>enemies don't drop any ammo
Enemies don't drop any ammo
Other urls found in this thread:
>Video format is disguised as an image format
Fuck that shit. Give us the new JPEG.
And VP9 too.
you mean AV1, right nigger?
you have 10 seconds to name 100 games that do that otherwise i'm gonna nuke you
>take screenshot
>save as jpg
>He didn't get the perk to convert enemy drops into ammo
>open .webp in Paint
>save as .png
>force it to save as a .png or .jpeg
>corrupts the file
ain't nobody got time to encode that
Enter the Gungeon
>can convert it to png or jpg
>cannot tell if the images was using lossless webp or lossy webp without manually zooming in and hunting for artifacts
I cannot think of a dumber, more fucked up idea than making this format.
what the fuck is that
Some dumb format Twitter uses that's functionally identical to regular Jpegs. They used to save images as Jpeg-large which was also the same thing except you had to remove the large part from the extension if you wanted any programs to be able to read them.
>Flash died
>No site besides wikipedia uses svg, nor does it support animation
>No alternative vector art file format so all animations are stuck suffering from things like video bitrates, export resolution and framerates, all of which age terribly and bloat filesizes everytime the numbers go up
>meanwhile those 200KB-2MB flashes from early to mid 00s will look perfect forever
>jpg, png and gif exists
>enter WEBP
I hate you fucking tech guys
its all part of big database's plan to ruin the quality of images everywhere so that they don't have to use as much server space storing them
There's a much easier solution if you're posting on Yea Forums.
>copy image URL
>paste it into the "File Name" field when you open windows explorer to add an image to your post
It'll tell you it's an invalid filetype but you can still post it.
Ketchup and Catsup aren't really the same. Catsup is really inferior compared to Ketchup
>>jpg, png and gif exists
You have no idea what any of those formats are for, their pros and cons, when they were introduced, so kindly shut your mouth. I bet you're the type of person to save a 2000+ pixel photo as a png, uploading it and then gaslight people who tell you that you're retarded for doing so.
There's more. There's a new format called .qoi that probably won't go anywhere either, despite being an objective improvement in nearly all fronts.
>apng exists
>no we only allow uploads of gif which we then convert to mp4 with low bitrate
Fuck twitter
Jpg2000 is fucking great. Shame it didn't get popular. I downloaded some old magazines from archive.org and they are high res and in really good quality, really good compression/quality ratio from an amateur point of view.
fuck you nigger webp sucks cock
>right click to reverse image search
>forced to use google lens now
Google is so shit
For me, its .tiff
Why did webm take off while webp gets shunned?
this works for me, FUCK lens
webm has a purpose, webp is the typical tranny subversion move of making something worse for everyone.
>still doesn't support any recent formats
this website sucks and lazy af
But webp is smaller than any of the other alternatives!
This means we can finally save some bandwidth and cram in a couple more megabytes of ad tracking javascript to be dynamically fetched from a server with horrible latency on every single fucking page load. Naturally we can't let you see any of the content of the page until this super important file has finished loading so just sit tight while we try to harvest your data...
woah yeah extra steps for no fucking reason
im downloading this now. no more webp ! thank you user
Fake pngs
I hate them
nigger stop running your mouth when you don’t know shit
.qoi isn't going anywhere because it's name is retarded.
>'Quite OK Image' format
The actual fuck is that.
Catsup is just an archaic spelling of Ketchup, they refer to the exact same condiment
It's gotten to the point that I'm actually offended and upset when someone tries to collect my data or force me to jump through hoops that they can profit off me in some way. Buffalo Wild Wings last week told me I had to give them my phone number (after I ordered) so that they could text me a link to pay the bill). I was dumbfounded, literally dumbfounded in real life and it took me a minute to tell the waiter that no, I'm not doing that, and I'll pay with cash if that's all right. The waiter wasn't even mad because he doesn't care he just does what he's told and his manager told him to do it.
I'm turning into RMS at an accelerated rate and I don't even hate it, I just hate the world that's so transparently exploitative.
They have different ingredients and thickness
>This add-on is not actively monitored for security by Mozilla. Make sure you trust it before installing.
>Buffalo Wild Wings last week told me I had to give them my phone number (after I ordered) so that they could text me a link to pay the bill)
Wait is this seriously a thing?
>save as whatever
>open in gimp
>save again as png or jpg
>finally usable
Mucha Lucha was one of the first shows ever animated in flash and it has aged like a fine wine.
Knowing google it probably wasn't a fix. Also most browsers have a screenshot function that works pretty damn well with 4chanx, at least on firefox.
Take screenshot of the image -> copy to clipboard instead of saving it -> past the screenshot in the reply box, not the Files -> profit lost for google.
Yeah, it was very shocking at the time. I had no idea things were so bad because I usually go to other restaurants that still just have you pay with cash or card at the end. And it's pretty obvious that the link is going to be an auto-download of their app with all permissions enabled so that BWW can steal all your phone data and sell it without your knowledge.
Others have started locking deals behind mobile ordering and Wingstop and Chipotle in my area have gotten really dickish about not taking in person orders when they get busy. They often don't even put up a sign, just say they're only taking mobile orders and fuck you. I hate it. I've resisted "smart" phones from the beginning and I refuse to use one, so I'm slowly getting locked out of normal commerce.
Respect to you, user, but that's the cost
It will come to the point that in order to eat normally you'll have to pay people to go to wallyworld (the only store left) to get food or just steal it yourself
The road is long and difficult ahead and most normgroids are totally ignorant and embracing of AI gangster machine god owning them completely
Fun fact you have no way to do that with any other image format. They just tell you hey this image is lossless. Big whoop. Some guy could have saved a 4k JPG as png for all you know.
we live in an age with blazing fast internet and disk space as cheap as ever yet websites are trying to force this stupid shit
Blame those places for not hiring enough people to handle the rush. The mobile orders are a paper trail, your in-person order is not, which is exactly why the companies are pushing mobile orders because it's another layer of surveillance and control over the workers.
>Fun fact you have no way to do that with any other image format.
Sure I do. I can tell you with 100% certainty every jpg in this thread is lossy without having to check the pixels for artifacting. I can tell you every art piece posted on an aggregate in jpg is a lossy version of that piece. I also know with great degree of confidence that any art uploaded by an artist in png is lossless, and reposts of it in png will maintain that losslessness. Sure, some dip could convert lossy jpgs into png for the fun of it, but those are so rare they aren't worth checking for.
If webp actually catches on, there is no certain anywhere anymore. Sure, you can reasonably assume artists directly uploading their works in webp chose the loseless webp compression for it. But there is now the possibility that they fucked up and chose the lossy version by accident without realizing, or they weren't aware there was a difference, or they believe the difference is marginal, and the consumer on the other end has no idea what the uploader decided on.
duckduckgo browser automatically converts .webp files to a usable format
Windows 10 and newer support webp natively in all stock programs and explorer. I assume the same for most recent Linux distros. Not to mention any recent version from all popular image viewers.
What problems do you have?
>Windows 10 and newer support webp natively in all stock programs and explorer
Also AVIF. People bitching about non-jpg/png images are probably running Windows 7 or some Android Marshmallow phone.
You're the best, frogman
People are bitching about it because most websites don't allow for .webp, including the IMAGEboard Yea Forums.
>most websites don't allow for .webp, including the IMAGEboard Yea Forums.
Hopefully they'll NEVER allow it
>he thinks it's because people can't view it
you fucking idiot
>using windows stock programs
So now, instead of just being able to Google search an image to post for a thread or reply, saving it with whatever file extension it's using, IF IT'S .WEBP, I HAVE TO JUMP THROUGH UNNECESSARY HOOPS JUST TO SAVE THE IMAGE AS A .JPG OR .PNG!
Just use ezgif.
Drag and drop
There's not really a point to blaming unless I feel like calling corporate or filing a complaint with the city, and I'm just not going to bother.
every mario game
>can read and change all data on all websites
nigga what
fuck user, your random ass recycle bin got me wheezing
Good. It's a shitty format that introduces problems where none existed. It should be shunned, inconvenient, and eventually faded out from ever being in use. All google had to fucking do was make a webp version and a webf version, one for their new lossy compression formula and one for their new lossless comrpession formula. Instead, shat their own bed, and now they have to clean the sheets while everyone avoids their smell.
The need for more efficient image formats is unrelated to the fact most websites, Yea Forums among them, don't bother making the needed changes to support uploading them.
Complain to Mook and every other website admin that doesn't want to spend 10 minutes adding a new mimetype to their list of supported formats.
>they use G**gle
Bingers can't stop winning