I don't get what people see in this game to buy 12 million copies. I mean it's just your standard dark souls game, it's not sekiro with fun new combat system. I don't understand how some people can just weapon art dodge for 600 hours straight in elden ring.
I don't get what people see in this game to buy 12 million copies. I mean it's just your standard dark souls game...
Most people aren't using a weapon art to dodge and are actually playing it.
I don't know anyone who hought that many, I just bought one
It's called marketing. Name a single game released in the last 5 years that sold more than it did at launch within the next year. Yuo can't because not one exists
Consolefags will automatically preorder everything because they're subhuman retards, so that's a free 8-10 million preorders at launch. Word of mouth for this game was probably below average because almost nobody bought it after launch.
Just like RDR2, remember all the shill threads for RDR2? Remember all the people pretending like it was going to sell 50 million copies? After like 2 months into the game's release they stopped updating the sales numbers, wonder why.
so they spam jump attacks, big difference
No one buys 12 million copies stupid
>I don't get what people see in this game to buy 12 million copies.
what dimesion you come from OP?
you think you’re smart, which is the problem