>Follow the tutorial exactly as it is written
>Still unable to play the game properly
Follow the tutorial exactly as it is written
Other urls found in this thread:
>tutorial is a beginners trap
>need 10 unironic years minimum to maybe master the game
i knew the guy who made loomis chan.
he was actually very cool and was grinding hard to get better, we drew together every day for like a summer (online)
>Tutorial exists in a .txt deep in the games folder
Loomis teaches you to draw ugly men, not cute girls.
'ate painting
luv drawing
Based. OP's pic totally works as a construction sketch layer to be drawn over, so idk why they think they're being filtered lol.
even as the construction layer some things are off. Her eyes are too close to each other for example.
fundiedrones are so fucking retarded
artlet here, how does this work? i cant see how you can put the eyes, mouth, hair and nose in OP's head. Whats the middle step?
Just follow your gut feeling.
you have to feel it
Construction as weebs think of it is a retarded meme.
Bad book that doesn't teach you what you need to learn first like line control and observation. In fact it actively stunts your growth by saying you don't need good lines and it focuses hard on shit like proportions until only glossing over actually important things like perspective and it doesn't even teach it in a good way, instead it forces you into that rulers and guiders mentality.
Fundamentals are fundamental, the problem is how many idiots misunderstand it and think it means doing stiff mannequin shit and pic related.
The first thing you need to learn is how to draw smooth lines, then get in the habit of simply doodling for fun, then basic observation, then forms. Never settle on anything too early and always be willing to completely change.
Not him. But he clearly broke some of the guides that OP set up. Wider eye set, shorter jaw.
But more than that: OP drew features flatly on the guide. You're not supposed to do that. The guide assists with measurements, but you're supposed to extrude outward from it. Creating that third dimension. So the user who edited basically just imagined the nose, cheeks, and eye sockets in 3D.
Rotate the shapes in your head.
Why is that that figure drawing never caused me problems, but I literally couldn't get a single perspective and object right?
i just gotta draw more senran kagura
Do people really have trouble drawing? It's so easy.
Using guides will never teach someone to think in the third dimension.
These exercises have been unironically far more useful to me than anything, do them enough and you really start FEELING your pen going in and out of the canvas, you have to develop an instinctive feel for it instead of thinking about shit like measurements. Drawing boxes and ramping up their complexity is also very useful.
Sounds like you got filtered by construction. I bet you draw like
I like your fate bimbo drawing
Because you never learned perspective.
Learn the basics, do the basics, practice boxes and other shapes and most importantly learn to have good freeflow lines that will help you understand the third dimension.
I don't know what to believe anymore. It seems like the only way to improve is to trace.
stop drawing
Tutorials, guides and techniques serve as tools for the artist, but you will never be able to make something cool if you stick to them.
True craftmanship in any creative medium is archieved by finding your own way to bend the rules, not by following them.
This is what takes years. You can master the basics of most fields quite fast, but it's way harder and more subjective to learn to act beyond that.
H*ell yeah, preach it brother, all those russian and chinese academic artists know nothing about true art, construction is WORTHLESS.
Just draw, bro. Art is 1% theory and 99% drawing.
That moron is exactly the kind of person who follows construction "recipes" and will never learn to draw.
To be honest I think he has some legitimate mental issue which is detrimental to drawing, that kind of chrischan autism that makes people seemingly incapable of drawing anything more complex than one kind of stickman-tier thing over and over.
you mean rake-oh??
That's observational measurement and blocking out, did you actually think that was construction?
Also, I never said construction is not useful, it's just a far more advanced topic and you need to learn other much more important things first. You WILL be stuck if you think you need construction before you master forms.
looks soulfull but you should add a nose otherwise people might confused you for those reddit undertale kids.
I love girls with sexy bodies and goofy retarded faces.
Line control isn't that important. Learning how to imagine objects in a 3d space is way more important. I agree that one can be overly concerned with exacting measurements. However, drawing some lines to assist in maintaining order as you draw, is a useful skill to have.
I agree with your words. But those exercizes you posted are alien to me. I'm not certain of their helpfulness in seeing 3d. That looks more like a way to improve line control.
Blocking is a type of construction.
Mesh contours are self-explanatory.
The things like the toroid and looping circles make you think about how the strokes rotate and move in three dimensions, it's volumetric drawing.
Tracing is a legitimate way to learn. That is, if you understand what you're tracing. If you don't understand it, then you won't be able to recreate the techniques in original work.
God just stop making these retarded threads it's so embarrassing seeing this shithole board act like they have any authority or insight on anything.
What should come before construction? Every resource recommends starting with construction first. It's the fastest and most reliable way to get volume, shape, and proportion down.
In a real work, you'd want to start with gesture, but for a beginner, starting with construction is absolutely acceptable, ideal even.
Go back to your vidya threads, asshole.
I've realized one of the reasons I have trouble drawing expressions is because I interact with people so little I rarely see anything other than a neutral face. I don't watch TV or movies either and using my own face in a mirror, my expressions always look really awkward and forced.
well the last serious drawing i made was this one and i still gave her dot nose
Just find a figure drawing book that clicks with you and work through it.
how the fuck do i stop my hands from looking like shit
thanks for this rake-oh
Wash them
hands are the hardest thing to draw, just practice.
Form predates construction, you can't use 3D shapes if you don't understand them to begin with. You can't draw a convincing body without first being able to draw a convincing box.
Line control predates form, drawing shaky shit will never make anything look convincing either.
>starting with construction is absolutely acceptable, ideal even.
Starting with observation with something like Keys to Drawing is ideal as getting rid of symbol drawing is the first step to getting good, most of /ic/ never gets past that.
sekiro thread?
Most problems in drawing come from failure to understand what you're actually drawing
You might know the rough form of a human but if you don't understand the parts and how they're put together you can't reproduce one
This is bait right? I've been struggling so goddamn much and I still can't get things to look right. Honestly at this point it feels so hopeless I just want to give up.
So, what do you think? Draw anime to learn anime, or draw life to stylise into anime?
both so you have a wider range of tools and skills to utilize into creating something original.
not reading that
do whatever, just draw and you will learn from it
do both, it's fun to draw a range of things and they reinforce each other
There's no ideal starting point because drawing is a combination of skills being put together.
Shaky lines? Stop drawing so slowly, put clear intent into your strokes.
Off the mark? Practice line control.
Drawing flat? Learn and practice form.
Stiff? Practice free doodling and gesture, actually draw instead of thinking about measurements and other dumb shit.
A newbie will have all these problems at the same time.
The jaw shape is off and the shoulders are too high, otherwise it's not that bad.
i remember that thread
Do you guys have any of your first drawings when you began to learn to draw, by any chance?
Do you have a screencap?
But of course, most learn2draw artbooks tell you to keep your early shit for the lulz.
over the line
I get severe despair when I see my early art, so no.
i tried
No. It was begtard shit so I don't care anyway.
>used to be a big proponent of "anyone can learn to draw well if they put their mind to it"
>keep seeing these tardos that simply don't get it and draw flat shit their whole lives
>starting to think art really is an IQ thing and some concepts are literally unfathomable to most