Have pc games become exstinct? I can't think of any game worth mentioning when I think about pc exclusive games...

Have pc games become exstinct? I can't think of any game worth mentioning when I think about pc exclusive games. Literally everything is also available on console.

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Honey Select 2.
Koikatsu Sunshine.

league of legends
any good mmo
war thunder
dota 2

Star Citizen will revitalise the "PC Exclusive" market.

Have console games become exstinct? I can't think of any game worth mentioning when I think about console exclusive games. Literally everything is also available on PC.

The idea of exclusives in general is dying, everything is becoming available everywhere. It's all about services now. Wouldn't be surprised if we see GamePass on a Nintendo system in 5 years.

>Literally everything is also available on console.
because all you do is consoom the latest triple-A shit, hilariously enough this says a lot more about you than it does about pc gaming. literally a skill issue


console nigger IQ

This. Microsoft has already realized it. Sony is just being slow to change as usual.

Consoles are literally already pcs on the inside.

I expect we will still have "consoles" but they will just be prepackaged pcs with potentially soldered components and some sort of locked down os.

Why would they want to keep it being more expensive to develop for, if they could just do "console" and pc at the same time.

Out of 5 last games I played two were PC exclusive: War Mongrels and Planet Zoo.

You clearly weren't looking then.

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Vast majority of games now are not exclusives anymore. That said I already have a few PC exclusives installed right now.

Have good console games become exstinct? I can't think of any game worth mentioning when I think about console exclusive games. Literally everything is also available on pc.

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The same is true of consoles too. There's no reason to idort and the choice of platform is all about personal preference instead of chasing exclusives now. Ultimately this is a good thing.

See Porn games and mods are what makes PC gaming great

Yes. They created diversions with CEOs who gave us shit on a plate through early access system.
>early access
>season pass
>cash shop
>hats, skins, cosmetics
>always online

Games went from having to be FINAL inside of a box that the developer CAN NEVER GET BACK. Once it is out, it is gone.
So the creators had to wear a suit and a tie and really think about how high quality their product is they are sending out to civilization.

Not scum sending out porn to people in a dark room somewhere.

Doom was shocking at the time, but still breakthrough in technology. Duke Nukem came along much later.

PC gaming was about having your own computer that can create its own content and perform work in the home, as well as play games, use the internet, and play over various communications such as LAN, wifi, or net. It was like putting Christmas lights up on your house, or mowing the lawn. It takes some work to do this and you can’t just complain like that it is nerdy because it’s part of the home. Not some small hotel which you will be moving into if you don’t care about these things.

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his loot box gambling implementation unironically killed the customizability pc of gaming forever

PC is the antithesis to this "People's Republic of Console" crap, you brainlet.
Or at least used to be, before retards allowed it to happen with the Fortnite store

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exclusives are fucking retarded

Old games. Reskins. Moes. Mobas.
They don’t have a gameplay yet. The game is literally a flight simulator with somewhat good looking ships and their plans are to not have one because they want to have a space money ultima online grind game that no one cares about.
Nope, hardware was purposely intentionally pinched to make it seem that way, but it isn’t, and it never will be the same office desk environment that pc gaming is. You want a living room, with fake grass Astro turf, we want an office or a game room. We hate your Astro turf. Live with it.

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>Consoles will be different even if they are the same

What? Im not saying the sanitized locked down "console experience" is even a good thing, but they ARE going to make it easier to develop for.

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No, and theres no reason for people to actually develop pc games since pc fats either:
>Only care about assfagots and wowshit
While they claim that gaming is dead and there are no games, while in reality they just never played anything other than assfagots and wow
They are the consolebabys of pc and only care about console game portbegging

There no point in making any actual pc game apart from low effort indie shit

OP BTFO instantly

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>Literally everything is also available on console.
the downside to that is playing on a console

Oh no, wdym? I have to force myself to play the games reasonably priced, without denuvo microstuttering and actually optimized?
How can a consoly ever recover?

Have you ever even used a computer before?

What we need is people like Carmack explaining the coding work done for Doom 1 and 2, and training new programmers how to generate their own new games just like it and better. Not give you retard trophies for having tried to play dark souls but you died so here take a call of duty death streak reward.

I played one just now. Battlebit just had a 2 hour playtest.
>inb4 graphics are shit


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>Games like resident evil village microstutter on pc because of denuvo (proven)
>Games have increased load times and other performance issues because of denuvo drm (proven)
>Unoptimized broken games
>Having to pay double the price for vidya if you want to play online (pic related)
The absolut powaaa of pc homie.
Im sitting infront of one, faggot
Go on, cope about picrelated

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i assume you're shitposting because that game sucked even on PS5

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>Its about the price difference
>Moves the goalpost about the quality
I know that its shit, now stop moving the goalpost, pc master fat

so why should i care if a dying company like square enix doesn't know how to price their terrible games?

nobody on PC buy games

the games are the same price on Steam and PS5's store
it's only cheaper on 3rd party sites because the game is terrible

Just about every cRPG/strategy release is PC exclusive or timed exclusive.

are you retarded?

pcfaggots be like "yeah this game is awful, but i stole it so it's fine to waste my time eating shit!"

To bad that the crpg, rts, afps genre is dead

yes because it's better than paying to eat shit and also waste that same amount of time

Sounds like a pc master fat, they cant even defend their own platform without goalpost moving.

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cRPG is far from dead lol. I don't give a shit about rts, and 4X plus grand strategy are very much alive.

What do you mean CRPG is dead? One of the most successful games out there is a CRPG.

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>any good mmo
name one. they don't exist anymore

>Playing games on consoles

Why would it even matter if all games came to all systems? You still have the huge benefits on PC of free online, huge control options, mods, cheaper games, better performance and probably some other things I'm forgetting

I pirate everything and later buy things that are good and which I enjoyed, the industry hates me and calls me a thief because they can't farm me like cattle by making me buy their low effort trash

Thats the point. Pcs are only good for piracy, assfagots an wow.
If you dont care about optimization, multiplayer, online playing you get the free experience on pc.
Otherwise dont bother. Pc is dead since over 10 years.

PC gets all of the fun/innovative experimental stuff while all consoles get is the same sanitized AAA releases and remakes

>PC gets all of the fun/innovative experimental stuff
Which year is it, user?

i can tell you're a pc retard because the concept of simply not eating shit has never once crossed your mind



Not him, but where have you been the last decade user? The indie scene is absolutely enormous these days

Yeah, call me when you get something like Rimworld or Space Station 13 for your console

Yeah, Elden Ring runs like shit.
PC is worthless.

>cheaper games
Allready proven wrong in this thread
Hecking tomas the train in resident evil 2 :D
>Better performance
Arguably. If the game is actually optimized and doesnt have denuvo thats right
>Free online
Actual benefit
>Free control optios
Another actual benefit

Heres the benefits from consoles
Being able to play without distractions, cheaper games, games are optimized and run without any kid of fixes, couch co-op which often gets removed in the pc version, physical discs, no hackers in online games, being able to play the games without waiting years for ports
And the most important one:
There are no assfagots on console

Valheim and Warthunder are on console. MMOs are shit now. LoL is for fags. Dayz sucks. Dota2 is for fags.
Anyway, idk, the historical total wars are still great to play, modded. Bannerlord is pc only still so that counts. Dune spice wars is pretty good too.

I had a PS3 and PS4 all through their respective generations and my experience on PC was overwhelmingly better than on consoles. Literally the only reasons I owned them was to play exclusives and to play online with friends that don't have PCs.

Also, why are you acting like Sony is on your side? Are you retarded or just naive?

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>The indie scene

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So you actually expect groundbreaking innovative experimental stuff in AAA releases? How much of a fucking brainlet are you?

>Theres only indie or AAA
You "people" are the actual worst kind of cancer in modern pc gaming.

there's also one big disadvantage to playing on a modern console: there's no good games and you don't have a non-jewish backwards compatibility to play the good stuff (only xbox does but sadly it never had anything worthwhile).

>Games are optimized and run without any kind of fixes
Go play this disc unpatched lmao

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>games are optimized and run without any kid of fixes

This game runs like piss literally everywhere, and sony even pulled it from their online store.
If the situation was reversed like it is in 10 million times devs wont even care to fix it while broken garbage stays on steam.