Do you support fat girls in video games?

Do you support fat girls in video games?

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Other urls found in this thread: several hormones, estrogens promote,and differentiation, and adipocyte metabolism.

I'm not really muscular, don't think I could support them with that weight

Support them with your heart. Or dick.

why yes


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only if i can put a baby in them

No, not in the slightest.
What you posted is an older woman who has had a bunch of kids, which is a more reasonable reason and age to be a bit overweight.
But pushing obesity in young, single people is just trying to make gluttony and sloth acceptable character traits.
Which are terrible traits that help no one out in life and only adds more suffering and death to the world.
That includes you fat fetishists, you are enabling people to kill themselves for your dick's sake.

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We're all gonna die anyway. so dont care


Yes. Unfortunately, not many games have them.

Who's the target audience for these women exactly?

i feel pity for this boy

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I don't just support them, I actively encourage the conversion of skinny girls.

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i dont support off model

overweight women benefit from exercise in the sense that it helps tone and shape their bodies, not because it helps them lose fat

Skinny girls are ugly.

Jiggly girls are for winners.

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Only if they fuck black guys

Those high in testosterone

I like fat girls and the idea of feederism but I would never encourage to the point of health issues or anything like that.

Will she let me snort her asshole?

trust me pal women are getting fatter on their own and that's none of our doing, they just happen to collect the fat fetishists money on the internet now but they would of gotten fat either way

Damn straight

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I love and support fat girls

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No, only inflated girls. And even then only as a means to said girls exploding.

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Alolan ninetales fag spotted go back to /vp/

How much is high?
I got my results the other day and I got 1060ng/dl but when I posted it on a thread everyone was saying I was too low test

the absolute state of amerifats

nonvirgins, nondicklets

Virgins don't understand skinny girls feel too boney and get launched during rough fucking.

Only when they got that way from eating humans

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Fuck yeah. Love me some chubby girls.

>being this gay
Fatfags need to be gas

Your virginity is showing.

same, but those are not chubby

>attraction to women with more female figure makes you gay.

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Low test.

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as long as they have massive knockers, yes.

But I'm a macaco

From the thumb I thought this was pregshit. Glad to see I was wrong on this one.
Keep on being based.

>Fatfags need to be gas

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americans need to be shot

>body fat
Go back to with your fat acceptance bullshit.

It's funny how eventually the vorefags show up

If you make a game featuring a majority female cast and have them all be chubby to super fat but also sexualise them all, does the world get mad at sexy or applaud the representation?

muscle is masculine, curves are feminine, simple as

Attached: themorethingschangethemoretheystaythesame.jpg (1000x833, 405.64K)

>wanting woke shit
Neck yourself.

>>Body fat
...yes? That's what estrogen promotes.

It’s only woke if the fats are ugly

Fuck I love vore so much.

Fat people are always ugly.


I want to shank methonium for stopping drawing porn

Mei is built to PUMP UP several hormones, estrogens promote,and differentiation, and adipocyte metabolism.

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Attached: chubby girl.jpg (1008x1024, 89.32K)

>blacked porn

Fuck off with your politically-loaded language. You don't "support" your favorite game genre. You don't "support" your favorite restaurant. You don't "support" your favorite trail. You "like" them. You "play/frequent" them.

No, I don't support the war on men's right to choose what he doesn't and doesn't find attractive in a woman, which is what fat acceptance is about. But chubby girls are cute.

Imagine the braps.

>not posting the edit

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Use the third eye

Is this butt expansion?

Yeah some go a bit too far but OPs pic is about my limit. Good body and probably a great fuck. Top notch single mother material.

>Is this butt expansion?
No, it's orange juice.

Based, but I enjoy all of it, even if it’s fat —> pop

idk what that is

Vorechads, I submit.

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Only shittedfags use that to post their scat porn.

I'll wager mad since it's partially a fetish thing.