Let me guess, you need "more"

Let me guess, you need "more"

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I break centrums in half to double my vitamins.

You can get vitamin D from your food user, you don't need to ruin your skin in the sun.

Yes, what about B vitamins?

just drink milk

Vitamin Deez nuts

literally all you need to get over covid

Tylenol helps too

>antivaxx retard thread
lmao enjoy dying


Are you Jesus multiplying food, nigga?

I get my vitamin D in an actually bio available form.
Enjoy your 'chelated' goyslop

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i think everyone agrees that it's fair that they should be taxed extra and forbidden to enter restaurants, airports, etc.

Completely unnecessary if your skin is pale enough.

I've been trying to die from Corona for two years now. When will it happen?

>disgusting runny eggs
nasty shit

Vitamin D from food is insufficient, also I think you need the sun to actually convert vit D to the active form

nigga just go outside

Make sure to completely sanitize your high fructose corn syrup cubes before insertion into the bussy canal

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>artificially colored to trick people believing they still get that good shit

Man your taste is embarrassing.

I worked an outdoors 10pm-6am shift 5 days a week for 2 years. My only time to play vidya was from 7am-12pm and then I would fall asleep till 8pm. All of the time the sun was shining I spent on vidya or sex. Vitamin D3 (2000) was a fucking lifesaver. It keeps you from being depressed and feeling generally shitty.

>get sex
>still get depressed without happy pill

do blacks think eating some bacteria is worse than eating bleach?

It would be more red if it were farmed and dyed

yes user, im sure if it was that easy15 million people wouldn't be dead from covid around the world

15mil are too poor to get vitamins. Easy answer.

Go outside loser

people say "go outside" but what do you fucking do outside even? walk on hard pavement fucking your knees up? look at grey buildings or 15883897 coffee shops full of people who pay premium for some mud water?

these types of threads are terrible

>what do you fucking do outside even?
murdering jews and its puppets (politicians) who are responsible for the fact there is nothing worth doing outdoors

that sounds like your problem for living in an urban shithole


Been out in the sun for a week, I've never felt more depressed. Vit D is a meme

>walk on hard pavement fucking your knees up
So now that fucking jogging has been normalized by fatty agenda as downright lethal, it's time to move onto leisurely walking?

>walk on hard pavement fucking your knees up?
this sounds like bone spurs tier cope about dodging physical activity

post your bmi

you do realize you're outnumbered 1000:1, you dumb bush hick?

maybe after studies are complete

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Not videogames

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>Live in concrete
>cry about concrete
I'm also outnumbered by retards and this sounds like a retard problem.

I fly for vacations so I unfortunately got them.

>bending the knee to big pharma just so you can go on vacations

I let airport security violate my asshole to go on vacation so the vaccines were nothing.

In minecraft?

Hey man if the vaccines are gonna kill me then I want to enjoy my vacations now. If big pharma is gonna kill off the world then I won't be around to care.

science is settled
no, in real life

Man this happened to me once. It was the fucking worst. Getting felt up by some guy in front of everyone was even worse than I was expecting. They also dug through my bag and took everything out

Last time I checked my vitamin D was 10ng/ml and I'm still alive

How does that even happen

Mine made me turn on my Switch and laughed at me because I was playing Super Mario Sunshine.

Random checks, it can happen to anyone.

wow just like me, except I've been doing it 5 years

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>not gigamaxing on 12 different vitamins twice a day

not even remotely close to the real numbers. cdc, fba, and who have all admitted they lied and inflated the numbers. Publicly. No less than three times.
Imagine STILL being this much of a tool to the antiwhite system that wants you dead.
Find shame.

redpill me on the best supplements to take



I do. I need Zinc supplements to fuel my coomer habits. Remember Yea Forums, the more you coom the more you should take Zinc.

I just do multivitamins and call it a day.

Flintstones Chewable Vitamins are top tier

Be careful with multivitamins if you can get kidney stones.

>D3 is also likely to formulate kidney stones if you take these assumably after pseudo trials.

Just take fish oil and eat more greens and get more sunlight imo.


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vitamind d + k2


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I take calcium tablets because I hate dairy and chamomile & ashwagandha for my anxiety but thats about it.

I'll also say Biotin is good. Keep your skin and hair healthy.

This. And it's also very delicious.

Fish oil, D3, magnesium.

no, blacks do not think that. you seeing a couple of webms doesn't mean black people think that.

I've taken ashwaganda but I don't think it did anything for anxiety. L-thenine didn't really do anything as well.

>tfw only 3 sunny days in my area in the past month and just constantly bombarded with rain and clouds
May used to be such a comfy month

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