 years

fuck, meant for

>They didn't have a studio to front the DK brand for a while

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>good decisions
>literally keeping a bunch of GameCube and Wii era games from being localized

>there's no donkey konga for switch where you play with the joycons
big mistake nintendo consoles rely on party games when there's nothing left to play solo anymore

The DKC brand, more specifically, which is distinct from Arcade DK, or just general use Nintendo DK.

>Reggie making good decisions
>What's that you say? We have games in Europe already translated into fucking English

Friendly reminder that Reggie cosigned fucking wii music, but donkey konga is the problem....

Jungle Climber was surprisingly good. The gimmick was still strange, but it actually felt like a full Donkey Kong platformer.

Reggie is the reason Xenoblade and a bunch of Wii exclusives weren't localized. The pizza faggot wanted nintendo to be the toy machine for old people, i'm surprised Wario Ware was localized at all probably because Wario proved himself before Reggie sabotaged the company.
He wanted NSMB shit not actual games.

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I would say well over a third if not half of all current users are newfags on the extreme level
another quarter are still newfags that use images like that still
the remainder is a split infinity of various stages of oldfag

>tfw they waste a kart racer on dk when everyone will just play mario kart anyways instead

Anyone remember this? It was started as a Gamecube game but was moved to Wii

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King of Swing is the worst selling DK, about 280k worldwide.
Its damage to the brand was comparable to Yoshi's Universal Gravity.

>Don't market game among sea of other games you've farted out
Shut the fuck up miyamoto

Yea he was right this game sold like shit and is only remembered for the meme controller and we didn’t get another donkey Kong for years after the fact it did hurt the brand.