Bunch of uncultured mud dwellers
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And yet they beat alliance fags in every BG and take ever world first kill.
this doesnt seem like particularly good game design to me
Horde is the evil race. Orcs are literally born from drinking demon blood.
looking at classic naxx, it was about split
>subscription based game
>make the actual game parts take as long as possible so they have to pay more subscription
MMO players are literally too retarded to tell that theyre getting scammed
MMOs have always been designed around a fucking scam and you still have dumb cunts that play them trying desperately to bargain with the devs to change certain aspects of the design all while being too fucking stupid to understand that it's all shit by design.
Xiv doesn't do that
nobody remembers columbine
>every BG
i hope you're not talking about classic. the first week of AV was EVERYONE was just base rushing the raid boss, and alliance won like 99% of the time. after they all got exalted, all the good players stopped queueing and then the horde started winning 99% of the time.
Just because you don't get why people play MMOs don't mean they're all dumb. Some people just enjoy the social aspect of it
Do you pay monthly? Are there any time gated activities? Can you reach max level in that month playing a reasonable amount? Then it does do the things I'm talking about. Designing a game to intentionally take more time to complete or scheduling events to only happen at a certain time is not the way it is to be an awesome realistic fun time for you, it's designed that way so you pay for more than a one month subscription. It's absolutely fucking insane that you have to buy a game, buy content updates for it and then also pay monthly because... content updates? The same ones you're already paying for separately on top of buying the game? It's a fucking scam retard.
WoW is not canon they lost in the important games.
more like giga based chads
cuckliance bootlickers literally waiting in line lmao
>waiting in line like a fucking cuck
>racial that stuns
>racial that removes fear
>racial that enrages
yeah no shit, just retarded balance by blizzard
if you didn't play alliance from day one, you'll never understand how much the game favors the horde. it is so subtle at times that you'd easily mistake it for pure chance, but it isn't. shit even down to their guards defending towns doing more damage and having more health. it's a fucking joke.
>Some people just enjoy the social aspect of it
No part of a game being social requires charging monthly in a game that isn't free, releases paid expansions and has time gated content. Non of the things I am shitting on have anything to do with being social and I hate to break it to you bud but plenty of games exist that are multiplayer that don't charge you monthly on top of making you pay for expansions. They way you are talking sounds like you're in a fucking cult. If you have to pay for your friends then they aren't really your friends. You're as bad as retards that pay to be a part of streamers discord for the "community".
Oh man I remember having to kill some monsters that there were only like 3 of in some Korean MMO
Constantly switching servers to hopefully be the one who gets the next spawn
>the hero faction is superior to the villains
wow who would have guessed, that's never happened before
>social aspect
just fucking play vrchat
it's the absolute best social-oriented game in the world and it's free
>Virgin Conga Line
>Chad Moshpit
WoW killed the "social aspect" by making every class able to solo to max level in a week. You want to talk about social MMO's, look at the original Big three: Everquest, Ultima Online, Asheron's Call. WoW is nothing like an actual social MMO.
You have to pay to sit down with someone for a coffee too
14 has such high GCD you can probably cast 6 spells before your sub runs out
the very first raid boss in the game will always have been taken by the alliance first(Onyxia)
they switched off after and then Horde started slapping shit basically nonstop
also by that point the Horde had become the "cool" choice, Lv60ETC, etc etc so all the uber tryhards went Horde and it pretty much never stopped
not to mention busted PvP talents across the board Diplomacy is the most broken talent in the game is something I heard all the time in Vanilla, hahaha
They didn't get world first of anything in Classic or TBC classic
What a stupid fucking analogy. Here's a better one: I pay for my coffee but I actually only get half a cup, the waitress will slowly pour the rest into it over the next hour regardless of how much that makes it cold or effects the quality and only if I continue to pay her in small increments. Then when when the last of my cup is poured I am informed that if I would like sugar or cream I will have to pay the price of an entire coffee again at which point the cream will be poured into my coffee over the next hour. I can refuse this but I am told that if I do I will no longer be allowed to sit at the same table as my friend who is getting his cream poured into his cup over the next hour. Even if I don't want to sit with my friend and just drink my first cup though I will have to continue to pay in small amounts over the next hour for literally nothing. On top of that the coffee is intentionally put in cups that make it get cold faster so that you are more enticed to buy another cup.
Now if you have a brain and experienced a business that did this, you and your friend would likely say "Hey there are other places we could go to hang out that don't have absurd financial requirements just to get a cup of coffee lets go to one of those instead of MMO cafe." But MMO players are not normal. Apply the MMO business model to anything else and it seems fucking insane because it is. You dumb niggers pay for something like minimum of three times and then get a subpar product designed around getting you addicted first and providing enjoyment second.
Fuck that waiting shit, I would just roll up and try to yank whatever bullshit those fags are sitting around for.
Do British people really?
Don't know what to tell ya buddy. Tried to explain it the best I could using your analogy that you came up with. I understand the reality hurts though and know you were never going to reply in earnest. I don't think I have ever seen someone who plays MMOs actually articulate a real response to how utterly ridiculous the business model is when it's pointed out. Certainly didn't expect you to realistically. I know that somewhere in your brain though you know how pathetic and fucked up it is and are likely a prisoner of your own addiction.
You're not talking to the same person, schizo. Rather just pointing out your autism needs to be checked.
? what quest queue?
Ive had longer queues for housing night clubs.
>endwalker on launch
>told you're going to visit a winter area
>90% of the players dresses up in winter clothing
Just one of those mmos only feelings.
whoa, how'd you get to be so cool kiddo
>"Hey there are other places we could go to hang out that don't have absurd financial requirements
less than 50 cents/day($15/month) for unlimited access
>absurd financial requirements
this pop in is embarrassing, why cant nips make mmos
>You're not talking to the same person, schizo.
You instantly replied to my post almost the moment I made it and said nothing indicating you were someone else. How would anyone possibly know you were? I do like the irony though of you stalking this thread, replying instantly when I make a post and then calling me autistic for not knowing what you know. You know that's a literal symptom of autism, not understanding that everyone else has different thoughts than you.
fuck I love dumb, edgy shit like shit
Again, the fact you're so mouthy and wordy over simple posts.
You legit can't help it
What about shoes
Yeah it's pretty absurd when you consider that every other game is $0/month for unlimited access when you buy them. You don't pay for literally any other game genre, including other games that are online multiplayer and get content updates. You are being incredibly disingenuous in replying to me. It's not a subscription that is unreasonable. It's requiring buying a game, requiring buying expansions and then still having a subscription and then on top of that designing the game in a way that intentionally wastes people's time to get them subbed longer. But as I already said I know you can't actually comprehend formulating a real reply where you actually address how ridiculous it is over all.
>t. is already crying about EMFH in wotlk
The salt of hordniggers at this racial is so delicious.
desu its why i dont think ff14 will be THE mmo, theres too much baggage from the 14 redo and the shitty engine. But yoshida has said they wont abandoned it (put in too much effort at this point)
They still struggle with glamour sets, and as you said pop in is garbage. Also something to do with how they handle loading character into instance, the reason you cant switch class in a instance is because they just copied whatever you are wearing (before you accept duty) you dont actually get teleported, its just a body swap with class abilities and gear being the only transferred option, hence no glam, no class swaps.
By fucking your mom so deep that whenever the guy you call your dad came home and pulled me out he was crowned king arthur.
>Yea Forums
MMOs are expensive to run. You can either play a MMO with a thousand shitty microtransaction features and pay2win, or you can pay the sub and get the full game with no bullshit. I personally prefer the sub, but I do admit WoW should be cheaper, maybe 5-10 bucks per month would be easier to justify
Old Blizz always had a chub for the horde. The retconning to make them dindus started long before nu-Blizz.
Or I could play games that aren't shit by design instead
>retards still dont know that you can highlight npc names for easy clicking
>MMOs are expensive to run
private servers prove you wrong
so just like retail and it's boosting
Sure, you do that. But you're an ignoramus if you don't understand that some people just like playing a MMO
>playing an MMO
>paying for it
>wasting time waiting in a fucking cuck line
>private servers
Lol no thanks
>MMOs are expensive to run
This excuse was true twenty years ago. It's just not anymore. Any company telling you this is lying. I work with a large corporation and my job is usually writing code for scaling server requirements with AWS. It's so fucking easy these days. It's not expensive at all. There is no excuse for it in the modern day. Regardless the pricing isn't the only issue, as I said these games have greed as a core design philosophy. Why do you think there are so many events in WoW that only happen once a month or in a similar way? Why do you think OP's picture even exists? When a company benefits from getting you to waste time in a game they will start designing the game around wasting your time and the end result is a bad game. A bad game that you then pay quite literally, sometimes 100 times the cost for. My friend who has been subbed to WoW for most of his life has paid the cost of buying several other online multiplayer games several hundred times so that he can get another reskinned quest to farm a mob for skins or horns. It's truly fucking sad to watch and it is a legitimately a mental illness if you are paying that much for fucking nothing just because you've done it so long you can't stop.
>people spontaneously cooperate
>this is somehow bad
If it were up to you humanity would stay mud dwellers
Meds, now. Seriously.
You missed his point entirely retard. Is some literal whos can set up a server in their mom's basement to run WoW then Blizzard has no excuse for needing to charge a subscription.
despite the bugs and glitches they're closer to original WoW than censored and niggerified 'classic', but hey, keep throwing money at company that shits in your mouth
the couple months of classic were SO fucking good. it genuinely felt like 2005 again. and then the cancerous shit like the world buff meta was established and it just got worse and worse with each phase.
i dont get it. private servers are more innovative then the scum running mmos today
Which is why their servers suck. When you pay Blizzard you get Blizzard quality and you can make memes about it all you want but it's still Blizzard quality
private servers are some of the most corrupt p2w shitholes i've ever seen in any games.
Quality like massive ques on new releases even though as I mentioned, scaling server requirements in the modern day is incredibly easy if a company isn't incompetent's/cheap? I don't even play Blizzard games that often and I know them having down time and ques whenever they launch something is itself a meme.
The cuck alliance
>why yes sir i am #2743 in queu, please go to back of the line
The chad horde
>this kill is MINE
>Horde didn't start getting world firsts until the game was harder
>alliance finally get a good racial with every man for himself
>ENDLESS bitching from horde players until it's reworked
yeah because boosting and carrying for gold/money doesn't happen in retail at all, mage boosting in classic is pure hoax we know and chink gold sellers are cope right
emfh is significantly more op than all of the old horde racials combined.
>horde ony attune: run all over both continents, take out elite dragons to make the amulet, acquire LBRS key, finish UBRS
>alliance ony attune: run brd once or twice lol
what were they thinking
>t. UD rogue
Yeah the private servers would explode instead, I agree
Blizzard in 2004 didnt plan for thousands of players making new characters on the same day and having pefect knowledge of the world and levelling strategies.
Can't see 2 meters ahead. embarassing
if your a big business you cant be as openly scummy as the bad private servers. the fact the average (free) servers arent particuarly worse then blizzard doesnt look good for them
i was talking about innovative gameplay which blizz isnt a fan of
private servers have all of that on top of shit like
>intentionally breaking ingame content to paywall it behind "donations"
>the "donation" economy in general with shit like buying talents for other classes and overpowered god gear on the shittier servers
>staff being directly involved with the gold selling business and taking bribes to unban chinese accounts
>hundreds of people line up to get a quest target
>grind out for 5 minutes
>skip the quest and head to razor hill
>the scum running mmos today
only way to play is hosting your own private vanilla server
you have no idea how game breaking it was. every single alliance pvper rerolled human and streamrolled all pvp content with two endgame pve trinkets.
ps3 limitations
just don't play on shit servers
>intentionally breaking ingame content to paywall it behind "donations"
pick a good server then
>>the "donation" economy in general with shit like buying talents for other classes and overpowered god gear on the shittier servers
pick a good server then
>>staff being directly involved with the gold selling business
pick a good server then
>taking bribes to unban chinese accounts
almost zero chinks play on private servers because extremely tiny amount of people actually spends real money there especially with possibility of server wipes/court orders unlike drooling retards on retail
look I'm not saying private servers are good, they are just better deal than retail because retail would be expensive even if it was free
The thing is this is completely retarded. Just skip the fucking quest and just grind or do other quests. This is a waste of time
Line up like a cuck or be the fastest clicker in Orgrimmar. Which one?
private servers might be more "pay to win", but it doesnt make them scummier then the people at blizz. they just cant get away with it because they would lose their prestige