Advance wars re boot camp

>ukraine war basically over at this point
>still no release date

what's nintendo's problem? they got a game ready to ship but durr our virtue signaling even though literally no one cares or asked for them to postpone the game

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they have to retranslate the entire game and they work at xseed speed.

who won?

no one wins but russia loses

they've accomplished nothing

By delaying the game (again), NoA/E put themselves in a pickle where there's no optimal release window coming up where they can release the game without it getting completely cannibalized by one of their titles. It was never going to sell well to begin with, but completely setting it out to die like that is going to piss off NoJ like no tomorrow, if they aren't already.

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I suspect they simply use it as excuse and game is in reality far from being truly completed. No idea why Nintendo hate AW series so much.

They actually accomplished being turned into China vassal over next years and acquired worldwide hostility as new Nazis.

If russia has accomplished nothing why do I have to pay 70 bucks for 30 liters of gas and the supermarket literally checks the shit I buy to make sure I don't buy more than I am allowed to?

Nintendo's not going to release it until after Mario's movie at the earliest. They don't want to risk bad press going into it.

Yes it's a bit of an overreaction but Nintendo already doesn't give a shit about the franchise so its not a surprise.

Except we know the full ass game was just sitting on their retail servers.

The game already had no localization plans in Japan. NCL probably was unaware of it for most of its production.

They still effectively pissed away money.

Oh yeah, and now NCL is probably going to crack down on them for it.

I wouldn't expect much in the way of NoA spearheaded third party endeavors in the future after this.

I wouldn't be surprised if the online multiplayer is still not ready.

Give me one (1) reason why anyone should care about this shit when you could just emulate the original games instead.

heckin niggers and souless art bro *cracks open IPA*

The most offensive part of this post is the IPA.

Question for those who have played it. Is this series actually worth reviving? It just looks like sorta-fire emblem with a different artstyle. I get this is a remake of a 2 decade old game and an actual new one would probably be more different but idk. Looks like a fire emblem skin to the untrained eye.

Aside from it being a grid-based strategy game, it's nothing like FE, and especially NuFE.

Damn. Ukraine is Russia's version of the American occupation of Afghanistan

Russia gave up on trying to occupy the whole country, hence why they retreated lol.

The internet is the great equalizer, you can look up how to beat any country on youtube or google

so a game about war is only in bad taste under specific conditions? what are they trying to say here? if it promotes a war message, why not cancel it completely.

>ISIS won't do a new AW because gooks only care about FE
>The remake looks like dogshit outside of some cute girl COs and adds nothing of value compared to the timeless spritework of the original titles and doesn't even have a release date
>Even if its a runaway success when it eventually comes out we are either cursed to the new art direction or modern ISIS trying to make a tactics game when they haven't made a decent strategy game since FE Conquest

I wish I could be excited for a new AW but this IP seems fucking dead

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in the grand scheme of things, all this proved was that modern war is dead because any new attempts at war will either end up in infinite back and forth (see: Middle East, Vietnam, Ukraine) or end in mutually assured destruction. Ultimately, war in the modern sense solves nothing that it would have centuries ago. Nation leaders need to take the L and accept that the current arrangement of nations and boundaries are more or less where we’re gonna be stuck for the rest of human times.

NoA just didn't want to deal with the potential bad press of releasing a game where "War is Fun :D" while pictures of skirmishes from an actual war bombard the 24 hour news cycle. Now the issue is

It's much more of a strategy game and has a lot more depth. There's a website called Advance Wars by Web where people have been playing the systems competitively for like 12 years (although with maps better designed for it)

Indeed, we should elect and train champions that fight to death 1v1 on behalf of our countries instead.
That's how we should settles disputes. I think gauls did this between tribes?

>>ukraine war basically over at this point
who won?

The war will be over by monday when Putin drops the nukes. No reason for Nintendo to hold back the release of this game any longer.

>G Gundam becomes a reality

The core difference is units HP is tied to their effectiveness (less individuals apart of the unit itself) and this entails vastly different strategies. There's also way more focus on buildings & structures. Int sys intentionally kept the 2 series unique

why not post a good card instead

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Nice giraffe neck Andy
Fuck westerncucks

>ukraine war basically over at this point
Ukraine war maybe, global nuclear war has just begun though

Sauce on this cope

The sauce is we are fucked

Why are there nigs fighting for the nazis?

because there's a senile pedophile in charge of the US

Why do people think the war is "over"
Even if Russia sues for peace Ukraine isn't taking anything less than pre-war borders considering how well they've pushed the Russians back, and of course pre-war border terms would be absolutely unacceptable to Russia because it's tantamount it admitting defeat

its never coming out its nintendo after all they cant be seen as warmongers otherwise all the parents gonna avoid them

>tfw hohols and glowniggers are holding back this release

release it nintendo

>>ukraine war basically over at this point
I know everyone has moved on to the current thing(tm) in burgerland, but the war continues dipshit. It will end with a treaty where Russia gets the territories it wanted in the first place more than likely.

Imagine trying to be all anti-establishment and then wanting to buy a re-release from Nintendo that arguably looks worse than the original. I bet you don't even know how to emulate.

it's much more board-game like than Fire Emblem- your objective is always the same and you create the units you want to have. and the multiplayer rules! it's the main draw, really.

Isn't August light for them

But Trump hasn't been in the office for over a year.

Why is /pol/ anti Ukraine if they love nazis so much?

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/pol/ are contrarians first and foremost. If the consensus is that [thing] is good/bad, /pol/ will say [thing] is bad/good.

That’s been the case for several decades

>Basically over
It hasn't even really begun yet. When the tactical nukes fall, that is when the war will really start to kick into gear

Neck not long enough

>ukraine war basically over at this point
What did he mean by this?

There is no cross level progression, it’s a strategy game where every map is self contained and it’s very well designed and fun.
That said the multiplayer is horribly broken and unbalanced if people know how to play.

They're saving it for holidays because they have nothing else

>he thinks I'm buying it and not playing it on an emulator

nice projection zoomer

Yeah you're not fooling anyone now

Yeah, this is still stout weather.

Copy that.


>why do I have to pay 70 bucks for 30 liters of gas
Russian oil forms a significant portion of oil imports for many countries, but this Ukraine war stuff has made these countries stop buying it. Hence the price hike, unless you're in the US. In that case, the war stuff is only a capstone to a chain of events that began when Biden revoked the keystone pipeline permits, effectively blocking the project from being finished and leading to its cancellation. This along with other actions has prevented the US from becoming a net exporter of crude oil and is keeping the country dependent on imports.

>and the supermarket literally checks the shit I buy to make sure I don't buy more than I am allowed to
I don't know where you're at but the only time I get a quantity limit on purchases is when buying PS5s and Xbox Series Xs to scalp.

What do you mean basically over? On the 9th Russia will announce their full-scale declaration of war. It's only beginning.

Not him, but I'm in Michigan and all the grocery stores have buy limits listed on the shelves.

cope redditranny. I'm not paying 60 USD for a Nintendo 1st party game. I'll play but not buy

>NoA just didn't want to deal with the potential bad press of releasing a game where "War is Fun :D" while pictures of skirmishes from an actual war bombard the 24 hour news cycle
Probably a good call in the end. Social media gave them a lot of shit for Super Mario Maker being released on 9/11, and that was back in 2015 when twitter outragers were tame. If they went ahead and released Advance Wars while social media is in full swing of Russia Bad/Kyiv/Monke Putin/etc. the twitter outrage would eclipse everything that happened to Tomodatchi Life.

>they got a game ready to ship
lol no have you seen it how it looked? I think that this was a good chance to go back to the drawing board and make it properly. And thats what they're probably doing

Try harder next time

Yeah, and that fact alone is why they're going to push back until at least after the Mario movie is out and in theaters.

No one in the company is going to dare do anything to fuck with Miyamoto's baby.

seethe and cope, I want the extra content added to this game