I very much enjoy the VIDEO GAME Final Fantasy XIV.
I very much enjoy the VIDEO GAME Final Fantasy XIV
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Hey janny i don't mind you deleting actual video game threads but theres a shitload of thinly veiled offtopic threads and coomer shit active. Might as well do your actual job.
i cant believe i got baited into paying for this piece of shit game before
i will truly never understand why it gets shilled so hard
I too enjoy this VIDEO GAME
does anyone know how it runs on the Steam Deck VIDEO GAME playing hardware?
You think the beast tribe quests will give the recolored dodo like the snake ladies gave the recolored griffon?
Man Abib sure is mad today. Someone post the webm.
How do we fix FF14?
>mods are retarded
imagine my surprise
its literally perfect though?
100% you're getting that green dodo mount for the poo in loo tribe.
shill your video on reddit, fag. not here.
why is this faggot promoting on Yea Forums. buy an ad
lol, slow combat, classes play the same, story that you can see a plot twist a mile away from and on and the worst community of fake positivity i have ever seen in any game.
I play the game off and on the game does alot good like its story and fun characters but its hardly perfect.
This fag is really riding that doomerfag wave huh.
the combat doesn't feel very slow. (in high end content)
the problem is the "normal" content is far too dumbed down
he's maximally butthurt since asmongold's reactions to his videos get 10 times the viewership
First you have to play the game.
make all savage rewards just the same gear but higher stats instead of also locking the dying ability behind it. Let me get the weapons and dyeable gear from normal which is like 580 then savage is just the exact same gear but 590 with higher stats
make old content easier to solo much like WoW does where if it's around 2 expansions old you can steamroll through
if not that allow you to enter old raids with NPC group. I never see Memoria Misera groups in the PF so let me do a version of the instance with like all the Scions or something
the same could be done for bozja content like CLL, DR, and Dalriada enter a fixed instance meant for 8 or so with the Scions
would also really like some sort of GPS type thing to help me get around the world. If I'm trying to teleport somewhere like from Limsa to Old Sharlayan let it give me a little blurb like
>you could also see the NPC here on the map to get to Old Sharlayan for 300 gil
it can be a toggle option offering you different ways to get where you're going
get rid of the 1 per week loot rule from new alliance raids
get rid of the 7 asphodelos weapon tokens required for 1 new weapon if that makes sense. Especially if come next patch you're just going to lower it to 4 which is much more obtainable and probably what more people are going to wait for if they're not poopsock raiders
make it so when a player goes offline the loot timer only counts the remaining 3 people in a dungeon instead of all 4 so you don't have to wait 200 seconds to get loot while everyone just waits around because you cant kick during loot rolls increasing the chances of someone quitting
It's true
I want to kill every single sage that opens a fight with pneuma wasting thousands of healing potency because some fucking tranny on the balance made an opener using it to get half an extra GCD in.
>try out the pvp everyones been hyping up for ages
>every fucking match is a 2minute instawipe steamroll where no one even attempts to coordinate
lol very nice
i'd be a little butthurt I'm not getting those views due to people watching ass mongler, but then again, most people probably wouldn't even know this guy without him
>wasting healing potency
lol oh noooo not my healing potency lmao
remove positionals and True North
He is also a samfag still butthurt about kaiten.
>would also really like some sort of GPS type thing to help me get around the world. If I'm trying to teleport somewhere like from Limsa to Old Sharlayan let it give me a little blurb like
I don't need yet another fucking pop up when I'm trying to do something. Learn the world yourself.
you don't understand how this game works
Android bunnies are the future of Eorzea.
>let WoW refugees in your game
>Game is ruined
Kek burn the coal pay the toll
The only thing keeping shit enix afloat.
>Its another Maelstorm gets 3 nodes spawn on their side of the map all game
Seize is the worst map
This is the largest series of absolutely terrible suggestions I have ever seen
This but bunbois.
It's an extremely vocal minority who are mentally ill and need other people to wade through their cess pit to feel a sense of validation in playing a horrible video game.
I prefer androids that are easy to move around.
Is it possible to play XIV on my vita through pc?
>FFXIV lost all of it's magic since SHB was made to cater to weebs, WoW players, and ERPers.
TFW only content i do in the game anymore is ERP.
unless you have an actual reason for why they're all terrible I will view this as nothing more than off-topic shitposting
Why are bunbois such amazingly beautiful beings?
Unfortunately in order to make them as sturdy as their larger counterparts android potatoes are made from much heavier materials.
>Why are bunbois such amazingly beautiful beings?
Carefully designed, crafted and built for sex.
how is pvp now, havnt really touched the game since stormblood and i heard that pvp has got a update.
I really want a mmo with good pvp might resub if its meh but what are my other mmo options for pvp?
I'm so fucking sorry.
lmao i read as your so fucking horny
>all this seethe from removing a useless filler ability
why are SAMfags like this
>cater to weebs
Final Fantasy branding
>WoW players
A Realm Reborn
MMObrain degenerates
It was already irredeemable, your brain rot notwithstanding.
Now that they're freed from their forest jobs, they can spread throughout the world to become premier breeders.
I bet you're not gonna believe this but I made a Memoria farming group since i didnt see any on the pf, fully expecting not to find anyone and the group filled in like 10 minutes. If there's one thing this game has taught me it's that taking the initiative will almost always net good results
You're supposed to roleplay in MMOs and all the most dedicated players are roleplayers. Normalfags like you just think all RP is ERP. Don't act like you're not a WoWrat when you're on Yea Forums whining about "weebs".
It wasn't useless, it added an extra layer of decision making behind optimizing Sam's rotation. If you watch the video his entire point is that they are removing abilities based off casual retards such as yourself, which is a bad way to design an mmo with (somewhat) of an emphasis on hardcore content.
actual picture of rabbit boy players irl
Any time someone mentions "slow combat" it immediately signals that you haven't even gotten a job past level 50 yet
still broken but you can still have fun while seething
balance is also broken do market PVP instead
Latency fucking ruins it for me but its fun casually
fun till gold rank
>they are removing abilities based off casual retards
The opposite is true, though.
Someone post the Emet webm of all the trash erp mods
There is like 0 damage going out in any fight until at least 10-15 seconds in, ultimates included. Blame Square for making fights insanely boring for healers, don't blame healer mains for trying to make them more tolerable
They are removing abilities based off the hardcore community that is almost always batching about dumbing down of jobs and removal of complexity? Are you sure you're not talking about changing the CD time of abilities to make everything rotate perfectly around the 60 second alignment which Is a totally separate issue
So was meet tempered or not
yeah bro thats what i meant
i only use XIV as sex simulator not a MMO
>They are removing abilities based off the hardcore community that is almost always batching about dumbing down of jobs and removal of complexity?
Yes they are. Balancefags do this every expansion. They bitch and moan about something being "annoying" or "suboptimal" and demand it be removed. Then when it's actually removed they realize how badly they fucked up and start blaming casuals for it. Prime example of this is AST cards. Nobody but balanceniggers kept fishing for Balance and only Balance and were wiping pulls because they got shitty draws. They demanded AST cards be changed, killed all the flavor from it, and then turned around and blamed casuals for being scared of the complexity. Positionals are next, by the way. "I do it right every time anyway and you already added in True North and Riddle of Earth because we screamed so much about uptime so it barely matters anyway so just remove it!"
>it added an extra layer of decision
You never once had to make a decision to use it. it was completely auto pilot.
What should I play other than SAM? I want something totally different gameplay-wise. I was thinking BRD or WHM.
post full album
New 5vs5 mode is fun if you don't get thrown into a match that is nothing but tryhard jobs or cheaters.
Frontlines is absolutely fucked now.
Rival Wings is ded.
Go back to /trash/ and fish for more begging about mods you're never going to release.
try casual mode, git gud, then stay in casual mode and stomp people
Its fun as part of the bigger game but 100% not worth resubbing for
He has some valid points but listening to the playerbase mostly leads to shitty changes.
What do these fags scream about job "complexity"? What exactly is complex about an tab-target MMO? Didn't the same guy say that the game is easy and it's only optimization/parsefags that scream about these changes?
All this game needs is less class homogenization. I do understand that many casuals are afraid of messing up and being yelled at for underperforming, but you can make classes unique without making them impossible to play for casual content and you can even do this with less button bloat.
It's really astonishing how the PvP managed to reduce all of the classes to 6-9 buttons and somehow make every single one of them play extremely distinctly from one another, and how it makes PvE, where enemies are not even reactive or precise, seem like the streamlined boring cousin.
I would be okay with them but sometimes the tank does some weird movement or the boss itself does it and it just makes me mad
>it added an extra layer of decision making
>Are you using your Iajutsu? Then use Kaiten first.
>Are you using your Ogi Namakiri? Then use Kaiten first.
>Are you doing neither of these? Then do not use your Kaiten.
There is literally zero decision making behind Kaiten.
Kill yourself.
Most likely a cope. The bunnies say that with proper creation magic, even a being on the scale of Zodiark would only cause a "small tug".
And even if he were tempered, Zodiark is an empty shell who has no will of its own to impose on its tempered.
Idk how the game being a "tab target" mmo means you can't have complex combat rotations, like what the fuck kind of argument is that. And yeah parsefags were constantly screeching about uneven burst timer windows and it got changed; not every player who plays savage/ultimate and enjoys complex rotations is a parsefag, as a matter of fact parsers are a tiny minority. Idk why this has to be explained literally every fucking thread
>Lists three examples of decision making
>There is literally zero decision making
I will always hate what they did to BRD. Giving the 3rd Bloodletter stack only to remove the reason why people asked for it (double ticks) is so sickening.
>i was going to do it right anyway so just remove it altogether!
You fags won't be happy until combat is just one button you toggle for an auto rotation.
Those might not be hard decisions, but they are still decisions. Following a flow chart is easy, but it's harder and is more satisfying than just pressing literally 1 button