Do you have a Twitch/Youtube Channel?

Do you have a Twitch/Youtube Channel?
How is it going?
Do you get many views/follows/subscribers?
What do you talk to your chat about?
Is you chat cool or do they get on your nerves?
Do you upload raw gameplay or do you do voiceovers?
Do you make longform videos? how long does it take to edit your videos?

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Should I make a YT channel? I would be better than most but I don't think I can stop myself from saying nigger

Just edit out nigger with beeps

Who don't most people do that then? I'm guessing since editing takes too much work lol

I make dumbass videos that are basically longform shitposting that are for my mates, about my mates. Everything is copyright struck and almost everythign is unlisted. All of it makes me giggle so hard

99% of yt channels beep out swears, even Sam Hyde and his clip channels get away with it by beeping out nigger

On youtube I mainly cut together fun/cool things that happen in my games and I don't link it anywhere really. It's just for myself and it's kind of fun to make them.

On twitch I mostly stream when people ask me to. I usually don't talk much because I don't just talk to myself.

I am not good enough nor funny enough to have any ambitions with either other than just some fun.

I am a professional commentator and have signed contracts as talent to venues, but don't run my own channel

No, I have a real job.

I have 35,000 followers and never posted consistently... Failure

yeah dude, let me just talk out loud to myself like a crazy person, posting videos nobody will watch
seems like a good use of my time

Same I just post boss fights and stuff I do in games for posterity, I used to stream to 5-10 people but I can't maintain a schedule so no point in continuing with that

t. wagecuck

Just tell people you have tourettes.

This mentality is funny.
Not understanding that you can still have a passive income too.

lol no fuck off

Don't have either, I'm ugly and not a girl.
I guess I could make a vtuber avatar or something but I don't want to deal with retards in my chat.

I need money, not a pipedream

I'm a partnered twitch streamer
It's going pretty good
less than you'd expect
anything except for politics
chat is cool, we just talk shit
want to get youtube started but can't be fucked to put the time into it

Really wish I had focused more on that stuff rather than music. Running shows seems to be where the money is.

I've had a twitch channel for about a year and a half now, just hit 500 followers, have a group of regulars and get enough subs/bits that I get a payout every other month or so. I play a variety of games ranging from retro to new.
I started out by putting self serve ads here lmao, I also used to advertise cooking streams on /ck/.
It's been a really fun experience and I've met a lot of new friends. We just chat about the game, bullshit, whatever.
I don't post my streams on youtube, though I have them all archived in case I want to do so, but then I look back on my old streams and cringe because they're awful so I probably wouldn't upload them anyway

Where are you getting the idea that A)you need to even show your face to get anywhere streaming, there's loads of streamers of all sizes doing well without facecams, also if you go the vtuber route, you get the vtuber audience, remember what that entails
2)i'm still baffled by this "Make it" mentality, imagine you picked up a guitar as a hobby and someone came up to you and said
>heh, you're never gonna sell out a stadium, may as well throw that guitar away
>jogging? dude do you think you're gonna make the Olympic team someday? cringe.

Stop being a dumb faggot

I just crossed over 3k subscribers but bring a longplay channel growth is always slow.

Luckily I enjoy doing it as I am a small fish against the bigger longplay channels who will always output more quantity.

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so you just do longplays of old games? I'm wary of doing long videos because I'd be afraid of a big dropoff after a few minutes, but on the flipside 1-5 views of a 4hour video is like 100 views of a 10 minute video, or is it I dunno.

They demonetized the channel and i haven't uploaded for years, been wanting to do something with it but just haven't got it in me yet.

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I made this video.

I'm kind of wanting to go with an Ashens vibe and I plan on mostly to talking about bootlegs, romhacks, and just odd gaming stuff in future videos.

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the constant memey sounds and references aren't my cup of tea, but I'm probably not your target audience

I do but i don't really upload much. My twitch gets like 0-1 follows but i uploaded a 4 hour stream to yt of a new indieshit game and people used it as a guide so it got like 5k views and hundreds of viewing hours. Pretty intetesting to see.

Get a job, losers.

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Yeah it does happen on alot of my videos.
I'm not sure if it's simular for the bigger longplay channels.

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What do you normally do with your time that you consider productive?

Shitposts on Yea Forums

I've uploaded 134 Elden Ring videos so far, just bossfights and a few Smithing stone locations, most get 0-3 views but a few have gotten 20-30 and one or two over 100, I'm just uploading for posterity but it's cool to get "you're gotten 500 views" milestones, but also, being drowned under the output of bigger channels making videos about the same game means I'll never get anything near decent viewership unless I do my own thing.

People who use their online presence to chase clout or make money need to be beaten to death.

I make a few videos a week, put them together from my streams. I dont have much traffic, I dont spam myself or self ad often, but ive been doing it for a while so i think I'm at least above my level production wise. Who knows if it will go anywhere but at least ive become better at being me through doing it.

Link if anyone is interested, mostly modern gaming stuff with some culture critique every now and then.

How am I supposed to do the funny?

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If you are posting mostly raw clips, your biggest videos were probably tutorials. As a new or small channel, ive found tutorial stuff can lead to higher than average results, but the audience is different, they are less likely to follow for you specifically. But maybe thats not a consideration for you. Success on social media comes in many forms.

I have some old videos with quite a lot of views, but most of them are just uploads of video game soundtracks that I couldn't find on YouTube at the time

Things were going really well, I was getting like 100,000 views a day and 200 daily subs or so. Then I got really sick for a month and couldn’t make videos which caused things to completely stall, and even after coming back my I’m still plateaued and my videos pretty much only get watched by my existing subscribers.

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Consistency is what go you there, consistency is what will get you back there.

I'm not hard-working enough or compliant (i.e. gay) enough to be allowed on Twitch.

Yes, it is absolutely vital that I have the freedom to say nigger. Though my laziness would be my downfall anyway.

I’m up to 3500 regular viewers when streaming now - it’s getting to the stage where I’m getting nervous talking to people - anyone got any actual advice?

just hit 530 subs yesterday. doing pretty well, putting up a video later today. i make chiptune remixes of vidya music and just recently started shitopsting on the community tab. might try and see how far i can push it one of these days.

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I only have 17 followers on twitch. its a hobby right now

>50 subs away from monetization on youtube
>getting 14 subs a month for months
>no one subs for the last 3 months
damn I was so close

Do you beg for likes, subscribers, red bell and advertise your patreon?

when I realised that I'd have to edit that onto all my videos I said fuck that

I like to stream certain types games on twitch because it is easy to do. I don't use a webcam or mic and prefer to stay hidden to most people so it's never going to become a job. I also wouldn't accept any kind of money.

Last vid was about 6 months ago, almost 200k views. Been hovering at 47k~50k subs for a few years now because I've put it on the back burner. No motivation to make videos for games since I don't play games anymore really.

For your reference, 200k views got me about $600~$700. That was over a month. So if you actually put time and effort into it you can live off it.

Just for your reference with monetization, that 180

Twitch maybe 6000 subs? I dunno, I used to get a lot per month from that too. One guy gave me like $1000 over the course of a year so I told him to chill out. I appreciate the support but he was only making minimum wage and I don't think he realized how badly he was blowing his money. Great guy though. I'd rather have him save it.

>Just for your reference with monetization, that 180
Ignore that typo. Didn't see it. I'm a retarded phone poster still in bed

Can anyone tell me why when I stream it'll say I have 1 viewer (I know that's me) but if I click active viewers I'll see a decent handful of names pop up? Are those people hiding themselves or what?

I have no idea, it's probably bots or people joining random channels and then leaving.

Do some collabs?

Got around 21k subs, passive income is pretty nice as some old videos pull in a lot of views

They're bots, dunno what their purpose is but they're in every channel

Ah I see thanks

Streamed when the PS4 launched and got into it enough to keep it up all these years since.
It's fun. Really I probably wouldn't be playing much of anything if I hadn't tried it, but now I play a lot (usually trash).
Single digit viewers. I don't think I've had a new person visit since the start of this year. Imagine it will only be worse with twitch introducing more ads.

Not in my channel, I ban those fuckers on sight.

not the ones that spam stuff, there's always a few bots in your viewlist, they never say anything I think they're something to do with twitch itself.

Yes, those are the ones I ban. My viewer list is clean, only real people appear because I've banned the bots that lurk.

they don't count as viewers

No shit, I still ban them because I only want to see real people in my viewer list, not the same bots I see on every channel

you sound like a chilled laid back person I'd love to watch your stream

You're one of the bots aren't you


ive seen quite a few absolutely idiotic faggots try to advertise themselves on here, with the most cookie cutter shit possible aswell.
pathetic, in my opinion.

this whole thread is bots and we glow