When did you realize that it was better than 5?

When did you realize that it was better than 5?

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Pretty early on when it wasn't an edgy "Adults bad" story but instead it was a story about a Chad in a small town solving murders and family values.

Daily reminder P3 was better

I still think 5 is a good game, but after replaying 4 somewhat close to my firstp laythrough of 5R I appreciated 4 much more.

Ignoring that P5 has better gameplay and arguably better music (Though P4 is no slouch)
>Interesting villain's that are relatable, pitiable, but at the same time despicable.
>Party members with the agency to affect the plot, as opposed to being dead weight after they join (and some not even then)
>Not obnoxiously long like 5 was, ignoring the things that Golden added.
> Friends that actually feel like friends, rather than people that don't really have much of a dynamic, who are apart of the group because they're a party member.
> Doesn't try to make the primary villian a dindu nuffin.
>Actual meaningful dichotomy between it's themes and the actions of the party, such as when as the Hospital scene.
> Does the Different side of the same coin far better than 5.
> Does not make other characters dumber to make other characters look good.
> The people who get shit on deserve it.

when I met my wife Naoto

When my teammates slowly sacrificed themselves for me

After P5's first palace it became pretty clear.

after being introduced to Chie

When Persona 5's "anti-authority" heroes used their mind control power to force criminals to act how Japanese society expects them to

Its not

I haven't played 5 but if that's what it's actually about then it's pretty fucking based.


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>You take your raping like a girl!

When did you realize that it was worse then 3?

it's not but it's better than 3

soul - soulless

reach out to the truth or time to make history?

Never because it isn't
>t. Played 5 last, started with 4

TTMH by a long shot

I love P4's OST, but Reach Out to the Truth is genuinely not a good track let alone one that should be one of the most played in the game.

Use the fighting games' osts instead, they're much better.

Only good Persona games are even numbered. So it was easy.

3 = 2 + 1

1, 3 and 5 are bad.

as soon as i started playing 5

It's not.
>worse gameplay
>worse story
>worse characters outside Kanji
>debatably worse music


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The moment they kept complaining about evil adults despite them being well on their way to adulthood.

Right away

Persona 6 when, bros? Demon's Souls came out after Persona 4, and we're already on, what, Demon's Souls 7? And still on Persona 5.

P4 main villain is an adult you dumb cunts

Hopefully never. 5 showed that Atlus really has no ambition to meaningfully expand on the formula introduced by 3. I'd rather they just move onto something different at this point, but it's too big of a brand for them to abandon now.


What even would be a "meaningful expansion"?

You're not wrong, but that fantasy game isn't coming out either. I'd take it, if it actually, you know, existed.

I wouldn't mind if Atlus kept the calendar system in 6, but they have to stop using the once-a-month boss format because it makes no fucking sense in any game besides 3. Three Houses had a good variation of the calendar system that I think would be of great benefit to modern Persona.

>Three Houses had a good variation of the calendar system
Not really, basically nothing of note happened for an entire week until the weekend most of the time, might as well not have had one.

What 3 did to the series would be a good example.

Daily reminder persona 4's main cast is badly written shit that just exists to suck the mc off
Persona 5 sucks too

when i realized it doesnt take itself too seriously like persona 5 royal do.

But that's already been done?

And it's time to do it again if 5 is anything to go by.

I still can't believe P5 started because MC shoulder touched a guy. I know that's the point but it's so fucking retarded. Couldn't they have MC witness a beatdown and they end up framing MC as the one doing the assault? That's less retarded than AIEEEEEEEE HOW DARE YOU TAP MY SHOULDER WHILE I WAS TRYING TO GET MY SECRETARY WET YOU'RE CANCELLED!

That's the part I'm saying is the good thing. Between the big story events after you beat a boss, there's so much downtime for no real reason. Some of that could easily be cut down by copying how Three Houses just skips to the day something happens. Sure that means there's less times for you to do social links or grind up stats, but that could be remedied with social links having maybe 6 instead of 10 events, especially for those that are not important to the main characters, or even letting you do multiple in one day.


The setting, characters, and the dungeon lurking are slightly better than P5. For all the rest P5 wins.

And I'm saying there's no point in having an entire calendar system if you're just gonna have the notable things happen one after another. 3H's system was unnecessary at best, when I was playing I was constantly wishing they just went back to the previous chapter system of earlier FE games.


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Do what? They've already done 3, the changes have stayed the entire time, what exactly do you want them to do?

go now if you want it (kill yourself)
another world awaits you (kill yourself)
don't you give up on it (kill yourself)
you bite the hand that feeds you (your parents hate you)

P4 NPCs are some of the best written in JRPGs, meanwhile in P5 they are just spamming reminders of what the current plot thing is
Social Links are significantly better in P4, in P5 the ones apart from the main party are boring and formulaic

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kek, good one

After playing 5 when it came out.

> they have to stop using the once-a-month boss format because it makes no fucking sense in any game besides 3
What they actually need to do is not copy the shitty version of this format 4 invented. in 3 the dungeon bosses are 100% not required to progress through the story until the very last day of the game where you finally have to get to the top of the tower, which means that instead of what persona 4/5 end up being
>Do the entire dungeon in about 2-3 days after unlocking it, then jerking off with social stuff for weeks while we "wait for them to recover" or whatever other excuse to wait out till the end of the deadline
you had a more natural progression of story scenes play out through the month leading to the full moon boss fight

y'know, since the whole reason persona 3 even had the calandar system was as part of its theme around how time doesn't turn back and you should make the most of the time you have, so the plot progressing regardless of how you spend your days fit into that?

>ps2 puristfags are trannies
of course

It's the opposite. Trannies prefer Golden.

And you're the expert I suppose?

>natural progression
Deluded faggot


When I tried to replay it and realized it was boring as fuck, soulful and a great soundtrack but
>Big Tokyo city
>Much better gameplay in 5
>5's artstyle
>5's palaces
>5's confidants and sidequests
>5's acitivities
It's just a much more complete game, I replayed 5 like 3 fucking times and I can most definitely go for a 4th. Meanwhile I can't even finish a second P4G run.

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XIV nigger.

what the

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bot post, ignore.