>friend just bought a new game
>boot it up
>instantly goes into Option
Why do people do that?
Friend just bought a new game
to set the graphics to ultra
to switch to borderless window mode
not all of us are consoomer npcs
The fuck are you talking about? Of course you ensure max graphics before playing.
To adjust screen position, so that it appears correctly on my TV
On PC, to disable vsync and stuff.
Set invert mouse (which is actually uninvert mouse)
to turn on subs and increase camera sensitivity
To turn off useless shit like motion blur, chromatic abberation and film grain.
>console shitter sees graphics settings
it's like reading a manual before playing the game, you wouldn't understand, gamer
i wish i could beat the shit out of your faggot ass OP
>Japanese: ON
just playing the FUCKING game you LOSERS
Aren't you going to check your medical record first? LMAO
Nigger going through the options takes less than a minute.
>Violence/Gore: Max
fucking idiot
only the goyim, the literal fucking cattle go with the default options
read the book Nudge by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein for proof and examples
Most games will lock you into a very lengthy intro so right at the start is the best moment to check options for graphics, volume, subtitles, etc.
Don't be a fucking sheep.
I do it to turn subtitles on. I am very hard of hearing
I have a retarded autistic friend who changes the minds for every game he plays before he even starts playing it and refuses to ever change it back. He then has the audacity to ask me what button to press to do an action, then I tell him, then he says something stupid like "that's my jump button" with actual surprise and frustration in his voice.
I have obsessive compulsive disorder and have to spend hours going through every single setting and toggling them on and off until I press the button just right otherwise I get so distressed I have a mental breakdown and I get so frustrated by these compulsions that I usually hit myself in the head
I don't want to be this way I fucking hate myself and want to die all the time please do not insult me about it
>be OP
>buy new video game
>boot it up and instantly press play
>goes back to browsing Yea Forums for the rest of his life
>changes the minds
changes the binds and fucks with literally every setting
>graphics max
>aim assist off
>quest markers off
>tutorials off
>blood and gore enabled
>mature language filter off
maybe if games didnt have so much stupid bullshit id be able to just hit play.
>there are people that don't check (re)binds, graphical settings, etc immediately
lol lmao
didn't ask
actually, I made the thread so I asked
To not get my fucking eardrums blown out.
To invert Y-axis controls of course.
>Buy new car
>start adjusting the seat and mirrors so i can drive it the best way i can
Peak narcissist vibes
motion blur: off
film grain: off
bloom: off
This is the worst bait I’ve ever seen.
>hurr durr I was only pretending to be retarded and make shit threads
>open any source engine valve game ever
>go to sound options
>set "game volume" to the smallest non mute bar level possible
>still shattering my eardrums when firing any kind of weapon
>console tard calling other losers
lol. lmao
>consolefag is bewildered when someone tries to make their game look less like shit.
Lmaoing at your life mate.
>checking to disable/enable any retarded shit
You forgot depth of field
>intro before title screen blows my eardrums out
>I'm the faggot for changing the settings
fuck off
I am NOT playing until I invert Y
Gotta switch from 640 x 480, fucking jap games.
>Intro/Main menu music volume so loud your initial reaction is to yank the headphones off
Every single time
Not OP but if you change any of the options, you are not playing the game as the developers intended.
You're not making posts reaching the minimum quality the developers of this site would've liked to see
To turn off SSAO, Motion blur, chromatic abberations and DoF obviously
>Autosave: Off
>Button Mapping: Custom
>Jiggle Physics: Max
max graphics, borderless window mode, turn off motion blur and vsync
to turn off motion blur and mouse acceleration, retard.
>N-Word: ON
yep, it's gamer time
>play korean game
>go to settings and turn on japanese voices
It's just how it was intended to be played.
You guys know I baited all of you right? hahaha
Because they're not literal retards.
With 10 seconds of my time, I took 10 seconds of 46 people's times, that's 460 seconds of time that I stole from you guys, making me stronger and more powerful
Cope nigger
To set graphics to the lowest possible. I hate when games don't give you the Option screen right away.
pull down your pants, get the lube and I'll show you more powerful
Gotta invert Y, because I grew up in the 90s, where Y inversion was standard.
As if we really cared all that much ourselves. People just like answering questions. You can ask almost anything of a subjective matter in the OP and get replies.