All the best girls are adult women

>all the best girls are adult women
>still stuck playing the teenager
Why Japs insist on this? Persona should have had an adult cast long ago.

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It DID have an adult cast long ago

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Because it is aimed at teenagers.

came here to post this and btfo zoomers

Impossible in Jap setting. The reason so many of their media set in Japan has teenage cast is because your life basically ends the moment you finish college. You become a shitty salaryman slaving away at one company 16h/day.
If you are from an European country that has Japanese tourists, you can see that. It is always either children of old people. Never adults. Teenage and college years are the only time you will ever be able to fuck around.
>he really thinks Persona's main fanbase are teenagers
it's 99% 26+ manchildren

Average gamer has been over 30 for at least 15 years now, but games are still designed with the youngest target audience in mind.

Yes, in mind, not the main audience.

I want a persona where you are in middle school and you can have relations with highschoolers and adults.

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"Average" includes mobile shitters and across all genres. It tells you very little about who might actually play a specific game.

It doesn't because mobile games on phones weren't popular back when this first started getting measured.

Based child predator Kawakami.

Messy Hair Supremacy

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it's the nature of a human being to go after a younger sex partner, look at the Uohhh fags for instance. therefore it is realistic that anime teachers fuck students

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I raise you half-messy, half-ponytail.

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I will never understand the kawakami case.
She tutored a student which died for an incident. How is this a criminal offense or gave the parents the advantage over her?
I mean yeah they could have spread the voice a student she tutored died on a completely unrelated incident (was a work incident if i remember correctly) so whatever.

You try to be smart but it's widely accepted that P1-2 are way different games than P3-5. They are closer to being your typical SMT spin-offs while since P3, the series gained their own formula.

They're still persona games, they contain the same jungian themes that are prevalent in all six games

Yeah and the WORST gameplay.

you mad westranny? i was an exchange student in japan and fucked my sensei's sideways pussy every day

Persona 2 has more ties to p5 then the other games. Adults, a cognition based world which changes from a factor (gossips (2), popularity (5)).

top right is normal and natural!

The reason why all that stuff seems weird is because the game is extremely Japan-centric.
If Yea Forums was mostly Japanese users with same mentality, they'd probably be bitching about P5 being preachy of SJW even because it goes really fucking hard and on the nose about some aspects of Japanese society and politics. It's also the reason why to us Kamoshida seems like the only good Palace ruler because he's "personal" and we have "real stakes". It's because he is someone that everyone across cultures can agree is a bad person but the more the game goes, the more the problems get Japan-specific. There are for example plenty of people who believe Okumura isn't as bad but this is a country where you are expected to work for one company your entire life, which changes the perspective a bit.

Back to Kawakami, it is entirely possible in a fucked up country like Nippon for a situation like this to happen. She has an reputation to uphold and if it came out that a student died because of her (she was told multiple times not to help him), her career is over. Also it's later shown in Sae's palace that in Japan being sued is a big fucking deal.

iirc Kawamommy was told to stop tutoring him because he was skipping school and a waste of time, or else she would be fired. He worked part-time jobs and got burnt out, then got hit by a car. Kawakami felt responsible and the asshole family tried to sue her, claiming it was her fault for failing him. It wasn't a crime, though.

Daily reminder P3 was better


You're looking at it from a legal standpoint, rather than a social one. Kawakami was tutoring the kid, but was pressured to stop because of societal pressures, namely that the kid, for some reason, had a delinquent reputation. They wanted to force him to transfer out of the school. When she was forced to stop the tutoring the students adoptive parents said that they blamed her for his exhaustion that lead to him dying in the car crash.
But even more so, the reason they're able to blackmail her is that Kawakami blames herself for giving up on the student.

>she was told multiple times not to help him
So in japan is better not to help to non risck backlash like in china?
>tried to sue her
>wasn't a crime
So whatever? I mean i remember about the 99% but that is not even a crime.

i'm sad that we weren't allowed to bang kashiwagi from persona 4
the social link with the teacher turning out to be the girl you were e-dating in persona 3 was good though

She wanted to do the right thing, which was help the kid succeed because his parents died and his relatives were manipulative assholes. It wasn't a crime, but they threatened to go to the press that she caused the death of one of her students. Even if it isn't true, she'd still be discredited and lose her job. Reputation carries really far in Nip society.

P3 is by far the most overrated Persona. I agree it has arguably the most "realistic" cast where not everyone fucking loves you and you have actual rivals/people jelaous over you being so cool and some say it has "best themes" but eh. It's not that good. People forget it's biggest flaws:
>by far the worst dungeons, it's all procedurally generated grind until a deadline hits and you have to hope you grinded enough to be able to beat the boss
>most clunky gameplay with lack of QoL features introduced later
>no party member S Links
>The Answer is shit
>Aigis is arguably a worse Mary Sue than Marie
>cannot control teammates
>it has great Social Links but also some of the worst S Links in the series as well, they are really uneven

>reason they're able to blackmail her is that Kawakami blames herself for giving up on the student.
Yes but before the change of heart se tells them to fuck off. Then they come to school and threatens her to something like spreading the voice around.

>all the best girls are adult women
Yes your selection of:
>Literal THOT
>Bland as shit but propped up by femdom shitters
>Hick touched by the devil

You fuck off with your dogwater taste.

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>no party member S Links
The fuck are you on about?

>no party member S Links
good, this allows them to actually grow throughout the main story

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she was doing it because she felt guilty, had nothing to do with criminality

He means you cannot choose to go and rank them up, they are story driven. He doesn't realize that this means that your party members can now have actual personal stories that are reflected in the main story line, instead of in Persona 4 and 5 where your party from basically the start of the game is the same as at the end, their only growth being only what was directly related to punching a bad man.

>Bland as shit but propped up by femdom shitters
For a second I thought you meant Makoto, and was wondering if people considered her as one of the adult characters, even if she technically is. But then I remembered she has a sister.
Also, I'd love Ohya to be my drinking buddy.

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i don't think a single person plays the series for the gameplay bro
people like 3 for the story, and story is all that anyone cares about for persona

Yukari, Mitsuru, and Fuuka all have S.Links in the original game and Aigis has one in FES and even more party members get S.Links in FemC route in Portable.

I believe he's talking about Tae there, user.

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>Clunky gameplay
>No party member s-links
Retard is retarded, P3chads just keep winning

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So how many men did she "service" with her maid and master routine? She'll definitely have a roastie vaj.

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i judge persona games by how i feel when i finish them
i don't give a shit about any of the categories people like to rate games on, i simply care about how they leave me feeling
that being said, persona 3 fucked me up so i will always love it no matter whether it's shit or not

If it was a full on VN it wouldn't be nearly as popular. The gameplay, as simple/shallow as a lot of it is, is necessary for engagement.

Weird since the stories are not even that good. They are ok for the most part

roastie vaj still a vaj my nigga
*high fives ryuji*

yeah i agree, the gameplay is definitely necessary i'm just saying that's not anyone's reason for playing/liking the games (glad to see it's getting better over time though, thought p5 was way better than say p3)

Ryuji is a full on bro, I hate that little shit Morgana so much and how the cat gets the groups sympathy over Ryuji when that little arse licker has been back biting my boy Ryuji the entire game.

yeah that's a common criticism, i think the stories are just meant for a particular type of audience.. not everyone is gonna think they are good
i honestly couldn't fucking stand 5 (my first game) because of how corny it was and the story but somehow ended up enjoying the end which led me to 4 and 3 which i genuinely liked the stories for

>>by far the worst dungeons, it's all procedurally generated grind until a deadline hits and you have to hope you grinded enough to be able to beat the boss
P4's """dungeons"""" are way worse. At least the Tartarus floors are short.

there's always a special place in my heart for the side character that is first on board
i think persona does it really well in 3-5 actually - all 3 have your first friend be that dumb nigga who everyone laughs at but is always there for you and sticks with you to the end

yea cause they threaten to expose her maid moonlighting which would get you canned as a teacher anywhere

persona 3 is my favorite in the series but even i will admit it's got by far the worst dungeon design; i don't even know how you can argue that p4 is worse lol
p4 is literally just the same but with different themes and music changes which i think are objective improvements

I love it when games give you that type of friend, as you say a dumb fuck up most of the time but is 100% loyal and you know will always have your back. I don't know if this type of friend exists in real life, but I haven't experienced it wish I did though.

it definitely exists irl, but not to the same degree of perfection that persona portrays it as - it's more messy and bumpy
i've got a friend that i met in elementary school that i haven't seen in years because i'm a recluse but ~20 years later he has specifically told me that if i ever needed help hiding a body he'd be there for me no matter what (might be weird to say but it was the kind of thing said to demonstrate the firmness of the bond)
i hope you find someone like that someday!

P4 had those long, empty hallways that went forever.
I'm not saying that Tartarus is good, I just think it's not as bad as those fucking hallways.

I think later teenage years strikes a middle ground where it's not too far away from young players to feel unrelatable, and also not too far enough from the 20-30+yos to feel too embarrassing while playing.
Funnily enough, it's very young characters that everyone seems to hate. Children hate playing as children and most adults feel insecure about it, so much so that playing as a loli and openly sexualizing her is less embarrassing for most than just playing as a 10yo boy.

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>Yea Forums's favorite is the whore teacher that is requested by other men

My favourite is the good doctor

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Ohya was criminally undeveloped, everything rotates arond muh director and muh quota and the real issue is addressed only at 8+, i mean who gives a shit about her job i wanted to see the colleageue thing.

hmm, desu i never even felt annoyed or noticed the long hallways.. i just appreciate the dungeons more than tartarus because of the thematic changes and different music

I hate morgana but ryuji going full mishima before the fast food guy was unsufferable.

>want takemi to be my girlfriend
>mfw I got the rejection scene (this was only added in Royal) because I picked the wrong dialogues earlier in her social link
rejected/cucked even in a video game... ;_;

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i have never liked hentai or any weird cartoon sexual shit and i think people who do are disgusting freaks
but why the fuck is she so fucking hot? i had a boner every time i saw her while playing

>rejection scene
What? you have rejections scenes? How?

>mishima before the fast food guy was unsufferable
huh? can you clarify what you're referring to? wondering if i missed something so i don't get what you're saying or what

NG+ just to get your virtual dick sucked
go get em tiger

i dont even know how but apparently its rare but can happen. When I confessed I loved her, she sorta brushed me off and said "lets stay friends instead".
Apparently these rejection scenes were only added in Royal and no one knows what or why they trigger sometimes.
Maybe because I confessed love to Futaba first earlier in the game and it caused the rejection? I dunno.

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Last one makes it looks like the boy is jumping for the kiss

No i mean ryuji went full mishima after the yakuza guy, he was full "muh popularity" "lets ask girls to fuck revealing them we are the p.t." basically doing what mishima was doing just for fame and awards. Always with that fucking phone off "look guys they are talking about us on the internet" meanwhile the others didnt give two fucks about it. He was really autistic and unconfortable, considering he already spilled the beans with makoto never keeping his fucking mout shout.