Convince me not to buy Valhalla. I want a new open world game to have mindless fun in
Assassin's Creed
Ive played none of them but the middle one looks coolest
If your just wanting it for a open world game then from what i have played it is fine, just watch out if you are wanting something like classic asscreed.
you can sub to Ubisoft+ for like 7 days for free, after that its $15 a month. if you can finish the game in a month its cheaper than buying it.
Pirate it
or pirate it and own it forver without havent to spend a penny.
go back
It's probably the most boring game Ubisoft has ever made.
Ubisoft open worlds are my guilty pleasure, but even for me Valhalla was too much of fucking nothing.
It's an entire map that's all a cheap copy of Velen from TW3.
And the typical territory conquest is all there is to the game's "plot", which is basically a small sidequest per territory that will always end in some HQ capture mission and give you the territory.
You do this like 15 times and then the game ends.
Forbidden West is a great game, miles ahead of any ubishit
Remember that Yea Forums is always wrong
Yes and? Games are boring as fuck, I got no motivation to play anything else
>reddit the hedgehog
Valhalla is alright, but way to long. A main story only run is like 50hours, there's a side story in valhalla thats around 20 hours, and that without any side shit. Its a pretty good game with some fantastic music, but it feels like a job after a while
This. Cant beat the classics.
just play origins and don't bother with the other two
Already did, enjoyed it a lot, hence why I want to play Vahalla
valhalla is way more bloated and the setting and the characters are generic as fuck, I dropped it after a few hours
Its legitimately a pretty damn good open world game. It takes stuff that worked from both previous titles, adds new stuff atop that, and polishes it. The criticism I see about Valhalla is there is often TOO much to do but a good amount of it is completely optional. Like the river raids - there's a ton of almost rogue-lite gameplay here (you basically need to manage your crew as resources) but you can completely avoid it if you don't like that kind of thing.
Honestly I think they do a good job if you're in the mood for that kind of game BUT I definitely suggest, if you're into Assassin's Creed overall and/or just don't want want to spoil yourself, play the 3 in OP's post in release order.
Perhaps some of the best varied locations and if you love Egypt, you'll be good. More simplified equipment and talent tree systems only slightly different from old AC, neat ayy lmao secret areas and puzzles, other good shit. Collect the secrets for best story/ending stuff. Expansions are both solid, the first one takes you to the Sinai and institutes the Hidden Ones brotherhood, the second goes to Thebes and is bigtime on the Egyptian afterlife/mythology stuff.
Beautiful if you like greek isles, but less "variation" in style compared to Origins. Sailing is a new mechanic here, the "wars" between Athens and Sparta, more Mercenaries expansion, a shitload of equipment, and a totally new skill system. Unfortunately it is a little limited but you can always respec. Demigod simulator, thanks to the Spear of Leonidas. Witcher 3 style voice line choices and path to choose. 3x "ending paths" for the base game, finishing the main story, finishing the Atlantis (core) questline, and finishing the Cult complete quest. Expansions are good here too - first one is Persian family life, , 2nd is Greek Underworld + Ayylmao Atlantis , both well done.
Valhalla - out of room, but worth it if you play the other two first ideally.
Play skyrim, those 3 are bad
Been there done that 20 times. Too lazy to mod it up. I want a NEW game
I played the 2 on the left which was gifted to me, if on PC please just pirate it. Ubisoft's launcher is fucking aids. That said Origins was alright but Odyssey was too fucking long because of insane padding
The story and characters are the worst in the series.
Stacking rocks is at least a fifth or sixth of the side content.
The gameplay even at the hardest difficulty with enemies +60 your level is a joke and the more you level up the more overpowered you get. As long as you know how to dodge at all you are effectively invincible and enemies only attack one at a time because they have a queue system.
If you are going to play it then enable Instant Assassinations as the game was balanced around them existing. If you don't then every assassination is a slow time QTE.
> As long as you know how to dodge at all you are effectively invincible and enemies only attack one at a time because they have a queue system.
That's not any different from origins and odyssey. Difficulty isn't so much of an issue if the game is fun. What I fucking hated about Origins is that melee combat was so shit. It was easy but you didn't really have anything but boring light/heavy attacks and then if you have a certain weapon type a rage attack when the bar filled up. Shields and parries were basically useless because dodging was easy and gave you the same punish options. Stealth bow combat was more fun because you had SOME options that felt different.
Odyssey was much better because of it's ability system that added more options and more fun to combat so you're not just spamming the exact same boring weapon combos over and over, it benefitted all playstyles.
From what I understand Valhalla only adds onto that system which I assume only makes it better and more enjoyable (if you enjoyed Odysseys combat anyways)
>there's a ton of almost rogue-lite gameplay here (you basically need to manage your crew as resources)
You don't, you can literally just never raid with the people you take and swim to shore to avoid having them do anything and then call them in safely. Or you can just not rush and kill anyone close to your guys and they never require any rations unless you leave bowmen alive. Anyone not loaded in can't even be hit and some of them warp further in the level to start getting hit. Not to mention once you raid a couple times your guy levels up pretty quickly. When you're level 2 you're already tanking a lot in the first update's raids while level 4 tanks everything in the second and 3 and 5 respectively massacre enemies and can tank five guys attacking them at once. Then you can buy barracks to have higher tier mercs hired.
I haven't even bothered with civvy locations since I got my guy to 2 and then 4. Even having level 2 or 3 guys is enough for the second update raids you'll just have to rev a couple of them. Rations are effectively pointless unless you're rushing or lagging behind. There's also no penalty for losing them besides them sitting out for two missions which doesn't matter because you're overpowered as hell and there's no difference between raid enemy power and enemies outside of the raid, it only matters to the NPCs you bring in. Only your personal Jomsviking matters because it's the only unit to gain level ups, everyone else is dependent on the barracks so you will wipe your whole recruited list multiple times anyway.
>From what I understand Valhalla only adds onto that system
The abilities are less fantastical and nerfed pretty heavily. Combat has dual wielding and new movesets when you dual wield in addition to being able to wield different weapons in each hand offering different combat. But in general most of the gameplay is dodge canceling combos (Because it keeps your position in the combo and ignores finisher animations).
What in the fuck is going on with that spear
Endgame spear, it's a PoE. You get it through a side quest. It has longer reach which breaks enemy AI in a lot of cases since they don't know how to react to it. It's been deprecated by the DLC spear that stuns enemies on every third hit which breaks every single enemy's attack scripts in the game because they can't respond to it at all, stunlocks them, stuns them, and continues to break them out of any attack they're in the middle of even though they have no posture bar anymore.
Odyssey is by far the worst of the 3
its the best one too
Fuck off, cunt. These are fun games.
ori > ody = val
ody > ori > val
ody > val > ori
val > ori > ody
I honestly would avoid Valhalla like the plague and I have around 250 hours in that game and I played Origins and Ody. I was fucking miserable through 80% of the game because neither the gameplay or story did anything interesting, with maybe Loki and Odin being the only "cool" thing about the game too bad that Odin doesn't do anything throughout the story until its final part
>9/10 armor,shields and weapons are garbage
>raiding becomes really unfun after doing it 1 time
>even on highest difficulty you will never face any challenge with the exception of being under leveled
>QoL in their last game Odyssey are not in Valhalla like changing mount n transmog etc
>skills/abilities are mostly bland insta-win buttons with unnecessary long animations
>pointless RP and dialogue wheel
>bloated and awful skill tree
>completely unbalanced weapon types with dual spear being straight up broken
>games just straight up lies to you about how stats works
>in-game shop items having all the OP and unique items
I still haven't done Rangarök, just had to stop playing this game because of how burned out I was on this game and I am usually autistic enough that feel the urge to actually complete games no matter how hard or bad they are
i didnt say anything about elden ring. i think you're the one losing your mind lol
regardless dont waste your time on reddit creed play some prince of persia
It's not that great. Assassinations makes it better than odyssey but overall it's just as bad in every other way
>9/10 armor,shields and weapons are garbage
The worst part is how the weapon types that aren't spears, bearded axes, greatswords, and arguably scythes feel horribly underpowered.
>Sickles have horrific range, terrible damage, make you do flips which cause you to miss hits because of the weird hitbox, and has one of the worst LBs.
>Dane Axes are even slower than greatswords with none of the good parts like high damage or effects.
>Seaxes have the worst range in the game, the lowest damage in the game, terrible abilities, and it feels like even if you're stabbing a guy 30 times he's not reacting to it at all.
>Flails take absolutely forever to start up doing any damage and have range as bad as the sickles while requiring Mjolnir or Gae Bolg to make usable at all.
>Hammers are the poor man's Bearded Axes with only Mjolnir having a good ability and a much more restrictive and locking LB.
>Shields are 100% pointless in both variants because they have garbage abilities, you aren't blocking in normal combat because you are dodging every other second, and they don't make parry time any better than any other weapon because the parry window is disgustingly long to begin with.
Unless you need "Parrying ignites weapon for a femtosecond" I don't know why you'd use them.
>Unarmed lmao.
>Swords are basically Bearded Axes with a bad moveset, the range of a Sickle, and terrible abilities on all of them.
Then the armor is basically all pointless outside of the Thegn and River Raid one and require dumb conditions to achieve their ability requirements.
This was actually good. It completely got rid of the loot treadmill, you find them constantly, they're affordable, and you don't need to dick around praying for good RNG like in Odyssey.
>games just straight up lies to you about how stats works
The fact that they don't tell you about stat caps is retarded. You can't even know if you hit it.
t. 422 hours here, doing the challenge for the tattoo.
Hey moose, what's up with Ezio destroying an entire city just to kill one templar in revelations
ORigins was so good
odyssey was a pure downgrade in every aspect
Because you gotta kill Templars, it's the golden rule.
>doing the challenge for the tattoo
What challenge is that?
origins > odyssey > AC 2 addon games > valhalshit
Get a kill with a Bearded Axe. It's this week's weekly.
Valhalla is definitely worse.
But the templars were right in revelations
>buying asscreed games
no go ahead, spend your money on ubishit you NPC, it will be funny
just give me AC4 with the newest AC engine
i beg of you
>newest ac engine
Why? Fights would take forever in it, not to mention the slow ass parkor
because user
better graphics in general
You will buy Skull and Bones
tahts not AC
Valhalla still looks worse than Unity's Paris
might be the case
AC4s engine is cock tho
Just buy Ghosts of Tsushima if you haven't already, it's a better AC.
I played all 3 and Origins is the only one i liked.
They're all bloated but Odyssey is the worst one in that sense.
Valhalla has better gear mechanic in that loot is unique, but the setting is boring and Bongland's architecture is just shit.
Also it has no mounted combat which is one of the best parts, running into a camp and start killing people while on horse back.
Egypt is the coolest looking map, but some of the grind in Origins is fucking annoying, though again, Odyssey is even worse in that regard.
Also you have rogue which is black flag 1.5
Valhalla is pretty cool ngl. Huge commitment with so much content I got like halfway through before getting distracted with other games. Will go back someday. Id reccomend it if you like the ass creed games but think origins and odyssey were better.
Valhalla is a waste of time, doesn't feel like the first 2 were at all
No it doesn't.
Remove your nostalgia goggles, aside from specific interiors, the outside in Unity had an horrendous blue fog making everything look flat.
Origins Sand physiks, i really liked it.
I don't think you understand. Kill. Templars.
For a non-joke answer if I remember right the entire city was being used as a storehouse for weaponry and ammunition to go to war against Suleiman and his uncle(?) in addition to the entire area being run by a guy who killed for pleasure and only paid lip service to the Templars while doing it. They were basically living under a murderous dictator. Ezio ended up getting people killed, true, but he also stopped way more people from getting killed and a guy who murdered people and enacted a police state on them treating them like slaves on top of it all.
I usually enjoy these games initially for the first 15 hours of so, but it gets to a point where everything just starts to become tedious and repetitive and I end up losing interest and dropping it.
Don't play anything from Ubisoft
Only the combat is better.
Following the retarded fox and birds was a dumb idea, stealth is even worse, climbing is non existent.
Sad to see that Unity was the actual peak of the series in terms of gameplay. Last game where you were truly an assassin in the crowd (fuck Syndicate), best version of old school AC combat, best stealth, best free running, amazing real life replica map.
>console shit
Nice bullshot.
Also combat in Unity was dogshit.
ubisoft is king of making good open world games that you can sink 100s of hours into. haters gonna reeee in this thread, but they still sell millions just in preorders alone lmao
Neither is anything you wank over in black flag
Valhalla could cut out literally half of it’s main story quests and not lose anything
Combat is decent but repetitive
Honestly just get Origins instead
Valhalla is mindless fun, without the fun.
It's an absolute trash game, and the worst of all the Assassin's Creed games. Zero redeemable aspects
So buy Skull and Bones
no? because thats just sailing?
Do it. It's fine.
I liked Unity but didnt think it was one of the best ones. I liked every ass creed game though, would rate Unity mid tier
Is Syndicate worth playing main story only?
FUCK the hot air balloon mission
I 100%'d base game Syndicate, didnt get any of its dlcs. One of my favorite worlds to explore, very fun game. Went close to modern day with horse carraiges similae to GTA and grappling hook like spiderman, can see why people didnt like it but I thought it was fun
But that's what you want
no? lrn2read
Unity combat was the best mix of old AC combat and new
The sound in Valhalla is atrocious
No, absolutely not. Characters are terrible across the board outside of arguably Greenie, it has so many issues with the already established lore, there is no grey it's entirely black and white with the Templars being laughably evil it's ridiculous, and the assassination targets don't even have a single good Memory Corridor.
The best parts about the game are Jack's DLC, London itself, and the assassination missions because they have a good chunk of options to go through.
Yes it is
Don't play on PC. That's entirely a PC issue. The tin can sounds don't exist on Sony or Microsoft systems.
I'm STILL mad. I will never not be mad.