The great debate

The great debate

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She fucks monke

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What debate you fucking retard.
9 > 8

Teenagers- FFVIII
Adults- FFIX

From someone who'S FIRST ONE WAS VIII

9, it is not negotiable


IX was pretty alright, despite some hiccups. VIII was a game filled with interesting ideas which it completely sabotaged with terrible execution. Plus, Squall is a lot less fun of a hero than Zidane. I would have honestly preferred a game about Laguna, he seems much more entertaining.

there is no debate. Everyone likes 9 more than 8

Boring pleb opinion. I bet you think X would be better playing as Jecht too.

why is every character in IX a chibi looking mutant

What debate? IX shits all over VIII.
I really wonder why VIII fags seem to have such a hate boner for IX.

Sorry I feel less invested in an unemotive block of wood, user.

They went with realistic proportions in 8 and it looked very ugly on ps1 hardware

They're both great games.

IX is pretty much the antithesis of VIII - it's cartoony where VIII tries to be realistic, it's traditional level-based structure instead of junction-based, the hero's a goofy monkey kid instead of a cold-blooded mercenary, and the card game is just something silly done for completionist's sake instead of the single most effective way of becoming stronger.

>literally takes 16 seconds for a battle to start
IX is objectively shit

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8 > 9

I like 8 way more than 9.

8 is utter dogshit, one of the worst (popular) games ever made. It's not a debate.



>A team vs B team

a man of taste and culture

Most ambitious and soulful FF game vs least ambitious and soulless FF.

I used to think 9 was better, but as an adult I think it's pretty clearly 8. Fun unique setting, top tier minigame, weird battle mechanics which allow gamebreaking stuff if you know what you're doing. 9 starts off fucking amazing and then gets worse and worse until it's unrecognisably bad in the second half. The battle system and the setting have both been done before, better.

There is no debate. Both are amazing 10/10 games, telling different stories, in different worlds. FF8 is like a Lynchian nightmare, whereas FF9 is like a beautiful fairytale. Both are valid and accomplish what they set out to do.

8 by a significant margin. More ambitious.


9 is better and more balanced but I have a soft spot for 8 due to how easy you can break it even with minimal knowledge

I'll settle it right now.

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>horrifying babyface
bitch looks like the annoying orange and is not fit to sniff quistis' pink butthole.

I prefer Rinoa

VIII is not even a top 10 FF game.

>zoomer doesnt have patients
news at 11

the real best FF is XIV anyways

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Imagine being aroused by that midget haha

9 is chibi shit

I prefer Selphie

ultra based

Have you ever played it? The story is far more mature than most FFs.


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yeah because he isn't a nurse

You absolutely cannot tell me you wouldn't

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I prefer her completely identical brother.

there's no debate, you'll only prefer 9 over 8 if you're a furfag nintendo soi ridden glass beard jew

I don't like Blue Alisaie.

Yeah meme, meme so you can hide your frustration that 9 is regarded as one of the best ffs

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>Yeah meme, meme
What did Anonymous (You) mean by this?


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>we live in a world where an MMO has the best FF story ever told whereas the singleplayer FFs take decades to develop and end up being mediocre
What a time to be alive

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Based Chad

Beatrix or Edea for best ara ara?

Why not both?

Edea possessed by Ultimecia so she can look at you with scorn and call you useless when you cum too fast after inquiring you about your SeeD.

The people have spoken, debate concluded

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Why does anyone watch this clickbaiting schizo?

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Don't mind.
Just the best FF villain coming through.

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this nigger is crying every other day about being treated unfairly because SE aren't sending him free shit or someone clicked dislike on a video or pointed out that he just straight up lies to get people to watch his worthless garbage

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