I just finished this for the first time. You guys are idiots, this game is fucking amazing. Seriously, what more did you want for the finale of the series? The final boss fight is probably the most kino thing I've ever seen.
I just finished this for the first time. You guys are idiots, this game is fucking amazing. Seriously...
I want to suck big manly dick
That's gay.
Boomer old-fag here.
Literally EVERYONE loved MGS4 during the launch. The "lol movie!" memes were literal loving jokes, but I guess that the zoom zoom nu-fags migrating from social media sites at the time took those jokes as a face-value common consensuses.
I saved up my lunch money to buy this game day 1 and fucking loved it
You were young I see.
I was still in the Army when the game dropped. I'd preordered it months prior.
All that OPERATOR stuff really hit close at the time. Played it during my days off.
>but I guess that the zoom zoom nu-fags migrating from social media sites at the time took those jokes as a face-value common consensuses
Many such cases. And not only underdeveloped zoomers, but autists as well.
Contrarian console warriors. MGS4 was beloved at launch.
It's a good game but I just wish there was more game to play. A VR missions DLC would have have been amazing. The multiplayer is still alive if you've got a good PC and are willing to use discord
Wasn't there also a PS3 private server?
try and defend act 3 + 5 you cant
take away the nostalgia from act 4 and you cant defend that either
I can defend literally every single one of them.
However, I cannot justify MGS2's Big Shell chapter in any reasonable manner.
The fags shitting on it are a vocal minority who appeared way later on. They think they've outgrown having fun instead of enjoying what's probably the best finale to a video game story we will ever get.
Alll the MGS games up to 4 are great
I like MGS4 for the sole purpose of properly explaining what the fuck happened at the end of MGS2 and it basically went "the AI was indeed a liar, if you listed it it you are an idiot"
Fixing Raiden was also nice
well because i'm not a social parasite i don't care about what the general consensus is at release; it's a shit game purely because of the amount of cut scenes it forces upon you.
also if you use -oomer words you out yourself as a social media migrant, so uh, go back, your social camouflage does not work.
> The Patriots are this super shadowy group of AI that have been around for ages
> turns out it's just some side characters who served mostly as comic relief during the previous games
It tries too hard to overexplain stuff and comes off as fan service
V is great too and I'm tired of pretending it's not
Name a video game moment more disappointing
the Patriots made it seem like they were an AI from the 1900's, which is bullshit.
The fact that they were an AI made by the survivors of MGS3 in the 1960's that grew out of control is more reasonable.
this, only pw is bad
> Metal Gear
> reasonable
Since when was realism a concern for the series?
Kojima shouldn't have listened to his team and change the ending. His original idea was better.
I am willing to accept some crazy bullshit but an AI developed in the late 1800's/early 1900's by some random dudes, that crosses the line
It's more reasonable, the problem is it's an eleventh hour asspull with no foreshadowing. They also drop the Major Tom is Cypher and there's a whole shadow war that's been going on between him and BB, but now he's a catatonic Geezer being euthanized in a cemetery, so it doesn't matter
Based on "the crucible of the white house" line and the fact that the "AI" survives the virus, the original implication in MGS2 is that GW is some kind of egregore style super consciousness
>It tries too hard to overexplain stuff and comes off as fan service
that's because it is. kojima had no plans to continue the series so he gave them everything.
>but an AI developed in the late 1800's/early 1900's by some random dudes
>(Light up the niiiiiiiiight~)
except the game outright tells you it's an AI
the game also tells you to turn off your console and go outside.
some of the elements kojima seems to critique by invoking 'muh patriots' is the american weapons industrial complex fuelled by war, that relationship between private companies and the government.
and also the neo-liberal media actively justifying and encouraging war, and the relationship between the media and those companies and the government
they do the same thing in metal gear rising
he seems genuinely retarded but it all seems like just one big stand-in for jews in the grand scheme of things..
except it was the lying AI telling you to do that and fuck that noise
the point is, the entire game is meant to be 4th wall breaking.
This, which is why they did a prequel with 3 and never had a chance with 4.
You can't go this meta and then bring the plot back to something satisfying in universe.
It doesn't have to be 100% literal.
The theme of 2 was memetic reproduction. We can suppose that the Patriots were simply the memetic reproduction of the Philosophers and the AI its final form
MGS2 is just one giant allegory for society just like evangelion. this is just about 'muh memes' and american exceptionalism and morality
and thanks to 4, we know that is all bullshit
I saw the 4th wall breaks as distractions from the plot
>I saw the 4th wall breaks as distractions from the plot
That WAS the plot. You ARE Raiden.
>retcon the liquid ocelot arm
>retcon big boss’ death
>retcon big mama’s relationship with big boss
>retcon ocelot’s arc
>retcon mei ling’s story
>retcon naomi and the foxdie bullshit
>nanomachines nanomachines nanomachines didn’t you hear? Nanomachines
>foxdie foxdie foxdie didn’t you hear? Foxdie
>that shitty romance sub plot between Meryl and that cringey man who shits himself. There were no previous clues about their romantic link
>raiden is not a good character, he’s an emo homo faggot (inb4 but but but he saved old snake so he is a good character)
>that shitty vamp foxdie shit
>that beauty and the beauty unit that had nothing going for them, they had no reason to be there, no reason to fight old snake. Drebin had no reason to know their backstory whatsoever. And having a tough upbringing does not lead one to being a villain so that doesn’t make any sense
>that shittu romantic sub plot between otacon and naomi. That meryl romance story was bas but this is so much worse
I can go on and on. And you know these are true badly written plot points. This isn’t cherry picking. If you don’t agree with me, you don’t understand the basic essence of writing
>I can go on and on
You couldn't because you were already reaching like a motherfucker with this post.
Ted Kaczynski went much more broadly and profoundly long before MGS2
this is mostly just observation about tribal information-warfare from image-boards with some basic bitch takes about morality and absurdity sprinkled on top to make it seem deep
>Boomer old-fag here
It's because it's written for drooling retards who couldn't deal with the MGS2 ending and needed everything explained. So Kojima did just that.
MGS4 is a horrendously unbalanced, barely playable B movie with constant action set pieces and some of the worst writing in video game history.
Metal Gear Solid 4 is the Dark Knight Rises of video games. Everyone fucking loved it on release because they were swept up in the hype for the (supposedly) final installment of a beloved franchise. It wasn't until the honey moon had ended that fans started being more critical of it and slowly people realized how fucking dumb and nonsensical it actually was. Normalfags will always love MGS4 and TDKR, fans recognize them for being a mess, a fun mess, but a mess nonetheless.
Baneposters are normalfags now? What....?
>literally over 70 minutes straight of continuous cutscenes at one point in the game
Baneposting is literally people making fun of how awkward and silly the dialogue and writing was in that scene.
>That WAS the plot. You ARE Raiden.
I'm not a child soldier
>that fight with ocelot on the roof top is absolutely useless. No stakes whatsoever. Purely fan service like the rest of this sorry ass game
>Vamp is immortal because of nanomachines but he will die because of an injection. Like what? How does that make any sense? How does it explain surviving a bullet to the face? It doesn’t explain it and nanomachines being the answer to everything is dumb
>why did shadow moses get infested by those gekkos and the tiny round robot things? They serve no purpose there
>colonel campbell pretending to marry rosemary to protect her doesn’t make any sense
I can still go on and on but be a dickrider faggot that you are
Is there any way to play this without buying an old PS3? This is like the one game that's still completely locked on a single old console yet still too complicated to emulate without constant issues.
if any MGS4 apologists can give 1 (one) good reason why Naomi did ANY OF THE THINGS she did in the game then I will agree that MGS4 is good
It was a little bit too autistic for its own good.
> when Johnny reveals he doesn't have nanomachines because he he's afraid of needles, so randum xd
>when Solid Snake kills himself
>the part with Big Boss
yeah i can see how only retards like this, maybe Kojima should have doubled down