I don't get what people see in this game to buy 12 million copies. I mean it's just your standard dark souls game, it's not sekiro with fun new combat system. I don't understand how some people can just weapon art dodge for 600 hours straight in elden ring.
I don't get what people see in this game to buy 12 million copies. I mean it's just your standard dark souls game...
Most people aren't using a weapon art to dodge and are actually playing it.
I don't know anyone who hought that many, I just bought one
It's called marketing. Name a single game released in the last 5 years that sold more than it did at launch within the next year. Yuo can't because not one exists
Consolefags will automatically preorder everything because they're subhuman retards, so that's a free 8-10 million preorders at launch. Word of mouth for this game was probably below average because almost nobody bought it after launch.
Just like RDR2, remember all the shill threads for RDR2? Remember all the people pretending like it was going to sell 50 million copies? After like 2 months into the game's release they stopped updating the sales numbers, wonder why.
so they spam jump attacks, big difference
No one buys 12 million copies stupid
>I don't get what people see in this game to buy 12 million copies.
what dimesion you come from OP?
you think you’re smart, which is the problem
I am smart. The gaming industry is dead and has been for a long time. Outside of preorders and the initial sales to Walmart games don't sell anymore. Fromsoft slapped "open world coop" onto this game and sold more than they ever would have despite it being the worst game in the series. There are almost no sales after initial release for any game anymore, you would have to be a braindead nigger not to notice
Have you ever had sex? If not you are not smart
Sounds like cope you greasy nigger
Ash of wars mog jump attacks so bad its not even funny, square off mvp.
Elden Ring and most Souls games barely have any marketing, are you nuts? Do you not remember the years of absolute silence after the game got announced?
>I mean it's just your standard dark souls game
That's all you need, standard dark souls is amazing.
>Elden Ring
>barely have any marketing
it's the only dork souls game I've ever seen an ad for
Saying yes was so easy :)
Name your top 5 games user
DaS1 had a few trailers and even a magazine ad, you must live under a rock
based based based
I don't understand marketing guys.
Elden Ring marketing was put a name out let years pass put a trailer out let 2 years pass then release a demo of the game(CNT) then 2 months later release the game rotfl
Yeah you must live under a rock if you claim Elden ring had no marketing
>Elden Ring and most Souls games barely have any marketing
>Elden Ring
>barely any marketing
Were you in a fucking coma all of last year?
Hype for Elden Ring went through the roof when they did that open network test and all the e-celebs started shilling the game.
barely any marketing doesn't mean no marketing, please learn to comprehend words before talking to people
>Hype went through the roof when they release a demo of the game
Tranny, Tranny,
takes it in the fanny.
wide as an ocean, deep as a lake
sure the gameplay is dark souls 3 + jumping and horsing, but there are also a lot of cool spells and weapon arts that previous games didnt really have
this was really the only marketing they needed after the reputation they've already established
>barely any marketing
>for over a year
unironically had more fun playing Dark Souls 2 than Elden Shit
me too
honestly nobody bought that many.
Huh, asides from that one bus that had elden ring on it I didn't see shit about this. Reputation is what carried the hype,
>shazam posters are ESL
like clockwork
>they literally paid for bus ads
>no marketing
drink some water
>let's talk about why I don't like this game
For crying out tears, Elden Ring lives absolutely rent free in the heads of you shazamtrannies.
Here's more to cram into that rent free cranium of yours --
Elden Ring has already sold half as many copies in only its first two months as all Dark Souls titles combined over the last 11 years.
Elden Ring has already sold twice as many copies in in only its first two months as Sekiro has since its release in 2019.
>People hate normie tier casual game designed for mass appeal
wow what a surprise!
>regurgitating shit that was spoken about Skyrim
Get the fuck out
to be honest it's true, while the criticism of skyrim was that its systems had been dumbed down for mass appeal it's nothing in comparison to the derivative slapped together experience of elden ring
Word of mouth is indeed what is fueling Elden Ring sales. That word of mouth isn't going to stop any time soon because, in addition to the glowing commentary that people have regarding their experience playing Elden Ring, people are still discovering new things while playing Elden Ring and talking about that. There will be secrets discovered while playing Elden Ring for a long time to come, and that will keep the word of mouth going, and that will fuel sales for a long time to come. And the moment that it appears the sales have slowed down, a DLC will appear and kickstart the word of mouth all over again.
Also, there is a side-effect of the positive word of mouth surrounding Elden Ring. That is, the sales of other FromSoft titles are getting a boost. People are playing Elden Ring and suddenly "getting it", and translating their understanding to other FromSoft titles such as the Dark Souls series and Sekiro.
Screenshot this -- People will still be talking about Elden Ring in 2032.
>Word of mouth is indeed what is fueling Elden Ring sales
if that's the case then why isn't there a massive amount of post release sales? there hasn't been a single press release about post launch sales
It's already on sale for $10
thanks for letting us know you are retarded and cant use logic and reason to figure simple things out
>already on sale for $10
Interdasting. Right now on Steam Elden Ring is listed as $59.99.
Oh it's 10 dollars off I read it wrong, still pretty bad to go on sale two months after launch
>another DaS2 is le bad redditor
Go back
reread my post and then jump of a bridge
where do you see that? It's $59 on steam and $69 on consoles. Steam prices are always $10 cheaper than console prices for triple A releases, it's not on sale at all.
apparently Walmart and Gamestop are having a sale
3-4 months in if you start seeing 15-30% off sales you know the game was a flop
in this instance it says more about Walmart and Gamestop since they are the only ones having sales
>I mean it's just your standard dark souls game
You're answering your own question, even though they're not my absolute favorite whenever I finish souls games I always seem to crave more for them, they're just fun in their own regard.
Helps that this has open world slapped on it and had the perfect hype before it, on release, and right after the release with the reviews and streamers etc
>still pretty bad to go on sale two months after launch
No, dumb ass. Let' me educate you, but you will have homework because I'm not spoonfeeding this to you. Is the sale coming from FromSoft or from an individual seller? If you discover that individual sellers are running their own promotion, ask yourself why would they do that and how would they benefit from it. Let me provide you with some direction. A game emerges that is selling at an extraordinary rate. You are a platform for that game, ie - Steam, Playstation, etc. Steam derives much of its value from the positive churn rate in its subscriber base (ie - the month net result of new subscribers versus unsubscribers). Sony Playstation derives much of its value from the number of people who own the console platform. So, if you are Steam or a console manufacturer, how would you expand your numbers? Perhaps introduce a small and temporary sale on a very hot software title in the hopes that it would compel people to go out and buy your console or subscribe to your service? Yes, that would be a very effective way to quickly drive up the numbers for the quarter.
Congrats. You survived day one of business 101.
it was not one guy buying it 12 million times. 11 million bought it because they were memed into it. they already dropped it. 1 million ore fromdrones. they would buy a plate of frozen shit from From.
>I don't get what people see in this game to buy 12 million copies. I mean it's just your standard dark souls game, it's not sekiro with fun new combat system
Why do people who have clearly not played any of these games make sweeping comments about their design philosophies?
DaS 2 had trailers in german cinemas.
I still dont understand how you were born user, yet here you are.
Odds are they have too many copies, which shows how little physical sales are selling
>Let' me educate you
>paragraph of spastic rambling
>hurrr, i don't understand
>hurrr, explain it to me like the low-IQ ultra-casual shazamtranny that I am
I'm not your research assistant. I can't fix stupid. Improve your reading comprehension, little one, or else you will never know just how much you are failing to understand.
There's nothing to read, you're just coping. Nothing you said is of any consequence or makes any sense. The only reason physical copies would already be on sale is if there's too many of them
I also remember seeing that Dark Souls II Where Is My Mind TV spot about a million times in the lead-up to the game’s release here in Bongland. Surprisingly cool combination of music and visuals.
You are clearly using the "DS2 is garbage" meme
to meme on ER.
15% off for first 6 months is normal, you retard. 50% off is a bad sign.
The actual answer is that the game beforehand made it sell 12 million
So DS3 was the actual good game