Only time an ign review was accurate and good

>Only time an ign review was accurate and good

>people with less than 2 hours on the game meme on it because muh pissing

Just play postal 2

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game needs another two years in the oven for it to be fun

But fat boomer shooter man told me to buy it to own the chuds

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Is there a way to skip day one? I don't want to have to play it a THIRD time. First time was a week before release where I didnt realize I could change the VA. Second time was a few days before release. Release deleted my saves and there's no fucking way Im doing the sewer level AGAIN.

yeah but now that they removed the early access tag they can just wash their hands and run away with the money

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Why was Postal 1 so fucked up?


many such cases (not talking about (you) btw)

un an unrelated note have you guys noticed how this guy is unable to aim? he is suppose to be le hardcore prrooo but every time he does his "cool gameplay" montage its just him staying still and takin 3 seconds to move his crosshair

90 edgyness

the 2000 were like the 90's but self aware so i like it more.

hes a boomer that grew up playing doom wads what can you expect

i mean thats true i suppose but its kinda weird how he does this montages and no one tells him how shitty he is. i actually think his audience thinks he is great at fps because 1 they are console fags who dont use gyro aim or 2 they are that autistic

>i dont like the satire in postal 4, its not as good as in gta 5

stopped reading the ign review there. gta 5's writing isn't smart or insightful and journalists pretending otherwise shows how low the bar is in this industry

i didnt said it was a perfect review. just that it was the first review they did that could be considered good and accurate

>stopped reading the ign review there. gta 5's writing isn't smart or insightful and journalists pretending otherwise shows how low the bar is in this industry
Doesn't mean they're wrong. Postal 4's writing is way worse than Postal 2's and even GTA 5

No no no you need to buy the game! i am the origina PRO POSTAL player and i recomend it!!!

on an unrelated note have i mentioned that i am in the game?? isnt that awsome?! i own the drug store despite being a fat nerd who can barely drink a soda!

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>the review is good and accurate
>except these things which aren't accurate at all
user, I think I'm missing something here.

>Postal 4's writing is way worse than [...] GTA 5
No, it really isn't. Both GTA5 and Postal 4 are juvenile shlock, but 5 actually thinks it's insightful with its stupid overexplained jokes. Meanwhile Postal 4 doesn't pretend it's anything but lowbrow. Give me immature over pretentious any day.

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>"user, I think I'm missing something here."
you fucking faggot what is so hard to understand? the things they said are 100% true. like said it the writing in postal 4 is way worse than gta v.

>Own the chuds
Civvies a lefty?

>Meanwhile Postal 4 doesn't pretend it's anything but lowbrow. Give me immature over pretentious any day.
Its not that 4 is immature. It's just not funny. Postal 2 was immature too, but actually funny.

>>you fucking faggot what is so hard to understand
How bad your taste is. You didn't even address my point about 5's writing being stuck up its own ass. But you're right, hillbillies fucking pigs and having Trevor point out someone accidentally did a Nazi salute is the top peak of witty humor.

I could laugh at it. Humor is subjective blahblahblah

I miss how crazy 2000's commercials were. completely unrelated to the game and yet somehow made you interested.

>I could laugh at it. Humor is subjective blahblahblah
Fair enough, enjoy I guess. I just wish it hit the way 2 did for me.

this. at least i laughed some times with gta v but in postal 4 i have a chronic poker face while playing it

multiplayer please. that shit was fun as fuck when i was a young lad

keep replying and bumping my thread please!

we found the only human who finds postal 4 funny

i wouldnt be surprised if they cancel it. RWS seems to be full of incompetent devs. i feel bad for the guy who did the weapon animations since they are really good

>RWS will still try and meme on Postal 3 as if they have the ability to make a better game

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>implying 3 is better
that's some bullshit and you know motherfucker

Postal 4's humor and satire is less effective than Postal 2's because it lacks that over the top edge.
Postal 4 is a lot more light hearted and has less of the mass shooter ultra violent sensibility that 2 had, leaving the game with mostly just the very low brow humor.

Still though it's an acceptable game and a true sequel to Postal 2.
It's understandable that the team doesn't want to be as edgy since the team is so much older now and probably just don't really feel like it.

This game is SHIT

its so funny because in the EARLY ACCESS FAQ they kept talking about how they want to make a better postal 3 blahj blah blah penis penis reddit jewish but they are so incompetent they couldnt even do it. sometimes i wonder how many of the original staff that worked on 2 are working on 4.

its because they render the interiors while you are outside. thats why when you look at a big building everything goes to shit.

wouldnt be surprised desu.

i am pretty sure he has said somehting like trans rites already

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From what I saw, it looks still really fucking janky.

its unfixable because the core gamelpay is shit.

The devs focused on bloating the game with "content" (just collectables and shitty missions) rather than improving the main mechanics

>sometimes i wonder how many of the original staff that worked on 2 are working on 4.
like one or two
the dogshit game quality tells you that exactly

I am 28 and have never been able to beat Postal 2
Even back then it felt janky and weird.

Literally who?

Me, civvie 11! ask me anything Yea Forums

Postal 3 shits on Postal 4. You should actually play it

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Steve Wilk was the main guy who wrote Postal and he left after that game. Hence why everything after has been way more wacky

I kneel, Postal 3 chads

Reminder that John St John publicly wished that a minor that defended his life against convicted child rapists would be raped daily in prison

this is the first time i do this in 4chin but...


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Since when a guy imitating Dirty Harry to voice a roided blonde has people caring for his retarded political opinions?

So? He murdered 2 innocent people, he should be in jail and fuck every stupid fucking /pol/fag anyways, you just ruin everything you touch

>killed two pedophiles
and what exactly is the problem?

>kid diddlers
>actually attempted to harm/kill him

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Poor bait

Fuck that hasbeen faggot, was probably against Depp too.

Пoшeл нaхyй, гoвнoeд

Choke on nigger dick, nigger faggot

>Yea Forums filtered by another postal game
At least the tradition still holds.

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I miss when Postal had actual edge

fapp store, haha! so funny!
sex jokes are unironically not funny 90% of the time, especially if they're word plays.

This game has zero material outside of sex jokes holy fuck.

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>Dip their fingers into the boiling water
What the fuck

Case in point

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GTAV has actual offensive humor. It mocks political beliefs, and specific groups of people.

Postal 4 has poopoo jokes and literally nothing else.

how stupid can you (you) be?

Not that funny honestly, still better than sex jokes

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Where's the joke? Do you think the "jew" word by itself is somehow offensive?

You do know jew itself isn't a bad word right? There's no fucking joke here. Hell they EASILY could have written "Kike - Just Jew It" and it would've actually worked

My niggers, they were selling themed face masks back in 2020, what kind of devs do you think they are?

Where is the joke?

still worse than p4