
Please join me in the giving Relic Entertainment developers some energy


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>expecting a modern game to not suck

I'm so fucking tired of being disappointed bro

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Mom, Dad, Relic said they're taking me to Italy. They promised it will be lots of fun!

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>sega coh

that would be 60€ for base shitgame + 30€ for yanks+3 new maps, 30€ for bongs and + 3 old maps :))))))

Set your expectations lower and stop buying new games.

i'll torrent this once i remember

>stop buying new games.
i dont and im still disappointed

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>i'll torrent this once i remember

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>no playable Italy faction
For shame!

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Based pasta enjoyer.

It's still a WW2 game? Dead on release.

expect it in one of the bajillion dlc packs to come

coh has sucked since opposing fronts came out.

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visually this game looks worse then the last one already

>Lelic game
>Not to suck

It IS going to suck like you have no idea

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The "beta" a year ago looked awful like a CoH2 mod and its pure USF-wank, its dead already.

CoH2 sucked cocks and CoH1 was better in everything, and this is barely and hyperbole. EVERYTHING in CoH1 mogs 2, even the fucking textures. Even the explosions, sounds and voice acting. Not to mention the actual game pace. EVERYTHING was done better in the first, but Relic lost every fucking one that was passionate and competent about 10 years ago in the housing crisis scam and reformed as BBI.

CoH3 can't be good and I can tell simply by that screenshot. Look at the smoke particles on the house and the explosions in the tank that has no smoke. It's CoH2 modded.

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Looks like the anti-relic schizo has arrived.

>game set in italy and north africa
>italy not a faction
Hard pass

Filtered shitter

i just hope MY BOY, makes it

i want to turn krauts into minced meat

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that will be $3.99 per squad $7.99 per commander $14.99 per faction and $7.99 per map and the game will launch with two of each thank you

>i just hope
You don't have to hope
Here are the US factions and 2 of its battlegroups

Italy was not in the war anymore.

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>Pirating a multiplayer game

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Can't wait for my 1660 to not being able to run

northern italy was

Wehrmacht has the weirdest fucking design choices in this new iterations I swear
>Tier 2A has ALL THE RECON infantry
>Tier 2 lets Grenadiers (6 men) upgrade to 5 men squads
>Battlegroup lets Grenadiers upgrade to Assault Grenadiers which are basically 6 men Panzergrenadiers but with mp40s
>4 men MG squad in tier 4 just because, despite Wehrmacht having MG42, 5 men Panzergrenadiers and Jaegers
>A Tier 2B path leaves Stug as highest tier of Tank Destroyer
>Luftwaffe tier does not have luftwaffe infantry, instead the luftwaffe battlegroup does
The US one is good but Wehrmacht is pure schizo tier

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Objectively correct, coh2 is garbage and doesn't even come close to the first game.

>i want to turn krauts into minc-ACK!!!

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>t. Blob spammer

>Indian battlegroup for the Bongs confirmed

>Trailer shows "stronk independant womyn"

Get used to it. chud. WWII needs to be updated to 2022 standards

>brit players

Honestly this. I have about three times the hours in CoH 1 over than 2, and I only play 2 when I get the itch to play the Russians on occasion.

>German faction
>German faction elite
>German faction Adolf Hitler

This one plays more like CoH 1 so you faggots will need to get a better excuse.

>>German faction elite
>>German faction Adolf Hitler

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How did people have issues with blobs in the original? Did people not build engineers, MG, moratars, or any of the counters to blobs.

>straight up showed that late game will be dominated by the Germans because the Allies are intentionally designed to fall off late game

They want a repeat of COH2 balance now? What a bunch of retards. This just encourages Allies to use the most cheesy and broken strats to end the game. Amazing logic

>t. Poor newbie who was missing his anti everything ranger blob

CoH2 was infinitely more balanced than CoH1

>Jackson and Su-85
>Fall off late game

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>the best US babbie unit
You could've at least tried by bringing up the Paratroopers.

sounds good to me

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2 was dogshit
3's gunna be worse
there's a reason that people mostly still play 1
>bUt StEAm StAtS sAy 2 HaS MoRe!?!
most of those are filthy casuals that never played 1, the literal perfect RTS and last great classic RTS ever made
2 was dumbed down and crammed full of pay2win dlc

RTS games are for single player against AI

2 was far more skill based and less dumbed down than the first one

Those are from the same posters because CoH2 filtered compstomp shitters

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>MFW I bully brainless AI and get the dopamine rush of seeing explosions

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>can't even climb chest high walls
Come on now.

>Muh 2 is for filthy casual
>S-strategy games are for compstomp

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I need a basedjack with a helmet for bullying 1 fags.

I feel you

its either well funded and void of any soul or creativity
or its got a good idea but no budget or experienced developers

what a time to be alive.

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>MFW I bully brainless AI and get the dopamine rush of seeing explosions

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Wow i cant wait for another shitty game full of DLC and micro transactions

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I just wanted my Fallschirmjaegers back. They were so good.

alright lets get this shit started


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