Why do they keep failing?

Why do they keep failing?

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They need to get bought by Microsoft to put them out of their misery

As long as 14 continues fuck em.

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Retarded boomer management. NFTs and live services can fuck off.

They drank the Western game design kool aid.

Just like Capcom until they wised up and fired Inafune.

>26 million FFXIV subscribers
>"lets make random shitty single player games, instead of investing more on our cash cow!"

14 can fail and they would still be kept alive by gatcha

If they become a FFXIV company idc. DQ is boring. They'll keep doing the 2DHD games. Octopath was shit but TS was ok.

Their drive to make new IPs is the only salvaging aspect of this company I care about even if this particular attempt is a dud

>square Enix is so fucking shit they fish for free consulting on Yea Forums

Pay me a million dollars and I’ll save your shitty company.

But all their properties are doing better than ever. The only thing failing is their single player Final Fantasy games. It's your fault if you're one of those idiots who thinks Final Fantasy is the only thing they do.

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>Babylon's Fall had a total one player earlier this week

DQ is Armor Project. Horii's company.

Creatively they are failures. Dragon quest is for the Japanese niggercattle class and always will be only that.

The executives have been consistently retarded since the merger. The only saving grace has been the big name talent in the eastern branch. Literally everything else outside of that has been an abject failure.

They have some of the worst executives in the industry. They should refocus on what actually works from the company, but sadly I don't see this being near as likely as it should.

>Dragon quest is for the Japanese niggercattle class and always will be only that.
>Dragon Quest has seen a 300% increase in sales outside Japan, with the largest increase in Europe
>Dragon Quest XI outsold Final Fantasy VII remake

Best possible outcome is a more competent studio buys all of squaresoft's properties from them to offset the loss from NFTs and live services.

they see the juicy profits the west gets away with in their low effort AAA slop and want in on it

FFXIV made them overconfident

Based DQ is the most boring safest shit in jrpgs.

Yes? It's still published by SquareEnix. There's many other series which are also done by non internal studios.

Also, Dragon Quest X and XI were made by an internal Square studio (headed by Yoshida no less). Before DQX, all the games were done separate. But the last two were done internally.

>300% increase
>from 10k units to 40k


Get woke, go broke

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>cant get console games right
>cant get mobile games right
>only thing they have is a dying genre called the subscription mmorpg
good riddance
they can burn alright

Final Fantasy VII and X were the ones that made them overconfident. And then they started cannabalizing all their other IPs in the PS1/PS2 era to put more money into FF games. Which led to them losing money and needing the merger with Enix. Once they merged, they stupidly put Wada in charge of the combined company. The guy who led Squaresoft into needing a bail out in the first place. And he proceeded to repeat all the same mistakes, putting even more money behind overbudget FF projects (XIII, XIV and XV). All which failed at launch. FFXIV just managed to recover thanks to a new staff taking over and Wada being forced out.

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High five

>keep making shitty low effort copy trash of dragon quest over and over relying on haha funny references

Dragon Quest VIII and IX sold 1.5 million copies outside Japan. And Dragon Quest XI has sold over 2 million in just physical copies. We don't even know how many copies it's sold on Steam and digital PS4/Switch because SquareEnix will never release that info.

Also, the DQ series is the #4 top selling JRPG series outside Japan. But don't let facts get in the way of your narrative.

genshin shits on everything square enix ever made
cope about your lost cause nobody cares about the incompetent japan monkey anymore

>And he proceeded to repeat all the same mistakes, putting even more money behind overbudget FF projects (XIII, XIV and XV). All which failed at launch.
It's important to note all of these were related because of their disastrous attempts to make an in-house engine to be used on everything from an MMO to a PSP game.

Geshin isn't a videogame. If you want to discuss gachatrash then you can fuck off back to twitter with the rest of your ilk.

R8 my cowboy gunbreaker glam

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Bad character designs that only appeal to LGBTQ people. Overused plots and themes. Yawn-inducing gameplay mechanics.

look at the crybaby getting angry over the fact that a based chinese company made a better and more successful AAA game compared to any low effort trash shit enix made in the past decade

mutt pandering and greed

I never mentioned Genshin. And that's a really odd deflection away from your failed argument since Genshin isn't even a JRPG.

Even xenoshit mogs them.

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The glam itself is good, but your character looks like a fucking goober. Needs to be on a different race or a different face.

Publishing 2 games and assisting with development doesn't mean they creatively own the franchise. DQX was also headed by Fujisawa. Yoshida was just a planner on the project but has been invited to replace Fujisawa for it's latest expansion as a scenario writer.

>replying to genshit false flaggers

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The engine was an issue. But the real issue was them trying to make a 'cinematic universe' with an entire generation of FF games. And putting 90% of their game budget into those three games. Again, cannabalizing all their other IPs for more overbudget FF games. The very same strategy that nearly killed Squaresoft.

You look like a fedora tipper

because they're run by boomers, same as every other retarded jap publisher

but at least they're not american and run by commifornians

>false flaggers
this is the extent to how much square enix defenders are mentally ill

How'd that Chocobo racing game do that came out awhile ago? Good yeah?

i don't know why they're so okay with releasing broken games. like not just glitchy. so broken its like no one even played it once

these aren't even games where they can get away with updating into live services either. why do that?

shit enix stopped caring
they will just keep shoveling shit and disrespecting all of their fans for the sake of money
stop caring about them and move onto companies or even countries that care

I think it sold well. But most people thought it was really bad in terms of gameplay. It literally is just discount Mario Kart.

ffxiv had 1,4m subs at endwalker launch,its 26m registered players which is basically nothing.

>stop caring about them and move onto companies or even countries that care
>companies and countries
Literally none of them do. SquareEnix is not some random outlier. It's the same as all of them. They want your money and don't care about your respect.

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>26 million FFXIV subscribers
SquareEnix claims its up to 50 million subscribers. What SquareEnix doesn't tell you is that they're not ACTIVE subscribers. Their average of active players is 600k. And a little over 1 million when an expansion launches (if you can get through the queue).


then time to stop gaming and leave Yea Forums kid

Lol going by that logic runescape is like 5 times as popular

You'll find a lot of games are more popular. Including WoW, despite how FFXIV fans keep acting like FFXIV has 'killed WoW.' Even with WoW losing like 80% of it's players, it still has more than FFXIV.

But at the same time, a subscription MMO only needs like 200k subscribers to make millions of dollars a month. And FFXIV is well beyond that threshold. So it is a massive success.

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Retarded management. From heavily interfering and under-funding 3rd party contracted devs like Team Ninja and Platinum to their retarded NFT shit. There is literally no company as retarded as Square Enix.

The following weeks of dead steam charts and absent UK game charts will be amazing. Snoy cope unlike anything witnessed before!

>There is literally no company as retarded as Square Enix.

SquareEnix (pre 2014) was still one of the worst. But not the absolute worst.

cuz they abandoned the game that saved them from bankruptcy twice

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It's depressing what happened to them, but they do have decent business sense. It's just that their current direction doesn't leave much room for bigger video games anymore. Konami is still a huge company in Japan, and far from from financial ruin. They just shifted their focus to other areas, many of which aren't really apparent if you don't actually live in Japan.
Depends on what division, but for the large part they seem pretty competent. Just very greedy and corrupt. If we're talking JUST video games you may have somewhat of a point at least, admittedly, but it's never been a primary focus nor at the core of the company like Square Enix.
Made some baffling decisions, but outside the Blizzard branch in recent years has been mostly consistent and effective in pushing their bigger brands.
...okay, that's some competition. I'll give you this one, although I think they largely just don't give a fuck outside of EA Sports.

(Roughly 1.6 million people actually pay a sub, that's not even 10% of players user)

You don't know jack about Konami. They are the literal definition of management driving away everyone. The same thing Square did, but 10x more aggressive. Spying on their own workers with camera (even in the bathroom) and then blacklisting people who left the company.