You shouldn't disrespect someone just for playing gacha games

you shouldn't disrespect someone just for playing gacha games

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What's the actual point of those small little waist aprons? Regular Aprons are more efficient and also sexier.

I will disrespect gamblers no matter the medium.

i love visible annoyance in a submissive female

Easy access so you can sexually assault harass their pussies.

cuckold thread

Just fucking google "Ecchi" and you'll get that shit for free.

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imagine finally treating yourself by spending your hard earned money on a nice juicy burger only to have your experience ruined by two rude waitresses who flips you off with disdain and spits in your burger. My blood is boiling.

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Gacha is objectively a scam, it's a great reset-style "you will own nothing" scheme that sucks money out of your wallet in perpetuity and leaves you with nothing to show for it when the servers shut down. it's a predatory business model built on exploiting the mentally ill. anyone who shills for it should be ashamed of themselves.

Yes you absolutely should

gachacucks dont have human rights

Yes, this is the correct taste. Jalter is high kino, because in doujins she's always depicted first super angry and then super submissive. It's amazing. Pretty much perfection.

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>someone just for playing gacha games
Is that someone trying to convince me to play their shitty grinding addiction? Because I couldnt care less what you spend your money on, I drew the line at trying to pretend its something good

Oh god, that sounds amazing

Only third world browns play gacha

i agree
they should be spiting in my mouth and slap me in the face

I mean I am a pathetic manchild 30+ year old virgin loser and even I never spend a dime on gacha or simping for some online whore
porn is free why pay for it?


gachafags are the lowest possible form of human life

gachaniggers deserve the rope

ummm Jalter is Yea Forums, okay?

Pick one

anyone spits in my food they gonna get the plate thrown at their face.

Gachafags aren't human, they're pay pigs.

sorry fags, but a gacha game can makes ten times more money in a month than your triple A/Indie game in its entire lifespan

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But as it turns out, that might be what you get

lmaoing at your life

>it makes money so its good
Oh no, mindbroken genshitter is here

Just how many sabers are there?

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i can also download the jpgs for free from google

>casino machines can make more money than real videogames
wow no shit sherlock

>tfw no pussy eating or fucking combo

I just wish more real games could utilise the power of big anime tiddies

Its like long skirt vs mini skirt.

Enough to fill a whole grail war and then some.

>that lewd Saber caption
I'm erect now

built for NTR

"Oops All Sabers" sounds like a spinoff

you wanna know why I quit Fate GO NA? because I saved Quartz for MONTHs from the games initial release until the Jeanne Alter banner. I blew my 2200+ f2p Quartz load and didn't get her so I quit.
What a shit game.

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i want to disrespect their navels

why the fuck are every other Fate fanart involves ntr?

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>abhorrent post
Like fucking pottery.

I need a seiba harem

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Don't we have enough Alters by now to fill a Grail War?

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why did he stop making these?

>Seibah (Evil)
>Seibah (Young)
>Seibah (Big Tits)
>Seibah (Swimsuit)
>Seibah (Caster)
>Seibah (Star Wars)
>Seibah (Evil) (Swimsuit)
>Seibah (Evil) (Santa Claus)
>Seibah (Evil) (Big Tits)
>Seibah (Evil) (Star Wars)
>Seibah (Big Tits) (Bunny Girl)
>Seibah (Swimsuit) (Star Wars)
>Seibah (Evil) (Star Wars) (Idol)
And, of course
>Seibah (Male)

This is only listing the ones that are playable in FGO, and only the ones that are literally Seibah, not Saberfaces.

it is said you can instantly tell what a man's fetish is from his fate waifu

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what if i have a harem?

why does only Jalter have the ahoge and regular Jannu doesnt???

Artoria alter loses hers, in HA when you cut it off she immediately transforms if I recall correctly, I guess they just wanted to mirror that

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don't care, still fapping to doujins

Bros, Giovanni is comin'.

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for me, it's the orangemaru ones, the bondage ones involving mashu, and the alter gangbang one

so if I cut the ahoge off my gf she will transform too?
into what?

You like angry gorillas?

try and see what happens, what could go wrong?

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>all that meat on Jeanne
How can Saber even compete?

Don't mind me, just posting some father/son bonding

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Seriously hope this is a crop

Who has the bigger futa cock?

The maid swimsuit is the work of a genius, there's nothing I find hotter than that, and at this point I think there never will be

Why the fuck do most gaccha threads on /v& mostly consist of NTR / BBC / ERP garbage?
Gaccha attract cucks by design

I just want to settle down and have a family with her

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She looks like someone who would cheat on you on a daily basis