What item would you drop if you were killed?

what item would you drop if you were killed?

Attached: ecto.jpg (940x530, 72.1K)

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diablo2.wiki.fextralife.com/Charged Essence of Hatred

liquid hornyness

Mending Rune of Absolute Hatred

diablo2.wiki.fextralife.com/Charged Essence of Hatred

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Absolutely nothing because I'm a communist

A Beretta

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Crippling depression

>vial of testosterone



glorious summer btw

my heart :(

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CBT oil.

cock'n'ball torture oil?

Three nose hairs

Go ahead. Kill me and find out.

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nothing lol, my drops have 0,0004% chance

(rare)200mg of Test-Cyp
(uncommon)creatine pills
(common)shaker bottle

(ultra rare)my hopes and dreams
(uncommon)tuft of hair


Virginity always

a cursed chastity cage


some gray item you vendor right after for 1c

Milk and some coins

low quality cap
crude dagger
damaged quilted armor
1-3 gold

Spicy potato taco


My soul.

God, this image just fills me with greed. Nothing fucking beats the feeling of an ecto dropping. Why has no other video game item ever given me this much dopamine?

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Coom-stained boxers and a human carcass that can be skinned to get a human skin, and butchered to create a variety of 206 bones, slabs of human meat, and human fat.

A key item (pic related) that adds Dante from the Devil May Cry^tm Series to any, and I mean any, game you slap it on.
Slap it on a copy of DmC: Devil May Cry for extra comedic effect.

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Eyepatch of Power (yes I'm a cyclops)
>All magic damage you deal is multiplied by 0
>Strength x4
>You take less damage from physical sources while attacking
>You gain superarmor while attacking

Tanned balls

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100lb of fat that would get autolooted filling your entire inventory and be too heavy to walk with.

just say tard rage

Some sort of funky Abacus, fucking math teaching

at least one of my guns and maybe some piece of gear

>creatine pills
Pills of creatine?

not that guy but they do make creatine pills
who the fuck buys that shit tho, just take the powder, it's cheaper and does the same thing

Yep, these are a thing.
Worse than powder, but better than nothing.

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>DmC: Devil May Cry
I would love that. You can shit on edgy try-hard kid dante all you want but i think he is the most realistic character in the series. I would love to see edgelord dante and nero together, but DMCV nero is almost like a clone of the dude so it probably wouldnt work.

A cellphone and house keys

Lace thong

piss and shit, like all people.

A glock 48 with accompanying holster, a cell phone, a small canister of pepper spray, a wallet, a set of keys and a folding knife with a medium sized blade.

a full stack of "Useless Antidepressants"

Attached: louispills.jpg (600x492, 28.11K)


>worse than powder
>it's literally just the powder inside a capsule
creatine tastes like ass.

>it's literally just the powder inside a capsule
You are supposed to dissolve powder in liquid as best as you can, dumbass.

Three gold pieces and none of the quest items you were killing me for.

>[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]
yall are pathetic lmao

enjoy getting farmed idiot

same, guild wars spiritual successor when

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photon drop

An oversized dragon dildo with a bit of shit on the tip.

I haven't bought a single brand of creatine that dissolves well enough so I can't taste it.
I think I'll spend the extra 0.05 cents an ounce and get them in capsules, and swallow it with the rest of my supplements.

Orb of agony

get them in capsules, and swallow it with the rest of my supplements
And shit it out later.

god I miss farming UW with my bros take me back

...? Are you saying that capsules make it impossible for your body to absorb it?

nothing except for a 2% chance to drop my heart. you need 10 of them to finish the user killing quest.

Creatine is shit at getting absorbed, and will degrade if it gets to sit in your stomach.
Your best bet is to make a suspension and drink it quickly.

a live grenade

100% drop chance for human meat, bones organs etc.
If your quest is to collect 5 human livers then you don't need to kill 30 fucking humans, fuck MMOs.

soiled underwear and a gold tooth

you know capsules dissolve in like 5 minutes, right? this wreaks of broscience

A gallbladder even thought I had mine surgically removed several years ago

what if you stabbed 25 of them in the liver in the heat of battle

Then they would drop a "ruined liver" which you can use in crafting recipes instead.

a thank you note.

Drop list by chance:
>80% raw hide
>10% big bone
>5% taco de carne asada
>4% tequila bottle
>1% gold plated Ak-47

Yeah, just quick enough to dissolve in your stomach. While also lowering acids pH.
Which is strangely enough makes creatine degrade faster.