How would you feel if Rockstar Games announced a Punisher game?

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didn't volition make the punisher game?
regardless id be glad because they're finally releasing a game, but concerned because rockstars track record hasn't been so great recently

>made by pozzed, lgbtqpbraap++, sjw,, söydevs

Kill yourself OP. Seriously.

um can you not post a picture of his old symbol bigot, we updated it, do better

>Implying that isn't what we're getting already with the current state of Disney and Marvel Comics
Besides, that was Grove Street Games.
The porting team for GTA5 on the next generation wasn't Rockstar's full house.
The Punisher with GTAIV tier writing is what I'm thinking of.


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We're never getting another Punisher Game because people are genuinely too stupid to understand Frank's character.

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Man that series sucked. Jew Punisher where he's a sidekick in his own show and keeps bitching much more than killing.

Fuck the 2005 Punisher game was so cool
Those brutal interrogations were so satisfying

I dunno are you announcing one?

not gonna happen rsg jack off to their unique IPs

Imagine releasing a game like ps2 punisher nowadays, where you brutally execute unarmed enemies. Rockstar of david doesn't have that courage anymore.

You murderous piece of trash....

The Warriors ring a bell?

Frank is currently a Ninja right now so it probably wouldn't be a regular shooter.

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uhm.. yikes sweaty, thats very problematic of you, are you some kind of school shooter incel?

I played the NES Punisher recently and if you shoot the saxophone playing black guys to death they make this weird noise which I guess is them exhaling their dying breath into the sax. I think it was supposed to be funny but it made me kind of sad :(

indifferent. rockstar makes shit video games

I think it would be cooler if Telltale made a Punisher game.

rockstar is cucked so I'd know it would be bad and a waste of the IP

Very Frank moment. Punisher is a Marine, a soldier, not a police officer. He's there to kill, not to keep the peace.

Raven soft soldier of fortune type shooter but punisher would have been cool

So not any different than modern police?

That's just for this storyline, he'll be back to normal (including skull) in two or three years when this run finishes.

Punisher ended for me the moment Marvel Knights run finished. It was all downhill from there

No, Frank doesn't go out of his way to shoot dogs.

Garth Ennis is too stupid to understand Frank's character.

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That's glowniggers you're thinking of.

it's 100% in character

They already did, it's call Max Payne

Are you this braindead? how old are you? Rockstar made the decision to hire those people, they KNEW they were incompetent, because it was A CASH GRAB, they made the disastrous GTA SA (“Remastered”) as well, they knew this. And haven’t you seen them removing “harmful trans caricatures” from GTA 5? and confederate flags? Not to mention Gta 5 was shit from the start anyway, worst GTA ever made. and RDR2 had a good story but the worst gameplay I’ve ever seen in my life. Stop licking boots. R* only cares about micro transactions now anyway, they canceled Bully 2, cancelled Agent, get a grip, they’ll probably never make a new title again.

Feds would rather shoot your babies.

>And haven’t you seen them removing “harmful trans caricatures” from GTA 5? and confederate flags?

Wait, what?

>they canceled Bully 2

I never heard about this either!

Cool, I liked Max Payne 3

You didnt like any of MAX?

Lmao why does Shane look like a kid here

user the creator of the punisher is trying his hardest to fundamentally change this character

It would likely be P2W shit somehow. R* is a shell of its former self.

Good thing he doesn't work for Marvel at the moment, then.
WTF happened to Conway, anyway? How does a guy his age, with his experiences, turn full SJW?

i don't think they ever officially canceled bully 2, but lets not put our hopes up, its either cancelled or its going to be SJW propaganda with absolutely 0 soul.

Marvel and Disney ultimately only care about money. Even if Frank continues to get character assassinated, they will 100% change the logo back at some point because it's extremely marketable

>nu rockstar
I wouldn't care and I'd ignore it

Frank didn't take an oath as a public servant

Same with liking tranime and posting tranime avatars

Honestly its a great fucking logo
Marvel and trannies are retarded for not understanding why law enforcement/military likes a soldier with a fucking of mental problems caused by his job, who likes and respects cops, its /fit/ and lives in a world where every subhuman he kills is objectively Evil

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I'd be sad that it didn't happen before the old guard left the company.

Btw here's some punisher fit kino

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>"People are just don't get Frank like I do"
>All they've read is Max
Every time.

Its like this on Yea Forums of all places but it makes sense since they gargle Ennis' balls for draining the fun outta Punisher.

I want R* to make a new game so we can get a new crowbcat video.

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Hey look, it's the worst actor from the Walking Dead. That show went downhill pretty quick.

It would be sick to start a criminal empire and then some sick fuck came in and did all your drugs and ~

I just described gta RP.

GTA SA basically did that with the gang wars and it sucked because running a drug empire would imply you would have to stop doing all the crazy shit you are doing up to that point. GTA CTW did it better.

Nobody gets Frank at all. People forget or are just ignorant of the fact that he idolizes Captain America a complete boyscout. He also carried a dying Peter Parker to the hospital.

Your gun will holster every time you point at a minority. Except for asians because they've graduated from minority status to privileged minority

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why do you think he wasn't always a lefty?

This is a great post, elaborates on the fact that the Punisher doesn't fit into the whole left "cancel culture let's worship saint floyd as a god who did no wrong" bullshit OR the far-right "cops and military should be emotionless machines that love killing and allowed to enforce whatever fascist ideas come across their minds" idea, NPC's and normies can't wrap their head around the fact that Frank is ultimately a flawed human being affected by a tragedy that has his own code and morals that don't fall into a political ideology, and it's those people that are ruining comics

>who likes and respects cops
Punisher actively despises cops who look up to and want to emulate him, across multiple interpretations.

>your far-right uncle shows up at Thanksgiving
Why does the skull look like the non copyright-infringing version?

>draining the fun outta Punisher

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>he didnt read marvel knights