I sold my PC and started lifting

I sold my PC and started lifting

Attached: 134. XXL fortsätter strula.webm (1280x720, 1.99M)

You sold a productivity tool?


And yet you're still wasting time by being here?

>not lifting your pc

And? Did you manage to lift your PC after selling it?

fuck off smelly phoneposter

this, quit Yea Forums and Yea Forums as a whole if you really want to succeed

I don't get having to sell older hobbies to adopt a new hobby.

Good for you user, keep it up

But it’s the only place where I can still have a decent discussion online anonymously

A PC isn't only to play games.

OP is a pedophile.

cringe improvecel

>Yea Forums
>decent discussion
You're braindead

Attached: 1649677188950.png (184x184, 49.04K)

I sold my front door and started lifting, take notes fellas.

No more need for discussion. Let your muscles to the talking. Words are for soiboys.

Why are you bald?

Why didn't you just lift your pc? too fucking weak?

A samefagging pedophile who is spanming his own thread to boot.

all mine

T. did 15 pushups

>Walks into your house and starts lifting with you

i do both

OP is a ban evading pedophile.


Nobody here has a proper discussion, all it is are people posting porn because they're faggots with a crippling addiction, shills and people trying to out insult eachother over nothing because it's in the in thing to do.

>want to exercise so bad but spine is broken

Life sucks.

vidya is a waste of time

varför är den där killen så svag?


Attached: 1648935188860.png (515x332, 310.87K)

A PC is only to play games.

shouldn't have broken your spine then, fucking retard

>be overweight
>pick up running and long distance walking as exercise
>run faster and longer and walk tens of kilometers without a hitch
>kneecap ends up getting fucked up from overwork
>have to be constantly on painkillers
>the only thing that doesn't hurt is a biking and sleeping

another victim of the deadlift i see...

Oh I should have specified that it’s usually on other boards that I have good discussions here, Yea Forums on a rare occasion has a pretty great thread or two (mostly nostalgia ones) but it’s definitely gotten bad in the past couple years since the mods just turned it into /e/-lite.

Attached: E451ADB7-E340-48BF-A064-A44215F0DE94.jpg (623x616, 45.81K)

är du utvecklingsstörd eller?

fattar inte

Samefagging pedophile

Attached: 1605978387929.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

No I've had 3 slipped discs from just living, 1 of them nearly made me paralized waist down.

Constant pain is a peculiar kind of life.

if you really sold your pc
*slam desk*
then how are you still posting on Yea Forums

Attached: 137-1372599_objection-png.jpg (840x631, 200.33K)


OP is a ban evading pedophile

is this good gamerfuel?

Attached: 1624463972393.webm (576x1024, 2.89M)

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

här är vi

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile.

the european ja/ck/

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

ingen överraskning att han är skallig om han äter sådan mat

looks fine

>newfag listens to /fit/

Attached: 1650388097943.jpg (600x900, 52.15K)

And you need a lot of money to star lifting, apparently...

Samefagging pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

show us on the doll where OP touched you

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

our king

I sold my weights and bought a PC

Attached: FB91BAA8-803C-478A-B4ED-6564DB2D9A91.png (840x1250, 305.71K)

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile.

what the fuck is this autism?

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile.

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile.

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile.

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile.

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile.

it's high doses of BASED, fuck nonvidya threads

Attached: Screenshot_20220507-121147.png (720x478, 242.85K)

holy shit have the jannies finally lost it? hahahahaha

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile.

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile.

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile.

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile.

best thread on Yea Forums right now

>what am in for
>who's this for
>what did they mean by this
>Yea Forumsidya butts this one is cool
>random gibberish with a picture of a pic wearing a hat with a specific ountry flag
>twitter screenshot
>eldren ring thread number 983, all replies are pretty much copy pasted from the 832 threads before
>saying anything and getting called a tranny or a polchud
>random porn thread that stays up for a few hours
>random BBC thread
>it flopped (about every single game no matter how successful it was)
video game discussion is dead, the only time you have fun on Yea Forums is when there's a good off topic thread that's loosely related to games like Yea Forumsingo, crosswords etc

Good. *Desk gaming is bad for your back.

*just because a PC can be hooked up to a TV doesn’t mean most desk gamers actually do it

Was it autism?

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile
OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

Apparently not, given the guy who cooked it looks like he's in agony.

Attached: Screenshot_20220507-121709.png (386x418, 157K)

it's BASED

yes damn what an ag ony

Lift this HYAH!

Attached: 1644909648606.webm (576x850, 2.92M)

choose your words carefully big guy

Attached: 1638473023608.jpg (1760x1168, 331.69K)

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

if you have a proper chair and you don't sit still for 4-12 hours in a row and actually get up and move around every 1-2 hours it's fine.
Sitting on the sofa will ruin your back 10x more than a shitty chair would.

Sonic Symphony and that Famitsu article coming out where everyone was waiting for the "new hardware" (which turned out to be Game Gear Micro or whatever) were the last times I remember having any amount of fun here. Yet, Im still here because everywhere else is honestly just that bad. I'd rather stay in the place where Im called a nigger casual constantly than the Twitter, Discord, Twitch, Reddit stuff. Same for software/web developer communities. I just can't do the "Hahaha! Let's have fun! *hugs* :D" "communities and pozzed to shit "discussions".

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile.

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

God I wish that were me

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile.

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile.

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

it would be like mosquito bites to be kicked by her

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile

OP is a samefagging ban evading pedophile.

are you ok?