Everything he said is completely correct especially the lore part

Everything he said is completely correct especially the lore part

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Can you kill me please OP

The only reason Souls games are remembered today is because the marketing team struck gold by appealing to the pseudo-hardcore crowd.

didn’t read

I wish Cain didnt commit murder just so I could slaughter these people consequence-free

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I got tired of Dark Souls after playing 1 and 2 to the end and part way through 3 I just got bored. They feel so similar that I don't really care anymore, are Sekiro/Elden Ring a big enough departure from DS or do they follow the same gameplay design?

Find one post in the board or archive that says Souls games are hardcore.

This opinion should get you IP banned. I’m starting think Souls antis are mentally ill.

aside form very well done character, enemy and world designs the actual storytelling or gameplay is below average

It's really just the same shit with a few different Simon Says prompts.

lmao is that a fucking joke? He'll find one easy peasy no doubt

It satisfies me greatly that Dark Souls has left such a permanent bootmark on your midwit brains that you to this day are seething over it even though the series ended years ago
git gud

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You must be new here.

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yeah, it gave fat retard losers a reason to be proud about wasting their time on video games with their "this is a real challenge with no hand holding" marketing
which is ironic because 60% of the people that actually beat the game and care about the lore spent hours watching character build and lore videos

relative to gen7 at the time, dark souls was considered a "hardcore" game at the time.
But i understand since most of Yea Forums don't even remember the console launch of dark souls, let alone were posting here.

Stiil seething after 2 months huh

Attached: images.jpeg-23.jpg (554x554, 23.09K)

Correct. Normies think beating souls makes them hardcore.

They're right though

I bought this game about 2-3 weeks ago and it entertained me for a week before I put it down. Meanwhile Yea Forums has been seething for over 2 months.


I get the impression that whoever made this image was very frustrated over being told to git gud. Probably because they need to git gud

Nah, they were substantial games and Demon's Souls filled the void in fantasy games when all you had were increasingly dumbed down Zeldas or Assassin's Creed games as contemporaries.

When DaS released, there was a strong DaS vs Skyrim sentiment on this website and others, and people were drawn to DaS because it wasn't boring as sin and it was fresh.

>Infinite health cheat
Why even bother playing the fucking game then?
Stupid faggot

>people were drawn to DaS because it wasn't boring as sin and it was fresh

This, it's not ever hard by today's standards. Plenty of indies are harded, and pretty much any MP game requires more skill, even fucking fortnite.

as someone who plays a wide variety of games, i never really understood why souls games are so popular. if you want argue they have good level design i wouldn't argue the point, but a lot of aspects are better represented in other franchises. actual rpgs have better world building and mechanics for stats, not just stats that change what stick you use to hit enemies. actual action games have far better combat that have much higher intrinsic value to get better at. you could say they're good because they offer something in the middle, but i don't really see the appeal.

Well yeah man, it was. Your contrarianism/zoomerism doesn't change how DaS blew everyone away who was tired of the godawful 7th gen. That's why it was an overwhelming success, and got RPG of the year awards over Skyrim? On this site especially Skyrim was being mocked for being an even more dumbed down Oblivion.

It was absolutely a fresh game at that time. I can't say the same about 2/3/ER though.

Lotta revisionism in this thread.

fr fr no cap g48 simmie dat chill n til, imma hit up des 4 plr l8r u want to ride?

And tell us, what do you mean by that?


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This but unironically

I could see how playing them back to back would get tiring, they are very similar.

Sekiro might be different enough for you, and if exploring is significant enough on its own for you as a facet of gameplay then elden ring might as well.

Dark souls one has a "prepare to die" edition you fucking retard

Nah. They were good, substantial games in a sea of 7th Gen dogshit like Assassin's Creed and Skyward Sword. No handholding or any of that nonsense. The only people who began to bitch about DaS were the PC fats when the port came out.

>That's why it was an overwhelming success, and got RPG of the year awards over Skyrim?
why did you finish that with a question mark? are you asking if it won whatever bullshit awards you jerk your dick to? you tell us nigger
>game good because.... le paid marketing awards show said so

Sekiro is a rhythm game, ER is more similar to Code Vein than DS because you're expected to spam skills and let your peon do the job for you.

dark souls was always tryhard shit
Demon's Souls got a pass because it was like a KING'S FIELD spin off. dark souls quadruple downed on the le preparino to diearino lame bullshit and appealing to le hardcore gaymerinos

hate Dark Souls
hate nu-From
hate Hackazaki

Because I rephrased my sentence between sets of bench press. lmao, imagine actually thinking that Bamco could pay out an awards ceremony for a game that was expected just to be a niche release. Fromsoft games were never a breakaway success. Now you're just coming across as a schizo.

Perhaps that certainly did play up with its reputation, but that DLC existed separately as Artorias of the Abyss content and was very well recieved before the Prepare to Die edition.

Imagine actually thinking it was just the perceived difficulty that made these games popular. You're truly retarded if you actually think that.

Dark Souls is easier than Demon's Souls though.

At least Code Vein has cute anime girls and T&A unlike ER

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he’s a retard but at least he have his own opinion instead of following badwagonners

Every action game is a rhythm game, this is a meaningless yawp.

>ddude im le heckin power lifter bro DYEL dude idd i mention i lift bro???? benchin right now bro hardcore gamer hardcore lifter do you even eat meat bro dyel bro my entire personality is trying to proof what a hardcore boomer oomer doomer go getter i am bro hang on need to hit the tris mid sentence bro need the pump dude skyrim dark souls ign i love pop culture
what a disgusting waste of oxygen

DAE stop their hardcore souls gayming sessions to hit the iron and eat some hardcore manly beef? btw i have never touched a woman but i have a 10 plate squat and i have beaten dark souls at SL1 because i am a very hardcore guy

No, other action games have multiple solutions.
Sekiro's enemies force your hand time and time again.

DaS is a hardcore game for hardcore boomer doomer gamer slike me that played the 7th gen which is the hardcore boomer gen for hardcore gamers like me that are also powerlifters which is for hardcore men - *stops to hit the bench* - for hardcore gamer boomers like me? and you would know that if you were a real oldfag boomer gamer from 7th gen like me?

>ER is more similar to Code Vein
ER wishes it had implemented the skills like Code Vein does
Code Vein gifts are well integrated within the weapons already expanded movesets and their build
The closest thing was DS3 weapon arts but it was just one per weapon

Attached: Code Vein - Hannibal.webm (854x480, 2.59M)

Nope, try again. I'm not schizoposting or crying about a series I don't like. Dark Souls was a substantial adventure RPG that took the place of Zelda when the past few games were awful, and the only contemporary was Assassin's Creed. The games aren't even particularly difficult.

Cope and seethe.

They just need better animators and to calm the fuck down with the particle effects. I'd like a Code Vein 2.

Shitter took all the fun parts out by cheating.
By cheating he didn't enjoy combat because he didn't have to git good, he didn't enjoy overcoming bosses because there is no challenge to overcome, he didn't enjoy exploring because the rewards are worthless if you are unkillable and he didn't enjoy the oppressive atmosphere because he made the game story mode.

The person who wrote this is unironically a tranny.

>PC gamers

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cope seethe schizo dilate glowing am I still on /pol/? i'm a based boomer oomer hardcore gamer powerlifter btw and true oldfag gamer started with 7th gen? perhaps mayhaps the contemporary perchance mayhaps of our time i post world salad because i have nothing to say other than my personality is built on being a hardcore souls gaymer

Yeah, you could hit them with the sword, or hit them with the hammer, or hit them with the longsword, or hit them with the bow. What choice. What consequence.
That looks like trash though. Just standing between his legs and spamming.

>Just standing between his legs

>Easy Mode top alongside mods explicitly for cheating
What did the gaming community meme by this

Attached: Elden Cheaters.png (1226x594, 243.83K)

>I-frames step fist is actually an ability to shorty fade into a mist but that locks you in place and needs to be timer, none of that babby easy mode bloodhound step garbage
>Somehow this is bad

Attached: Code Vein Mido.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

I have not seen a single actual soulsfags brag about the difficulty. They're mostly enjoying PVP, co-oping with friends and talking about lord.

The only people who talk about difficulty seem to be the seething retards such as yourself, who project a "hardcore" persona onto the people who are enjoying the games. Additionally, it's people like you who are the constant shitposters.

anyone that unironically uses meh is not worth listening to and needs to teleport back in time to Gaia Online and stay there

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>reddit spacing
didnt read lol die mad

A timer that refills so fast as to be utterly meaningless.

>Talking about lore

>*finally fixes the spells/melee dichotomy issue*

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Attached: Cathedral.jpg (1920x1080, 1.43M)

Lmao you think this is Elden Ring where abilities are free?

Absolutely kino area, and memory later is even better

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when dark souls 1 came out there were a fuckload of fags who bragged about how hardcore it was

I hated this place but also loved it, it was the only truly memorable map in the game, they did something right here but I still don't know what that was

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i also remember the pain of my first broken bone pretty well

Stopped reading at infinite health.
You didn't beat the game tranny

>by appealing to the pseudo-hardcore crowd.
Think about why exactly that happened and you'll discover the actual reason they're remembered.

Nu-Yea Forums in one post.

dark souls is a nu-Yea Forums core essential
real oldfags play KING'S FIELD

The spell uses/FP estus is absolutely garbage
From needs to copy the Ichor system asap

Attached: Code Vein clip4.webm (960x540, 2.95M)