Starfield has "too much content"

>Starfield has "too much content"
Who's ready for another 1000+ hours adventure?

Attached: 1638808360983.jpg (1280x720, 36.46K)

who's ready for an unfinished mess this time with mods locked behind a pay-wall from the start!

correction: there will be 1000+ hours of monotonous worker bee radiant quests

>1000 hours of adventure, 2000 hours of coomer mods
Sign me up

I would prefer no mod support but heavy moderation could work.

Oh shit...can i fuck space-sluts craving for human-cock?

But will it have functional ladders?

Bethesda games should just release their source code for full modding. It's not like their competitors are going to gain knowledge or critical trade secrets from it.

Fallout 4 has one (1) functional ladder, so yea probably.

>It's not like their competitors are going to gain knowledge or critical trade secrets from it.
Considering Obsidian said of Epic's recent "advancements" that Bethesda had already been doing it for over 10 years I'd say there are some advantages Bethesda has they might want to keep close to their chest for business reasons.

On the flip side the amateur devs aren't talented enough to make use of it either. Nothing would change if they did.


Obsidian should be admired for their skill at making video games.

But talented devs could make full gameplay overhauls and tools to make the process easier if they're autistic enough.


Don't believe his lies

really hope for good modding capability

The amateur devs that would be most excited about the code would be the least capable group to make use of them.
They would announce massive goals , then make a few assets, maybe a few quests and then give up.

Making video games is hard and takes up ashit ton of manhours amateurs don't have.
They should stick to modding and leave the real work to professionals. Modders making a game would be like an interior decorator trying to build a house from foundation to final inspection. Stick to hanging curtains.

I guess the problem there was the legacy of Unreal being a traditional level based engine instead of streaming assets open world from the beginning.

There are confirmed no non human sentient species in Starfield. You will have to wait for a star wars conversion mod to fuck alien whores

I'm not talking about amateur devs, get your head out of your ass.

Bethesda's engine does more than that though. It's doing things like constantly processing well over a 1000 persistent NPCs in background all the time. How may other games do that? How many are running on engines that COULD do that? Even for The Sims it's recommended to never have more than 200 sims in existence.

I was and you quoted me. So if you don't want to discuss my points don't respond to them.
Easy peasy

To my point on amateur devs look at Sim Settlements. It was ambitious and had a team lead with the required drive for the project. It ended up being fairly well funded and guess what? It got to be to large a project and little mistakes and inefficiencies started adding up to huge problems as the project got larger.

It is ashame as it was one of the few interesting mods to come out in the last decade.

Doesn't Kingdom Come do something similar and they use Cryengine which has no native support for something like that.

I thought Kingdom Come only has a handful of persistent NPCs and the majority of the population is just randomly spawned generic NPCs like you'd see in a GTA game?

>too much content
Forty five hundred different ores to craft space hammer with.

>1000+ hours
Oh boy I can't wait for Skyrim's buggy and soulless Radiant Quest system, except this time in space!

Do I at least get a cool plastic bag when I preorder?

It's going to be like outer worlds, but somehow worse. And the same people who couldn't get over complaining about outer worlds long after anyone remembered it will praise this game.

I'm ready for the crash fest when it releases.

>constantly processing well over a 1000 persistent NPCs in background all the time
It's honestly surprising that there are people stupid enough to believe this.

That is not confirmed, and a total fabrication. It is 99.9% likely that First Contact is going to be an integral part of the main quest. You're an explorer, and meeting an alien race for the first time is pretty much the apex of exploration discovery.

It won't have PLAYABLE aliens, but it's confirmed that it will have alien races.

1000 hours of bounty hunting


Todd when asked about it later:
It's processing a few of the 1000 at a time, not all of them at the same time, we never said anything like that.
By persistent we meant they're persistent in wanting your attention when they appear.

In other words, it's not "constantly processing" anything, it's just procvessing the few NPCs in your immediate surrounding while keeping everything else deactivated until needed.

Like basically every other video game ever made.

>while keeping everything else deactivated until needed
No. You can see that's not true by quests that involve you having to travel to locations with NPCs. Just go to the other side of the world and then look at the map every now and again and you'll see they're still travelling even though you are nowhere near them.

Obviously it's not processing a 1000 NPCs in every frame but what it is doing is processing all 1000 NPCs roughly once per 10 seconds. For things that are near you it's roughly once per 2 seconds. For things engaged in combat it's several times a second.

Maybe if they didn't try to unsuccessfully do that their games wouldn't be so shit and break all the time?

>their games wouldn't be so shit and break all the time
I've got hundreds of hours in Bethesda's games. The idea they break all the time (outside Oblivion) is bullshit. You might get some occasionally jank and if you're really unlucky maybe a quest script might not work properly but for the most part they work fine as long as you don't shit them up with an extensive amount of mods that do stupid things like try to use quest script that process every single frame to implement gameplay mechanics.

They could be executing the logic for only the NPCs that have quest markers while everything else is being handled when you load an area. They have a time-system and NPCs have schedules, they can sync up the NPCs to their schedule using the time of day in 1 frame, no need doing it for every NPC in the game constantly every 10 frames.

Based Todd will deliver as always. Can't wait for the game.

This is sort of true, they don't break as much after around a year of release.
Fans have made mods to address other bug fixes that Bethesda still don't want to address.
It's not that big of a problem after that.

I'm not falling for it this time Todd

>They could be executing the logic for only the NPCs that have quest markers
Nope. Even if they don't have a marker they still get there even without you being around. Besides, everything in TES is a "quest". Regular NPC's daily lives are implemented as "quests" same as the "quest" you have to kill a bandit leader or something. It's all the same shit as far as the game's engine is concerned.

How wasteful of them

No. It's actually very clever. This is why Obsidian was so extensively singing the praises of Bethesda's engine. For all the retards with their HURR DURR IT'S A BROKEN PIECE OF SHIT it's actually a very well thought out implementation that is insanely easy to use for how powerful it is.

Radiant quests are based

And I am unironcially looking forward to it. There is still nothing quite like their open world games. For example, nobody else seems to be interested in an engine where many of the inventory objects are interactive in the world space complete with physicis. Yeah their stories are meh and everything is repetitive. And I don’t care. Even Fallout 4, disappointing as fuck, was actually a pretty good game in retrospect

It just sounds a bit too dumb for people to be singing praises of it, if they did separate entities into different categories depending on how likely the player is to run into them and saving computation with this system then I could understand it. But keeping everything running in the background makes no sense, considering most NPCs just do the same routine every ingame day.

>"too much content"
This is exactly what they said about Fallout 4's Season pass right before they hiked the price up from $30 to $50. no the season pass had jack shit content


>Starfield has "too much content"
I hope it's actual unique quests and not that radiant quest shit

You see that asteroid? You can mine it.

Whose ready to spend an hour setting up a firing range with boxes only to blow them all away with a handheld railgun

It will just be NMS but it will be even more janky and with a lackluster story mode and settlement building, there I saved you 60 bucks and probably alot of disappointment

it had a lot of content, it was just shit.

>considering most NPCs just do the same routine every ingame day
They do whatever a quest is telling them to do. It just so happens the quest most often telling them what to do is the "daily routine" quest.

Are you a programmer? A programmer would better understand why there's no point separating the exact same shit for purely semantic reasons and implementing the exact same functionality multiple times is utterly retarded.

So I get to fuck alien animals? Based Todd

It's confirmed! In the concept art. :DD

Attached: qoKZKRBqyBTg3Nwg3FfxSS.jpg (2560x1440, 447.52K)

So far as i'm aware there's no confirmation of sentient aliens so far.

I'm pretty sure they confirmed there aren't any. It's apparently "hard sci-fi" so no blue skinned humanoid alien bitches with big tits despite not being mammals wandering about.

>blue skinned humanoid alien bitches with big tits
they will be modded in

just play mass effect if you want blue colored humans

So the aliens might actually be attractive then

Separating out logic based on how often it's used is completely normal optimization trick, it's like LoDs for code. If you have 200 npcs doing predictable shit then you don't need to compute it while the player isn't looking.

tell your boss never to promote you out of the stock room