Resident Evil Village

Came out 1 year ago today

What an amazing gem. are you excited for the DLC or RE9? or what other RE projects Capcom has in store for us?

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I just want to see what the DLC is really since 9 is years away

Biggest disappointment of 2021, what a schizo mess of a game. All the gimmicks wouldn't be so terrible if the core gameplay wasn't so bad, but it is.

>that useless multiplayer hasn't still launched.

I personally think Capcom quietly scrapped that literally nobody cared about that.

The game was fine but god damn it was forgettable.

My feelings are definitely mixed about it. I loved it at first, then started to notice a lot of issues with it on a second playthrough but then through more subsequent playthroughs started to feel that the complaints I had were more small and insignificant and don't really detract from the experience that much so I'll say I ended on a relatively positive note. Not sure where I'd place it amongst the other games though. I'd say it's consistently better than 7 because it doesn't really have any bad areas unlike 7. Despise Mercenaries with a burning passion though and I wish death upon whoever designed it to be so awful and tedious.

A year? Somehow despite being a good game Village is the most forgettable game since RE7. It's difficult to explain why but it was a big one and done.

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They're most likely contractually obliged to release it at some point.

I'd prefer they spend their time on a meaty DLC though.

Didn't the one tied to RE3 die off insanely quickly because nobody wanted it? I don't know what Capcom's obsesion is with putting multiplayer in Resident Evil. It's a fucking horror franchise. Why the fuck would anyone want multiplayer?

Mercenaries I just wasn't feeling, I got S in all of them but it felt like more of a task then a game.

Kill yourself.
RE7-8 have been some of THE most insulting shit I've ever had to witness.

>begging for DLC
shills get the rope.

>if the core gameplay wasn't so bad

How the fuck is the core gameplay bad?

RE7 is one of the best RE games ever made cope

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You would be surprised, people are still playing REsistance.

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Pretty simple, they want the normie dead by daylight and other games like it crowd.
I play RE for the campaign, never cared about asym games.


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>RE Village thread
Lady D and daughters coomer bait en route...


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I recently replayed it may I ask why it people complain about RE8 being "linear"? I personally think RE8 is more open ended then most RE titles constantly going back between the village and other areas for optional items and unlocks was great fun.
I would dare say it's got more open ended areas then RE7 and maybe even just a tad more then RE2 Remake

Am I crazy for thinking this way?

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I guess I would be surprised. I tried it out near release because I thought I might as well since they gave it to me along with the game but could barely find a match and that was on release.

Yeah same. RE is at its best when it's a consistent and structured campain experience. I've never liked any multiplayer or even any other optional game mode they add into the games. I didn't like the Ethan Must Die DLC and I don't like Mercenaries in 8 or in 3 originally. Campaigns are the only good thing in RE. Everything should be about the campaign and then have shit like invisible enemies to make repeat playthroughs have more options. RE8 also has one of the most boring NG+ I've ever seen, I found it to be straight up insulting how little option there is to spice up a second playthrough. Why is the only thing you can buy in the shop for gameplay fucking infinite ammo weapons?

You could unironically kill everyone in the game with some clorox mold spray and a can of raid.

the whole middle of the game was terrible. it was clear they only spent time on the castle, and factory.

It's because it seems like a hub until you realise it carefully funnels you in one direction and then locks you off from it later. You can't physically return to the castle once you are done there, the game makes you think it's open world because it makes you come through the village between one off domains.

>prepare to meet your DOOM Ethan Win-AUGHH-

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Re 8 is really good to me despite the usual story issues

I never understood that, why didn't they let you go back and explore the areas you've been to after finishing them? The Dimitrescu boss fight isn't even in the caste area that you can explore so it's not like anything would change if you could go back there. I get that you go there through the chace sequence and you can't really go back through that area but would it have been so hard to put a door you can only unlock after finishing the castle to let you go back in through a different entrance?

I still think Maggie did an amazing job as Alcina. Still don't know why they casted two voice actors that sound alike for Bela and Daniela

I understand that I still wish we could have tackled any boss at anytime but it's more that I'm trying to say that RE8 has tons of hidden secrets and items and things to find compared to many other RE titles so I always wondered why it was RE8 that gets called "the linear one"

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what does she smell like, bros?

>How the fuck is the core gameplay bad?

It's bad in a lot of ways, in fact I can't think of much good about it.

>Enemies are way too passive with too much space that makes for easy shooting, it feels like they ripped out a good chunk of the enemy crowds late in development for performance reasons. Only a few areas like the opening and Lycan stronghold feel like they have the intended amount of enemies.
>Gunplay is very generic and also a major part of the game. The only major combat addition from RE7 is that Ethan now performs a pushaway attack after a perfect block, it's not nearly enough to make it interesting. Most of the bosses are also just boring bullet sponges.
>The RE4 inventory and upgrade system returns, but is now terrible. You're given so much space and money that you can basically completely ignore it. Attachments don't take up extra space so there's no reason not to use them. Same with new guns, which are always a straight upgrade from previous guns. Crafting items also don't take up space.
>Puzzles and exploration are way too streamlined. Puzzles in RE were never hard but here they're laughably easy. There's very little options to do stuff out of sequence, most of the time there's just one correct way to proceed, and the optional content like the giant minibosses are the exception.

>I never understood that, why didn't they let you go back and explore the areas you've been to after finishing them?
For the same reason RE4 doesn't, it's not "open world" it's a linear game in the guise of one. It's not even as effective a hub as REmake 2 which allows you to return to any place you have been and any place you have been somehow leads back to the RPD's main hall in some manner.


how many images of vampire daughters and/or smiling ethan will be posted in this thread

Because on a small scale the progression is incredibly linear. In unusual RE games you can get puzzle items with some degree of freedom for the order in which you get them in but RE8 has literally zero. To progress you need the 1 thing that can do it which will lead you to the next 1 thing you can get which leads to the next 1 thing that progresses. It is probably only less linear than 5 and 6 but honestly those aren't even the same kind of game so they shouldn't really count.

It depends

>Tank controls arc
>TPS arc
>FPS arc
>??? arc
RE10 (can't wait for the retarded play on the name....maybe REX: TYRANTOSAURUS)

What did you gained by writing all that

You/he literally asked for it.

I KNEEL. Good morning cassbro

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>>??? arc
they will let RE rest for a while and ruin dino crisis next by making it a generic, mediocre TPS


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That new game with dinos isn't Dino Crises

Honestly I'd just take any horror game with dinos at this point. Even if it's shit I just want dinos to be scary in a game again, fuck science niggers.

ksssh, got ya bitch.

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My problem with the daughters as a whole was that i found it difficult to separate them at first. Then it even turned out that the cute girl in the village was literally the same model as Cassandra and i couldn't tell if Capcom were making that part of the story or if they were just being lazy.
The answer is they were lazy. Odd thing, i think Elena is really attractive now that i study her a bit closer, i don't think they intended her to be.

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>hitting up Heisenberg's factory first
i think we would not have survived

>can go to Heisenbergs factory and get your shit pushed in and choose to leave and come back later
Would be cool. I love when games have areas of different difficulties that you can tackle in any order you want.

Her face is too naturally kind to pull of the crazy bitch mode they tried here. She is cuter and far more natural as Elena.

Dark Souls Graveyard is what it would be.

Thats what every man has said before she chopped off their cock

Yeah I was thinking of that but I kind of wanted to avoid bringing up Dark Souls since I know someone would take it the wrong way and throw a paddy.

7 is a RE game only on paper. It has literally nothing in common with the classics, and legit recycles nothing but the most generic 2010's indie and triple-A "horror" game tropes.The gameplay is shit and predictable, the replay value is a round zero, the script is embarrassing as hell, the enemy design pathetic, and sound design lukewarm at best.

As someone who has played RE since the 90's, who's favourite game in the series is the original RE2 i myself compare the hub in REmake 2 specifically to Dark Souls 1. It's just an easy and accurate comparison.

Holy fuck this is a contrarian post if I've ever seen one. You know you're taking your contrarianism too far if you have to resort to outright lying to pretend to have a counter point.

Yeah I know, I just don't like making DS comparisons on Yea Forums anymore since using a DS comparison has been done so much incorrectly that it's taken as wrong by default now even if it is accurate and people will just instantly discredit anything you say so I just don't bother.

not him, i actually think VII is a top shelf RE game BUT while VII is at it's core the very soul of 1996's Resident evil in terms of it's gameplay themes and atmosphere, it does lack a lot of it's characterisation. If Resident Evil VII had been called "Ethan's spooky house" i think we would all remember it as "what Resident Evil should be right now" people would say "i wish capcom would make a game just like this just more, Resident Evil you know?"
VII does feel like a reboot, another universe, a place where protags are you or i, average white collar Joe who works in IT than say, model tier good looking hyper competent athletes who were flying fighter jet planes or training with Delta Force when they were 17 like Chris and Jill were before they became SWAT cops. REmake 2 captures this in it's cast better than VII does despite also trying to be more every day realism.

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I feel you.

>while VII is at it's core the very soul of 1996's Resident evil in terms of it's gameplay themes and atmosphere,
Sure it does feel different in its characterization but the things that matter most for RE is that gameplay and atmosphere so user saying "literally nothing in common with the classics" is just an outright lie. RE7 is the most non classic, classic RE there is. It's not even something you can just say was hyperbole since it isn't something that is true but just less exaggerated. It's just fucking wrong. user just has his nostalgia goggles and is pretending RE7 is bad because it's new and not giving it the credit it rightfully deserves for setting RE back on track after RE6.

Played through RE8 for the first time today.
I liked it. Enjoyed the frenetic pacing.
Descending on the village with Chris and his tacticool friends was a fun time.
I'll buy the DLC when and if that comes out.

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>Sure it does feel different in its characterization but the things that matter most for RE is that gameplay and atmosphere so user saying "literally nothing in common with the
Sorry user hard disagree here. It needs all 3 to be the best it can be. I can call VII a good game, a great game but if someone is going to ask me who did it better VII or REmake 2 it has to go to REmake 2 for hitting all three parts, gameplay, atmosphere, characters. I know we all try to champion the gameplay here above all else but Resident Evil really is a series where these good looking goofy oddballs are an important part to the fandom. They really matter even when they are being wooden or just straight up dumb.

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>Sorry user hard disagree here. It needs all 3 to be the best it can be. I can call VII a good game, a great game but if someone is going to ask me who did it better VII or REmake 2 it has to go to REmake 2 for hitting all three parts, gameplay, atmosphere, characters.
I agree with you but that wasn't my point.