Ummmm Yea Forums? We need to talk

Ummmm Yea Forums? We need to talk

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God I hate normalfags so fucking much it's unreal.

Ok. Use one of the three other threads. Thanks.

Cringe ass trash for braindead retards


all women are whores and need to be raped

why are people afraid of sex today?

Yeah. Arcsys should be getting kickbacks for this shit

Normies ruin everything

spending $730 just to ruin it with cum

You people are retards.

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yikes i think we need to have a dialogue about this

>jap meme pose of the month
>american teenagers acting like monkeys
It's like the schreier episode on the definition of hentai

don't be a brainlet user
all women are whores and need to have their rights removed.

These kind of toys have existed since forever, why are normalfags talking so much about them now? Is it only because it's Tifa?

It's not official

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Cause it’s funny coomer trash

Why the fuck are people freaking out about this particular figure and why is there like 3 threads up about it? It's an unlicensed figure, there's a shit ton like it

What can they even say? It's Chinese, any sexism angle will be about an issue in China's culture, not our own, and PC gamer can't afford to make statements like that.

Came to post this /thread

Nice reading comprehension, retard.

Death is more our speed

All this hype/fake outrage and it's not even official? Bad news drought going on?

Because pcgamer article called it "twerking" while implying official nature like mouthbreathing retards.

Is that le heckin meme pose of the month?!


doesn't seem that bad, compared to what shitaku would post about it

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>Literally falling for the obvious engagement bait

Being an online mag writer must be so easy. There are several replies to that tweet correcting the intentional mislabel and each one of them effectively shared the article to everyone they know for free as well as boosting it in Twitter's search results.

Stealth marketing. That company is going to get stinking rich.

Tifa porn was on display in the Italian senate and people are still surprised about shit like this?

no bump
fuck off
faggot "news"
don't care
kyrs normie

>I thought I could wrap up for the weekend but then I saw this horny toy and thought I could squeeze out one more clickbait article

>call himself a pc gamer
>doesnt have 1000000000 figures of his waifu and her model on skyrim/fallout 4 with big ass
NGMI, you will never be a pc gamer

>consider whether Tifa is in fact twerking on Zack's grave.
Okay I laughed

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if we are "normies" then what are you?

people spend more on their eceleb twitch thots and get absolutely nothing in return, so

does clickbait even work with the amount of people with adblockers

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Yeah this. Tifa is maybe the biggest whore in all of gaming. No one should be surprised when she gets merch like that.

> Tifa is in a sexual situation again!
this must really get clicks for these shill sites.

Being a journo on the internet is just making meaningless articles that only say "this exists" whenever anyone starts talking about anything, to maybe scrape a few clicks when people google what they're talking about.

woman = journo
cookie = bait
doggo = 4channers falling for the bait

Give me the link to the figure you bitch

forgot pic

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>I was only pretending to be retarded!

Yes. Banner ads are over because of adblockers, the new thing is tracking cookies popups the instant you click so they can sell traffic data, and further clickbait once you're on the site to "related posts" that are sponsored content. You still just need to get people onto the site.

>Ah. Um. Hrmm.
Jesus I want to punch this faggot journo in the face


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Gaming "journalists" are scum of the earth

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Cry more.


Are you op? If so, you're being disingenuous. If not, then obviously my comment wasn't directed at you.

Stop talking about it

I'll just say I'm glad I get to enjoy all the japanese coomer games and anime before retards like these started bastardizing them with their localization and soon the actual content. Donkeys like these always cry about the conservative agenda and censorship when they're censoring fictional women more than the Muslim hijabs that they seethe over. Inshallah mashallah

how can these motherfuckers be THIS FUCKING GAY
I suck literal male dick and they are gayer than me
fucking retarded niggers just let people look at virtual tits

>words words words words
t. Patrician Hernandez

Die in a hole, kike

ayo she really do be twerking doe

Because they can't kill their babies now


beyond that, isn't twerking a form of degenerative dancing the left supports? I mean, they were defending cuties quite hard.

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>PC gamer
Not even worth even looking if the article is real.

You will never win this fight. They've already won you've already lost. Cry more.

I support twerking with my dick.

About what?

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"The left" is like half of the population, they are not all going to think the exact same thing.
Are you the kind of person who is puzzled by the fact that there are going to be both positive and negative posts on Yea Forums about the same game?

I hate twitter female speech. They're not even funny like ebonics

no they've just infiltrated every media institute and are very vocal cry bullies. This has lead to speech being controlled in their favor. Most people think these faggots are obnoxious but if they express that anywhere other than their own home they will get nuked. It's just a matter of time before people get sick of this shit.

im so fucking sick of prude woke liberals crying and bitching about women being sexualized in media.

>isn't twerking a form of degenerative dancing the left supports?
No, its a form of degenerative dancing that niggers support.

so...the left

You're not pretending, you are.

>Arcsys invented doggy style
Zoomers don't have sex