>pronounced "Blythe"
Welsh is a meme language
>pronounced "Blythe"
Welsh is a meme language
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big blaidd cock (uncut)
Dog penis has no skin to cut
blaidd isn't a dog
What are some canonically Welsh games?
All I can think of right now are Elden Ring and Runescape, since elves are traditionally Welsh
wolf penis has no skin to cut
Elves aren't Welsh. They're Anglo-Saxon/Norse/Germanic.
That's Rohirrim
what's this furrie'd Guts?
Welsh is a dead language. Not even the people of Wales speak it anymore.
when you're on the doorstep of globohomo: the country, you never stood a chance
didnt know Wales was next to USA
Welshkino is pretty rare. Elden Ring is a treat and certain characters like Iji and Albus have hilarious regional accents. Usually it's just anime catgirls and Witcher 3 monsters.
I have Aoife and Siobhan as character names and I imagine barely anyone who plays knows how to pronounce them
their usage of the latin alphabet makes more sense actually
ask an italian, romanian, portuguese, spanish,
then ask them to pronounce BLY
english butchers the latin alphabet
No retard, elves come from Norse mythology, but they were more like the Santa helpers type, not the sexy Tolkien type
And Ni No Kuni
Japan has a bit of a hard on for Welsh over the last decade
Chrono Cross has a bunch of Welsh influence, but it's heavily mixed with a bunch of other island nation cultures.
Did you know wolf dicks only work for one week out of the year
>pronounced Blaif
English is a meme language
Oi oi, got a loicense on hand for that banter?
I visited a friend who lives in Wales recently. Welsh is basically a dead language, there's not a soul who speaks only Welsh. It's literally on linguistic life support by a bunch of people who think speaking utter gibberish is important to their culture.
You might have a lisp user.
user, that's like saying Hindi is a dying language because so many pajeets also speak English
Eef-ey and Shee-ann?
Not really. I'm sure you could find some rural pajeet village where nobody speaks a word of english. I was in a rural Welsh village and everybody spoke english as a first language.
that looks closer to how an anglo would pronounce 'blythe'
Why are the Japanese more interested in western history than actual whites?
I've played enough degrees of lewdity to know that's not true
I feel like japanese are most interested in tradition in general, local and foreign.
Siobhan = show-baan (pretty sure)
Aoife = alf? oof? yuf? (wild guesses)
Birds also can't carry you off to their nest to become their BF but it happens in that game
same reason westerners are more interested in samurai and shit than actual japanese
It’s exotic and different
Like how Norse was to them too before it was overused.
Aoife is pronounced EE-fah
I have two, actually.
>implying nips don't love their samurais too
Just look at demon slayer
I looked it up after making my guesses, I'm so sorry. I got Siobhan wrong too.
>Siobhan = show-baan (pretty sure)
So Americans stole Siobhan and turned it into Sheevan?
The name is Irish, so yes, absolutely
Shut up before I report you for online racism and literally get you arrested bong bigot
My sister's name is Siobhan and the amount of people who call her See-oh-b-han is funny
What is it? Some shit like shawhan
thats how its spelled so not sure why thats funny.
Just googled, i was a little close, it’s SHA-VON. Actually a nice name
You just know this is a spic poster
you know nothing tranny. maybe your sister should learn to spell her name the way it sounds.
>pronounced "blade", not "blade-e"
I’m not even him, I can tell you are a low iq brownoid though.
dark souls has a welsh vendor (guy in sewers with glasses)
cu chulainn is welsh
That guy is the coolest npc and has the coolest armor in souls history
Dark Souls.
yes what's with these people next they'll spelling their children's name la-a and saying it is ladasha cuz the dash ain't silent yo
Just wait until you hear that all the *other* languages pronounce Roman characters differently too. 'What do you MEAN that the French don't pronounce the last letter of their words?! The letter I sounds like 'EE'?!'
You'll go crazy, m8.
Welsh is mainly spoken in rural communities, if you go to Brecon or anywhere in Powys you'll find welsh speakers
you cant. because im not. learn your letters. "sio" doesnt make a sh sound.
Pretty much Every language on the planet has spellings that don’t sound anything like how they are spelled.
if anyone named their kid "la-a" theyre not only a retard but setting the child up for a lifetime of ridicule
Really they named the Guts guy “BLADE” with extra steps?
>it’s pronounced BlYthe
Ok, based
but my roflcopter goes soisoisoisoisoi
It’s niggers who do that
It mean wolf retard
They named the Guts Wolf Wolf