>irl mages
Irl mages
almost as funny as grand summoners who call drawn girls their gfs
Can't wait for the next round of witch hunts
>it's another /pol/ demotivating bait thread
>spiritual girls be like
Delete TikTok
is george floyd a national hero in america, why is that guy always mentioned
It's Saint Floyd to you, heathen
people are REALLY bored of their lives nowadays
Why, in an age where information is more readily available than in any other time in history, are there more and more people starting to believe in shit like astrology and magic again?
I swear if you use Tinder a LOT of women will not even consider you if you are the wrong star sign.
America is about worshiping negroes, you thriedie.
Somone post the larp about the witch confronting Allah in astral projection and getting rekt
the witches want to ban this book because it counters most of their stuff. Just read it and start to remove witches lol
same people would have been crazy nuts who worship tv evangelists. hell i'm sure they have them in their family.
>an age where information is more readily available
The more information the less people think for themselves. Zoomers are the dumbest generation since we do worldwide IQ tests.
The lengths that people will go to to not go outside.
just because information is readily available doesn’t mean that stupid people will seek it out. Women prefer to live in blissful ignorance like a child
Same reason why people belive in the bible, they're looking for something spiritual. Unfortunately they choose modern faux paganism like wicca instead of becoming based Buddhists.
>witches still don't know about spell reflection after 2015
stop hitting yourself
he's the patron saint of kneeling
and americans are always kneeling before their masters
aren't witches like
in your face and vulgar and shid
It's equally as easy to get bad information as it is to get good information. Ultimately, people who have superstitious beliefs, never needed evidence to believe in it in the first place. So no amount of good information will really change their minds.
What if the witches that got burnt at the stake were actually evil child molesting/killing scum?
She needs to hex my dick with her mouth
It's just women being women, m8.
they are being contrarians. being into an established religion isnt cool but meme shit like witches is cool.
More weight!
I'm not a /pol/tard (although I do have some fringe ultranationalist ideas).
I'm a gay guy who sometimes likes to sit back and laugh watching at what I dodged.
The false God is trying to take down our sweet saint!
>implying my warlock magic doesn't absolutely shit all over their shit witch hexes.
Derek Chauvin you will be protected from these whores.
Can these fucking retard fake witches put on actual witch outfits?
If they're gonna be idiots the least they can do is make my cock hard.
You know reality is, because *some* people dont need to try as hard anymore, so they dont do as much work anymore.
And also because *some* people have lots of distractions so they dont worry about math like the ancient people used to. And yes they still did math sometimes.
My grandma was a witch. It's basically pagan rituals, everything else is larping.
>why dont people believe tv? everything tv says its true!
Its the same reason why you see young men in protestant nations converting to Catholicism and the orthodox faith, being a protestant is not "based" enough.
Damn black bois just keep winning
He is Jesus Christ
Readily accessible information is being counterbalanced by a general rise in mental illness. It doesn't matter if you have information provided to you if you're too mentally fucked to reliably come to logical conclusions using that information anymore.
Don’t underestimate an evil woman focusing her energy at you for an negative outcome… whether its seems lke bs hocus pocus or not.
The court documents from the witch trials are interesting.
Some women were accused of pinching kids and physically assaulting them and being satanists. And one of the accused women confessed to it and claimed a dog spoke to her and told her to do it. Then the witch trials began.
Then stick to posting video games you autistic retard.
Becuase culture is being destroyed and people feel feel rootless and are latching onto anything.
Play Metal Gear Solid 2
Who the fucks keep shitting up this board with tictoc or onlyfans bullshit?
So is tiktok just 2008 youtube but for extremely stupid people?
People (retards) love the unknown
And yet it's the boomers falling for the dumbest shit.
Not videogames
I'm tired of women giving my best friend a bad name. They try to fuck him more ways than one.
It's Youtube for phone users, so yes.
why do women only go for assholes?
Zoomers. No subcultures exist anymore, so even the nerdy, antisocial incels obsess over shit like social media and what's popular.
>no tits
>no hips
>no ass
0 mana to be stored
if you're scorpio you will literally never get a match in tinder lmao, shits crazy
>Not the shaking version
It's vines 2.0
It's because there is more information, actually. It's easier to confirm biases, easier to find information that, and most importantly, easier to find people with the same nutcase beliefs. The amount of retards that believe in conspiracy theories here is insane. Half of /pol/ believed in shit pizzagate
Magic has always been real but those people are charlatans.
I want to talk with a femanon about mages
What do you mean?
read dean radin
No matter how much information is available to you, even if you can find the objective meaning if life with a search engine, it's all pointless if you think like a woman. Women think backwards; they decide on a truth, then search for evidence to prove it and ignore everything else. And if they can't find any, they make up their own evidence from thin air.
This is why Astrology works so well on them. Spew a bunch of vague, stupid bullshit that can mean almost anything and they will ascribe meaning to it after the fact and believe it wholeheartedly. It continues to astound me how fucking dumb a human being can be when you strip away all skepticism and critical thinking.
You're dealing with powers way above your level bitch.
because astrology is real. the occult shit is all real. i got red pilled real hard when i met a legit psychic in Africa. There's a LOT of bullshit about this stuff, like in the op webm. but it's legit you just gotta get lucky to find it
>everyone I don't like is muh /pol/
Aren't polacks massive simps? Femoids are cancer, that's something everyone can agree on.
Yea Forums - Video Games
>womyn are retarded children
Holy shit, user, you made a completely new discovery!
tell them you are signfluid
massive red flag, would not date
>Women think backwards; they decide on a truth, then search for evidence to prove it and ignore everything else.
You've just described every /pol/ nutcase that believes in lizards living amongst us and the moon landing was fake.
why do you act like you'd even have the option lol