So are the Fingers just aliens or what? What's the relation between the three fingers and two fingers? And what the fuck does the fingerprint shield mean?
Elden Ring Lore Thread
if you combine 2 fingers with 3 fingers you get 5 fingers, which is how many a normal hand has
some truly deep lore
Scarlet Rot Observations
>Spreads as a fungus but also grows large leafless trees
>Seems to mutate wildlife into larger versions
>Pests spawn out of the rot naturally
>Bugs seem to be a theme with the Rot, Pests, Aeonia Butterflies, Scorpion Dagger
>Humans are able to live among the rot without dying
>Fire is effective
>Pure Rot seems to be a brightly colored liquid
ah fictional diseases are so cool
What about Malenia's limbs falling off due to rot? Is that fungus?
required reading for newfriends that only watch youtube lore vids
Scarlet Rot can also infect inorganic beings like the Crystalians.
But the question is, do they become pro-Rot after being infected?
here's a question
are these fish scale skin grafts on malenia?
In real life these sorts of skin grafts are used on burn victims though they're temporary
Reddit utterly MOGS this place in lore. What's the point in posting here again?
unalloyed gold fused with her flesh
Doomping my fun schizo (but not really) theory
The Elden Ring is a star that is at war with other Stars since the very beginning, and in doing so has basically taken control of fate in TLB.
Stars here aren't necessarily stars and are just sort of celestial bodies, like comets or shooting "stars"
The Elden Ring is just another special celestial entity (star)
Elden Stars:
>This legendary incantation is the most ancient of those that derive from the Erdtree.
>It is said that long ago, the Greater Will sent a golden star bearing a beast into the Lands Between, which would later become the Elden Ring.
"sent a golden star"
Sellen on incantations and sorcery:
>Golden amber contains the remnants of ancient life, and houses its vitality,
>while glintstone contains residual life, and thus the vitality of the stars.
Amber is from the Erdtree.
Stars, and the Elden Ring, are both literally alive, and are both the sources of magic in the game.
Stars control fate, see below.
Amber Starlight:
>An ephemeral sliver that gives off a pale amber glow. What remains of a passing flash of starlight.
>If the stars command our fates, then amber-hued stars must command the fates of the gods. Such is the belief that inspired the use of these shards to prepare a most special draught.
Celestial Dew:
>A hidden Tear found in the Eternal City.
>Once upon a time, the stars of the night sky guided fate, and this is a recollection of those times.
Or rather, they used to, until the Elden Ring arrived and started doing its thing.
>Astrology tool used by members of the Carian royal family. A stolen part of a larger instrument.
>During the age of the Erdtree, Carian astrology withered on the vine. The fate once writ in the night skies had been fettered by the Golden Order.
Astrologer clothes:
>Worn by those who look to the cosmos above.
>They read fate in the stars, and are said to be heirs of the glintstone sorcerers.
>But alas, the night sky no longer cradles fate.
Seluvis clothes:
>A long, bright blue gown with the movements of the stars drawn upon it. Worn by the magic preceptors who served the Carian royals.
>Glintstone sorcerers are the descendants of astrologers, a fact that the Carians remain aware of. Even if their fate has been long severed from the stars.
It's worth noting The Golden Order has always been at war with star-bros since forever, indicating this is a pattern.
It also seems like the GO's control over the stars has been gradually increasing.
Nox clothes:
>Long ago, the Nox invoked the ire of the Greater Will, and were banished deep underground. Now they live under a false night sky, in eternal anticipation of their liege. Of the coming age of the stars. And their Lord of Night.
The Nox were banished, probably for doing star-stuff as they loved stars.
>The Second Liurnian War No victory for the golden, nor for the moon No prize but atonement; the birth of a vow
>The First Liurnian War Radagon's glory burns red as his hair
Carians and Raya Lucaria who were astrologers were constantly under attack by Radagon
Rennala clothes:
>When Rennala, head of both the Academy of Raya Lucaria and the Carian royal family, lost her husband Radagon, her heart went along with him.
>And then, those at the academy realized. That Rennala was no champion, after all.
>The resting place of the contemptible Cuckoos Lost in the siege of Caria Manor
The Elden Ring is reality controlling in nature, so this isn't crazy, the GO gradually began to control fate more and more during the age of the erdtree as it slowly dealt with its enemies.
Also worth noting it's implied that it's the "movement" of stars specifically that control fate.
Then, I think, through some Schizo trans-faggotry Radagon shit Marika breaks free from GO control, executes some 5d chess plan, and smashes the elden ring (the golden star) and the other stars become relevant, or just free, again.
Finally, Radahn steps in for some reason, and by holding them in place fate is once again stalled.
Which has you move onto this dialgoue in Ranni's questline:
>And so, if General Radahn were defeated, the stars would once again resume their movement.
>As would Lady Ranni's destiny.
Iji on Ranni:
>Let me explain. The fate of the Carian royal family is guided by the stars.
>As is the fate of Lady Ranni, first heir in the Carian royal line.
>But General Radahn is the conqueror of the stars.
The star that is let loose opens Ranni's fate.
Iji on Sellen:
>With the stars of fate set into motion, a certain sorceress is dispossessed of her immortality...
>Finally, we can be rid of a longstanding Carian weed...
Sellen is immortal because her fate is held in stasis.
After you kill Radahn, they are finally let loose.
Above is an example of sorcerer's fates being controlled by stars, but I don't think it's just sorcerers, I think it's everybody, which I will get into next post.
Ignore if you don't think it's relevant, I do.
They didn't want to make their game too obvious, so they cut A LOT of shit out of it to keep it cryptic.
Delving into the files and finding just one cut-out throw-away lines makes a lot of stuff make sense (with the exception of a couple things).
They had a full recorded Godfrey cut intro where he would say all this shit to you:
>Elden Ring, O, Elden Ring.
>Shaper of life, arbiter of fate.
>Lord of the very stars above.
>Brave Tarnished. Mighty warriors, who fought at my side.
>Await the summons. It will call to thee one day.
>Heed the fading grace. Listen to the Fingers.
>Gold commandeth the very stars,
>giving life its fullest brilliance.
>Be ready, once it is shattered
The Gold star (Elden Ring), through somehow conquering the other stars after crashing onto TLB, has literally dominated, commanded them and took control of fate around TLB by the time it has finished beating back star-fags and other outergods.
I also think Outergods are from space too, them being called "OUTER GODS" With the death one being tied to an eclipse, and the red star for the formless mother, a sun god, and the moons as well, I think EVERYTHING, including outer gods, is celestial in nature.
Note that Fate manipulation =/ no free will. Fate can be fucked with by stopping a stars, denying people their fate, like Ranni for instance who wouldn't be able to get the dagger if her "star" wasn't let go but was perfectly in control of herself.
People possess plenty of autonomy even under controlled stars, but it seems like the GREATER WILL literally tampered with fate at will whenever it needs something to happen, letting go of or stopping stars (commanding them) to events as it wants, it probably isn't omnipotent/omniscient.
>if you attack Fia, Godwyn tries to kill you
Huh, I guess he does care, and is somehow kind of conscious despite everything
> Some tinfoil-hat level theory that basically boils down to two completely unrelated things having a somewhat similar shape
No thanks, I'll take the "Dark Moon is a god" and "Godwyn was always a merman" clowns over this any day of the week
i thought Alexander would have been tainted by the rot too that really seems like where his story was heading, because he thought it was a good idea to add a bunch of knights who have been stewing in rot for years to his body. but then nothing about it
>"Dark Moon is a god" and "Godwyn was always a merman" clowns over this any day of the week
Both true unironically.
They're in the haligtree simping for rotten pussy so yeah I think so.
Makes sense desu, that's what I was also getting, my schizo dude
I don't really think yours is an out-there-tier theory at this point; the cosmos, the universe and everything that's stellar are ironically the biggest players in ER's world.
>Amber Starlight is said to have controlled the fates of the demigods themselves
>Seluvis remarks that the draught was once a demigod's very fate when you give it to him
>found right next to a statue of Miquella and Malenia in the crater left by the falling starlight
>area is littered with sacramental buds which are heavily connected to both Miquella and Malenia as a way to craft Preserving Boluses and Bewitching Branches respectively
>this is the only statue of Miquella and Malenia found anywhere other than the Haligtree
What the FUCK does this mean?
That's wrong though. If you pay attention he was put in the same pose as Marika but with death's corruption his body shifted to that unnatural look.
But hey it got the upvoterinos and vaati fans will circlejerk it at the top comments.
Miquella's been spending his time kidnapped sculpting more statues of him and his imouto hugging for the world to see
>Amber Starlight is said to have controlled the fates of the demigods themselves
That's what Selivus believes, he could be wrong but we'll never know because Ranni won't take the rape potion.
>has to flip and stretch the image of Godwyn to fit his schizo theory
there is nothing that implies the moon has a will
none of its spells/items require faith, entirely unique amongst all confirmed outer gods
post any proof of the moon being alive that could not also be applied to non living things
ask yourself, could one say this of a nuclear reactor or black hole?
that would be subconscious, no?
>The Elden Ring is a star
it's a beast.
the golden order snuffs out anyone that disagrees with them, including carians. but the elden ring is much older than the golden order.
commanding falling stars makes sense since it literally sent a falling star bearing a beast, though this isn't a very impressive feat considering radahn, naturalborn and others
>It is said that long ago, the Greater Will sent a golden star bearing a beast into the Lands Between, which would later become the Elden Ring.
Nanomachines, son!
>>has to flip and stretch the image of Godwyn to fit his schizo theory
Yeah? And the stars are Astels.
One and the same.
>Doesn't use primary sources
Why even post?
yeah? it's a beast. an animal
no they aren't
You seem to be missing my point
>Astels are to normal stars what the Elden Beast is to the Golden Star.
he responded to the wrong post like a dumbo imbecil
moon is a spaceship retards
i think you're missing the point, manipulating falling stars is not a crazy feat. radahn is an example
>i think you're missing the point, manipulating falling stars is not a crazy feat. radahn is an example
And this is relevant to my point how?
They're semi-independent agents of the Greater Will, which seems to be a sort of Demiurge
Godwyn's corpse starts shooting out rancor spirits to kill you if you try and murder Fia, surprising you and her both
because people seem to assign a whole bunch of crazy shit to the elden ring over it
>Godwyn is soulless!
>but apparently not mindless
>because people seem to assign a whole bunch of crazy shit to the elden ring over it,
this doesn't seem to disprove or contend with anything I posted, though.
You fucking mongrels are still arguing about the merman theory while reddit is finding the cool shit
Stop humiliating yourselves
even the massively flawed finger comparison is better than this
>Godwyn orientation flipped
>No hair/arms sprouting out as landmasses
Isn't that Godwyn image/post just trolling?
People can't take that shit seriously, right?
Not that merman schizo, but show me one ((1) ONE) image of Godwyn with legs
The corpse is the best look we got at him while he is alive.
Those weird batlike enemies that sing until you aggro them are really spooky
I was talking about the Godwyn/Lands Between comparison, not about the merman insanity.
>check this supposedly good thread
>people there unironically believe that Marika killed Godwyn
Jesus fucking christ you niggers were right when you said that they follow Vaati as gospel
>unironically believe that Marika killed Godwyn
Are people truly that obsessed with whitewashing Ranni
Holy fuck... it all makes sense now.
vaati didn't say that though?
>Reddit has an opinion
>"oh that must be wrong"
>Look into it
>"Yep they're wrong"
>*Go on reddit*
>"hey guys, you're wrong" *shows evidence*
>17k downvotes, hid behind three chains of comments, comment hidden
>*insert catchy one liner*
>1 million updoots, front of the page
Such is /reddit/
Some closing thoughts:
Astels are to normal stars what the Elden Beast is to the Golden Star.
The whole "Commanded the stars" is late-term GO, when Carians are dealt with, when Marika does her thing
Ranni "takes her order" far away, which I honestly think is just the Elden Ring (star) you brandish at the end of the game, she replaces Marika, and she stuffs the Elden Ring back in space on her voyage with you, which causes the GO hold to be greatly weakened.
That's kinda it, doesn't BTFO any outergods except maybe GW.
She had to free herself from the fingers first to do this, indicating they were controlling her somehow despite her having the autonomy to do NoBK.
Other non-FF endings don't really get rid of the order, and you kind of fix it with an amendment, no matter how aids that amendment is.
Rykard, a Anti-GO enthusiast, and noble hero, yells THIS in his :
>O shapers of gods, meddlers in fortune.
>I do not abide! By your suffocating Order.
I also think Marika couldn't have ever shattered the ring, without the 5d chess trans-faggotry she did seeing as the GO has such immense control over her fate. GO was raising an Empyrean because she had doubts, and I do think she smashed it because of Godwyn in a fit of rage, because any genuinely pre-meditated plan by her would get her JUSTED by the Elden Beast.
"giving life its fullest brilliance." apparently living in a world where the GW controlled literally everything was pretty pog
>"Shaper of life"
cut dialogue from godfrey hints on the Elden Ring seizing upon the crucible and shaping life with it.
>"Be ready, once it is shattered"
oh yeah, he's also in on Marika's plan.
Gives weight to the "GW sends Astels" theory.
Between genocide and fate manipulation. GO isn't your friend. It does seem to invent humans altogether though.
Let's also not get into the funny anti mind control helmets Iji and Nox wear.
He literally says "there's a lot of very credible evidence that Marika was behind this plot". This credible evidence is, by the way, "close ties" between BKs and Marika (since they were both numen) and Marika's betrayal of Maliketh which is actually the shattering itself as Gurranq says. So there is no proof, but retards don't care and repeat that shit ad infinitum.
The upvote/downvote visibility system is the single most malicious and badly design feature in any social network ever made. It's the complete opposite of discussion, not only it doesn't encourage discussion at all but it effectively kills discussion by hiding downvoted comments and encouraging hive mentality. Absolute fucking dogshit.
Elden Ring and most loose threads in these games are nothing but a Zanzibart joke.
Or more accurately, a Rorschach test.
You're creating patterns where there are none trying to make sense of the nonsense.
There's nothing for you to solve.
>Portrait of Ranni, Godskins and BKs playing foosball together
Radahn's belt-buckle:
>Babies flesh and the sacramental blood of tortured Virgins, the staple of Radahn's diet
>Reddit's reaction
I can't wait
reddit thinks this image is too horny and that elden ring is one of the horniest main stream games released. I think it's fair to discount their opinions
So, why did From decide to make multiple versions of undeath again? Why make Godwyn death cancer be a reason for people not properly dying, and even having the GO go full genocide mode on them, if TWLID are just skelly exclusive, and not the billion other types of dead beings you fight in game?
My theory is that the average person in TLB just lives forever, turning them into zombie-humans, not that they can't die, as there is tons of evidence in-game they can.
>from tall thick redhead goddess to 4 armed blue cunny consumed doll
this might be the biggest downgrade ever
From can't even keep their game mechanics straight with TWLID.
Mariners don't get affected at all by D's shitty incantations, but the Death Birds get vaporized by them for some reason.
There's also something about the beastman once creating an advanced society with their 5/10 fingers, and the giant elden ring that exists in Farum Azule sculptures.
>surely this must be a joke, they can't be that st-
>open Elden Ring lore subreddit
>multiple posts talking about the Greattree separate from the Erdtree
Holy shit lmao
Mariners arent TWILD.
what a massive faggot, holy shit
this just proves that so many people are nothing but fucking cattle